Es gibt 100 gute Gründe, warum Sie dieses Buch kaufen sollten. Doch die verraten wir Ihnen hier nicht. Nur so viel: Wenn Sie die ABAP Workbench als Ihr zweites Wohnzimmer begreifen, ist dieses Buch genau das richtige für Sie! Die Mini-Tutorials in diesem Buch unterstützen Sie dabei, Software in ABAP effizienter zu entwickeln. Tipps und Tricks, wie Sie sich bei der Bearbeitung von Quelltext das Leben leichter machen, wie Sie häufig wiederkehrende Programmieraufgaben automatisieren oder umständliches Vorgehen früherer Tage endlich über Bord werfen. Sie werden die ABAP Workbench in einem ganz neuen Licht erleben. Eine klare Sprache, Klick-für-Klick-Anleitungen, Zusammenfassungen und Hervorhebungen sorgen dabei für einen schnellen und unkomplizierten Lernerfolg.
Bei ansehen →The package SDOK (SAP Knowledge Provider) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SDOK |
Short Text | SAP Knowledge Provider |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SDOK contains 45 function groups.
SDC_ARCH_LOIO | SDOK: Archiving Class LOIO |
SDC_ARCH_PHCO | SDOK: Archiving Class LOIO |
SDC_ARCH_PHIO | SDOK: Archiving Class LOIO |
SDC_ARCH_REIO | SDOK: Archiving Class LOIO |
SDC_CHECK | SDOK: Consistency Checks for Instances |
SDC_CNV | SDOK: Conversion Exits (Input/Output) |
SDC_CONTENT_RECOVERY | SDOK: Winback of Document Content |
SDC_DIALOG | SDOK: Dialog Modules |
SDC_DYNAMIC_ATTRIBUTES | SDOK: Access to Dynamic Attributes |
SDC_MIME | SDOK: Access to Table MIMETYPES |
SDC_MODEL | SDOK: Model Interface |
SDC_MODEL_CACHED | SDOK: Buffered Model Data Access |
SDC_MODEL_GEN | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SDC_MON | SDOK: Monitoring |
SDC_PROF | SDOK: Profiles |
SDC_TRANSLATION | SDOK: Translation Connection |
SDC_VCAT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SDC_VPCAT | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SDC_WSDS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SDC_WSLC | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SDCB | SDOK: Browser call and URL creation |
SDCD | SDOK: Various KPRO functions |
SDCE | SDOK: Connection to Retrieval |
SDCF | SDOK: Support control framework |
SDCG | SDOK: Global access to documents |
SDCH | SDOK: KPro Access to Hierarchies |
SDCI | SDOK: Internal functions |
SDCL | SDOK: Local access to documents |
SDCL2 | SDOK: Local access to documents |
SDCM | SDOK: Settings table maintenance |
SDCP | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SDCQ | SDOK: SAP lock for KPro objects |
SDCR | SDOK: Relocation of document contents |
SDCS | SDOK: Document Area |
SDCT | SDOK: Transport connection |
SDCW | SDOK: PC file transfer |
SDCX | SDOK: Complex Operations |
SDCY | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SDCZ | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SDOK_CODEPAGE_FOR_LAISO | Code Page Determination |
SDOK_EXTERNAL_ACCESS | Access to External Objects |
SDOK_MASS | mass handling |
SDOK_UPDTSK | SDOK: Update Capability |
SDOK_XML | SDOK: XMP Support |
SDRV | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package SDOK contains 18 transactions.
OADI | Maintain KPro Distribution Tables |
OALO | Maintain KPro Locations |
SKPR02 | Maintain Document Areas |
SKPR03 | Display Document Areas |
SKPR04 | Maintaining Physical Document Class |
SKPR06 | Index Activation of Document Area |
SKPR07 | Monitoring for KPRO Retrieval |
SKPR08 | Category for Document Class |
SKPR09 | Test Content Repositories |
SKPR12 | Maintain MIME Content-Types |
SKPR13 | File Name Extensions |
SKPR14 | Web Server for Document Areas |
SKPR15 | Web Servers for Document Classes |
SKPRM01 | Copy Model Entities |
SKPRM03 | Copy Class Links |
SKPRM04 | Copy Instance Table Set |
SKPRMC1 | Customizing Entity Attributes |
SKPRMIC | Invalidate Model Layer Caches |
SAP Package SDOK contains 192 database tables.
IWB0IDXSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB0 |
IWB1IDXSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1 |
IWB2IDXSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB2 |
IWB4IDXSTA | ASAP:: Status Table for Indexing Documents: IWB1 |
KPRO_LOIO | KPRO: CD: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
KPRO_PHIO | KPRO: CD: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
KPROCHKF | KPRO: File name of last check-out |
KPROCHKFCD | KPRO: CD: File Name of Last Check-out |
KPROCHKO | KPro: check-out data for a physical information object |
KPROCHKOCD | KPRO: CD: Check-out Data for a Physical Information Object |
KPROIDXSTA | KPRO: Status table for indexing documents |
KPROLOIOTD | KPRO: CD: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects |
KPROLOPRCD | KPRO: CD: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects |
KPROLORECD | KPRO:CD:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Objects |
KPROLORICD | KPRO: CD: Incoming Relationships of Logical Info Objects |
KPROPHF | KPRO: Files of physical information objects |
KPROPHFCD | KPRO: CD: Files of Physical Information Objects |
KPROPHHR | KPRO: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects |
KPROPHHRCD | KPRO: CD: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects |
KPROPHIO | KPRO: Instances of physical information objects |
KPROPHNM | KPRO: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
KPROPHNMCD | KPRO: CD: Usage of Target Documents in Physical Objects |
KPROPHPR | KPRO: Attributes of physical information objects |
KPROPHPRCD | KPRO: CD: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
KPROPHRE | KPRO: Outgoing links of physical information objects |
KPROPHRECD | KPRO: CD: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info Objects |
KPROPHRI | KPRO: Incoming links of physical information objects |
KPROPHRICD | KPRO: CD: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info Objects |
SDOK_PRELIM_CONT | Information about Handling Document Contents |
SDOKCHKF | SDOK: File name of last checkout |
SDOKCHKO | SDOK: Checkout data for physical information object |
SDOKCLPROP | SDOK: Assessable attributes dependent on document class |
SDOKCONT1 | SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export) |
SDOKCPAGEHDC | SDOK Code Pages: Customer Table |
SDOKDIDJOB | SDOK: Request-Table for De-Indexing (Client-Dependent) |
SDOKDISTR | Distribution of Categories |
SDOKDOCSP | SDOK: Document Areas (System Setting) |
SDOKDOCSPC | SDOK: Document Areas (Web Server) |
SDOKDOCSPH | SDOK: Document Areas |
SDOKDOCSPT | SDOK: Descriptions for Document Areas |
SDOKFEXT | File Name Extension for MIME Content Type (SAP) |
SDOKFEXT_C | File Name Extension for MIME Content Type (Customer Table) |
SDOKFORM | *** Out-of-Date Table (to be deleted shortly) *** |
SDOKFORMT | SDOK: Descriptions of formats |
SDOKIDXATR | SDOK: Attributes for Identifying Index Categories |
SDOKIDXJOB | SDOK: Request-Table for De-Indexing Documents |
SDOKIDXSP | SDOK: Header Table Index Space |
SDOKIDXSPA | SDOK: Index Space: Delivery Flag |
SDOKIDXSPT | SDOK: Index Space Descriptions |
SDOKIDXSPW | SDOK: Index Space: Indexing Flag |
SDOKIDXSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
SDOKIOCHNG | SDOK: Delta Recording of KPro Objects on Upgrade |
SDOKIOCL | SDOK: Information object classes |
SDOKIOCLPR | SDOK: Document class attribute features |
SDOKIOCLRC | SDOK: Relationships between classes and info objects |
SDOKIOCLRE | SDOK: Relationships between classes and info objects |
SDOKIOCLT | SDOK: Information object class descriptions |
SDOKIOTYPE | SDOK: BOR object types for information object classes |
SDOKLNPR | SDOK: Attributes for logical ref. points (target anchor) |
SDOKLOC | SDOK: Locations as Distribution Criterion |
SDOKLOCL | SDOK: Logical information object classes |
SDOKLOCL_C | SDOK: Local entries for logical info object classes |
SDOKLOCT | SDOK: Location Descriptions |
SDOKLOIO | SDOK: Logical information object instances |
SDOKLOIOT | SDOK: Logical information object descriptions |
SDOKLONM | SDOK: Instances for logical ref. points (target anchor) |
SDOKLOPR | SDOK: Logical information object attribute values |
SDOKLORE | SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
SDOKLOREPR | SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs |
SDOKLORI | SDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
SDOKLORIPR | SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs |
SDOKLORTAB | SDOK: Tables of Attributes of Relationships for LOIOs |
SDOKLOTAB | SDOK: Tables for logical information objects |
SDOKMCLCL | SDOK/Model: Virtual IO Classes for Real IO Classes |
SDOKME | SDOK/Model: Model Entities |
SDOKMEP | SDOK/Model: Model Entity Properties |
SDOKMEPC | SDOK/Model/Customizing: Model Entity Properties |
SDOKMESA | SDOK/Model: Model Entity Standad Attributes |
SDOKMET | SDOK/Model: Model Entity Descriptions |
SDOKMEXT | SDOK/Model: Model Enhancements |
SDOKMEXTT | SDOK/Model: Model Entity Descriptions |
SDOKMIA | SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attributes |
SDOKMIAC | SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attributes |
SDOKMIAP | SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attribute Properties |
SDOKMIAPC | SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attribute Properties |
SDOKMIME | MIME content type for file name enhancement |
SDOKMIME_C | MIME content type for file name enhancement (customer table) |
SDOKMIMS | MIME Content Type Replacement for Display/Editing |
SDOKMIMS_C | MIME Content Type Replacement (Customer Table) |
SDOKMITAB | SDOK/Model: Instance Tables for IO Classes |
SDOKMREL | SDOK/Model: Relation Links |
SDOKMSHBUF | Table for Model Cache |
SDOKMSRC | SDOK/Model: Source Links |
SDOKMTAR | SDOK/Model: Target Links |
SDOKMXA | SDOK/Model: Context Class Attributes |
SDOKMXAP | SDOK/Model: Context Class Attribute Properties |
SDOKNODE | SDOK: Node table for general structure repository |
SDOKNODER | General Structure Storage References |
SDOKNODET | SDOK: Name of Nodes for General Structure Repository |
SDOKPHCBUF | SDOK: Table for document contents (import/export) |
SDOKPHCL | SDOK: Physical information object classes |
SDOKPHCL_C | SDOK: Local Definitions for Classes of Physical Info Objects |
SDOKPHF | SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects |
SDOKPHFCD | SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects, Client-Specific |
SDOKPHHR | SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects |
SDOKPHHRPR | SDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships |
SDOKPHIO | SDOK: Physical information object instances |
SDOKPHNM | SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects |
SDOKPHNMPR | SDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships |
SDOKPHPR | SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
SDOKPHRE | SDOK: Outgoing Links of Physical Information Objects |
SDOKPHREPR | SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs |
SDOKPHRI | SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships |
SDOKPHRIPR | SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs |
SDOKPHRTAB | SDOK: Tables of Attributes for Relationships to PHIOs |
SDOKPHTAB | SDOK: Tables for physical information objects |
SDOKPHVBUF | SDOK: Table for Contents of Virtual (Generated) Documents |
SDOKPROF | SDOK: Profiles |
SDOKPROP | SDOK: Information object attributes |
SDOKPROPCL | SDOK: Assessable document class attributes |
SDOKPROPT | SDOK: Texts for information object attributes |
SDOKPRVL | SDOK: Valid attribute features |
SDOKPRVLT | SDOK: Attribute feature descriptions |
SDOKRE | SDOK: Relationship instances |
SDOKRECL | SDOK: Relationship classes |
SDOKRELOC | SDOK: Table for location requests |
SDOKREPOS | SDOK: Permissibility of relationships |
SDOKREPR | SDOK: Relationship attributes |
SDOKRETAB | SDOK: Relationship tables |
SDOKST | SDOK: Structure object instances |
SDOKSTCA | SDOK: Physical information object memory categories |
SDOKSTCAE | SDOK: Category |
SDOKSTCAT | SDOK: Descriptions of memory categories |
SDOKSTCDSP | SDOK: Document Areas for Storage Categories |
SDOKSTCL | SDOK: Structure object classes |
SDOKSTPR | SDOK: Structure object attributes |
SDOKSTPROP | SDOK: Attribute conditions for structure objects (folders) |
SDOKSTRE | SDOK: Physical storage locations (Storage Repository) |
SDOKSTRET | SDOK: Descriptions of physical storage locations |
SDOKSTT | SDOK: Descriptions of structure objects |
SDOKSTTAB | SDOK: Structure object tables |
SDOKTRANSL | SDOK: Translation Status of PHIOs |
SDOKWSDS | Web Server for Document Areas |
SDOKWSLC | Web Servers for Document Classes |
SDOLCHKO | SDOK: Checkout Data for Language Delivery-Relevant PHIOs |
SDOLCONT1 | SDOK: Table for Language Delivery-Relevant Document Content |
SDOLIDXSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Lang. Del.-Relevant PHIOs |
SDOLPHF | SDOK: Components of Language Delivery-Relevant PHIOs |
SDOLPHHR | SDOK: Outgoing Hyperlinks of Lang.-Delivery Relevant PHIOs |
SDOLPHIO | SDOK: Language Delivery-Relevant Instances of PHIOs |
SDOLPHNM | SDOK: Use of Target Anchors in Lang. Delivery-Relevant PHIOs |
SDOLPHPR | SDOK: Attributes of Language Delivery-Relevant PHIOs |
SDOLPHRE | SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Lang. Del.-Relevant PHIOs |
SDOLPHRI | SDOK: Incoming Relationships of Lang. Del.-Relevant PHIOs |
SMAICHKO | Checkout Data of a Physical Doc. for App. Server |
SMAICONT1 | Table for Document Contents for Application Server |
SMAIIDXSTA | Indexing Status Language-Indepdt Doc. for mySAP App. Server |
SMAILOIO | Lang.-Independent Logical Document for mySAP App. Server |
SMAILOIOT | Descriptions of Logical Documents for mySAP App. Server |
SMAILOPR | Attribute Values of Logical Documents for mySAP App. Server |
SMAILORE | Outgoing Relationships Logical Docs for mySAP App. Server |
SMAILORI | Incoming Relationships Logical Docs. for mySAP App. Server |
SMAIPHF | Files Lang.-Independent Physical Doc. for mySAP App. Server |
SMAIPHHR | Hyperlink-Relevant Lang.-Indpndnt Doc. for mySAP App. Server |
SMAIPHIO | Tnstances of Lang.-Indpndnt Phys. Doc. for mySAP App. Server |
SMAIPHPR | Attributes Lang.-Indpndnt Phys. Doc. for mySAP App. Server |
SMAIPHRE | Outgoing Relations for Lang.-Ind. Doc. for mySAP App. Server |
SMAIPHRI | Incoming Relations for Lang.-Ind. Doc. for mySAP App. Server |
SMASCHKO | SDOK: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object |
SMASCONT1 | SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) |
SMASIDXSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
SMASLOIO | Logical Documents for mySAP Application Server |
SMASLOIOT | Descriptions of Logical Document for Application Server |
SMASLOPR | Attribute Values of Logical Documents for Application Server |
SMASLORE | SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
SMASLOREPR | SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for LOIOs |
SMASLORI | SDOK: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
SMASLORIPR | SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for LOIOs |
SMASPHF | SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects |
SMASPHHR | SDOK: Outgoing hyperlinks from physical objects |
SMASPHHRPR | SDOK: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships |
SMASPHIO | Instances of Physical Documents for Application Server |
SMASPHNM | SDOK: Use of target anchors in physical objects |
SMASPHNMPR | SDOK: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships |
SMASPHPR | SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
SMASPHRE | SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects |
SMASPHREPR | SDOK: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships for PHIOs |
SMASPHRI | SDOK: Physical information object incoming relationships |
SMASPHRIPR | SDOK: Attributes of Incoming Relationships for PHIOs |
TESTDIDSTA | SDOK: Status Table for Indexing Documents |
SAP Package SDOK contains 14 views.
H_SDOKIOTY | Help view for BOR object types from info objects |
H_SDOKLOCL | Help view for classes for logical info objects |
H_SDOKPHCL | Help view for classes for physical info objects |
H_SDOKRECL | Help view for classes for links between info objects |
SDOKLOC_V | Locations as Distribution Criterion |
SDOKMEPC1 | SDOK/Model/Customizing: Model Entity Properties |
SDOKSTCA_V | Maintain Categories |
SDOKSTRE_V | Maintaining Repositories |
V_SDOKDCSP | Document Areas (Maintenance View) |
V_SDOKIDSP | Maintenance View for Index Activation of Document Area |
V_SDOKMCON | Model: IO Class Links in Link Areas |
V_SDOKPCAT | Categories for Physical Document Classes |
V_SDOKPHCL | Expiration Time for Display Buffer (Maintenance View) |
V_SDOKSTCA | Maintain Categories |
SAP Package SDOK contains 201 structures.
SDCMIA | SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attributes (Internal) |
SDCMIAP | SDOK/Model: IO Classes Instance Attribute Property (Intern.) |
SDOK_CATEG | SDOK: Storage Category with Short Description |
SDOK_CODEPAGE_FOR_LASIO | Determine Code Page with Search Engine, Parameters |
SDOK_ENQ | SDOK: Lock Fields for Knowledge Provider Objects |
SDOK_ENQCD | SDOK: Lock Fields of Client-Specific KPro Objects |
SDOK_FAX_RECIPIENT | Address for Fax Recipient |
SDOK_FAXR | Address for Fax Recipient |
SDOK_IFACE | SDOK: Interface Fields for Knowledge Provider |
SDOK_IPNET | SDOK: Map IP Addresses to Location |
SDOK_PFLIN | SDOK: Profile Entries |
SDOK_STRUCTENTRY | Structure Entry |
SDOK_STRUCTENTRYF | Structure Entry |
SDOK_STRUCTURE_ITEM | Structure Entry |
SDOK_TARCH | File Information for Copying from/to HTTP Content Server |
SDOK_TDIR | SDOK: Information about deleting directory |
SDOK_TFEXP | SDOK: File information for export via transport |
SDOK_TFIMP | SDOK: File information for import via transport |
SDOK_TREXP | SDOK: Document Info on Exporting Contents for Transports |
SDOK_TRIMP | SDOK: Document Info on Importing Contents for Transports |
SDOK_WSRED | SDOK: Map LOIO Class and Location to Web Server |
SDOK_XDIO | Referenced Info Object and Its Content |
SDOK_XERR | SDOK: XML Parser Error Messages |
SDOK_XPROP | CF: Name/Value Pair (Without Length Restriction) |
SDOK_XSTK | SDOK: Stack for XML Functionality |
SDOKA101 | Structure for Administration Screen Search |
SDOKACSMOD | SDOK: Dummy structure for type of WWW server access |
SDOKALOIO | Logical Object |
SDOKALOIOD | Logical Object |
SDOKALOIOP | Logical Object (Property) |
SDOKAPHCO | Physical Object: Content |
SDOKAPHCOB | Physical Object: Content (Binary) |
SDOKAPHCOI | Physical Object: Content (Info) |
SDOKAPHCOT | Physical Object: Content (Text) |
SDOKAPHIO | Physical object |
SDOKAPHIOP | Physical Object (Property) |
SDOKAREIO | Relationship |
SDOKAREIOP | Relationship (Property) |
SDOKATERR | SDOK/Model: Attribute with Error Code |
SDOKATTRIB | SDOK: Information for definition of attribute |
SDOKATTRQU | sdok: Class-Independent Characteristics of Attributes |
SDOKCACHE | SDOK: Addresing of Cache Servers |
SDOKCAT | SDOK: Content Category |
SDOKCH_INC | SDOK: Fields for checkout data for information object |
SDOKCHLOCA | SDOK: Storage location of file on local PC |
SDOKCLASS | SDOK: Class for information objects |
SDOKCNTASC | SDOK: line of text document content for Web server |
SDOKCNTBIN | SDOK: Line of binary document content for WWW server |
SDOKCOMACI | SDOK: Enhanced Specifications for Component Access |
SDOKCOMACS | SDOK: Definitions for Component Access via Web Server |
SDOKCOMCHI | SDOK: Component Information for the Import |
SDOKCOMCHO | SDOK: Component Information for the Export |
SDOKCOMDIF | SDOK: Delta of Component Information about Content Server |
SDOKCOMPCS | SDOK: Component Properties Relevant to Content Server |
SDOKCOMPNM | SDOK: Name of Document Component (as Structure) |
SDOKCOMPRC | Indexing Status of a PHIO Component |
SDOKCOMPRP | SDOK: Component Attributes with Document ID |
SDOKCOMPRS | SDOK: Component Attributes without Document ID |
SDOKCOMPRU | SDOK: Component Properties mit Access URL |
SDOKCOMUPD | SDOK: Component Information for Update |
SDOKCOMURL | SDOK: Component and corresponding URL |
SDOKCSPPT | SDOK/Model: Class Partner in a Link Area |
SDOKCXASEL | SDOK/Context Reolution: Attribute Selector |
SDOKCXSEL | SDOK/Context Resolution: Selector |
SDOKDESC | SDOK: Language-dependent Descriptive Texts |
SDOKDIDSTA | Client-Dependent Structure of Status Table for Indexing |
SDOKDOCDIF | SDOK: Delta of Document Information about Content Server |
SDOKDOCPCS | SDOK: Document Properties Relevant to Content Server |
SDOKDSPACE | Structure Contains Document Area |
SDOKEAT | SDOK/Model: Entity Attribute with Qualities |
SDOKEATTR | SDOK/Model: Entity with Attribute and its Qualities |
SDOKEMSPC | SDOK/Model: Model Entity and Document Model Area |
SDOKEPR | SDOK/Model: Entity Property |
SDOKEPROP | SDOK/Model: Entity with Property |
SDOKERRKCD | SDOK: Error Code for a Document, Client-Specific |
SDOKERRKEY | SDOK: Error code for document |
SDOKERRMSG | SDOK: Info object with error information |
SDOKERRMSP | SDOK: Relationship with error information |
SDOKERRMSR | SDOK: Relationship with error information |
SDOKEXPORT | SDOK: Object info and file info for export |
SDOKFILACI | SDOK: Entries for document contents in internal tables |
SDOKFILACS | SDOK: information for file access using Web server |
SDOKFILEPD | SDOK: File attributes and directory on desktop |
SDOKFILEPR | SDOK: File attributes with BOR key for object |
SDOKFLIDX | Structure for Index Space Flags |
SDOKHIER | SDOK: Book structure |
SDOKIDSTA2 | Statistics Structure for New Indexing, Class by Class |
SDOKIDSTA3 | Statistics Structure for New Indexing, Class by Class |
SDOKIDSTAT | Statistics Structure for New Indexing |
SDOKIDXADM | Structure for Administration of Indexing |
SDOKIDXDOC | Structure for Indexed Objects |
SDOKIDXFIL | Information on PHIO Components |
SDOKIDXMRK | Table Structure of sretidcat with Selector |
SDOKIDXST2 | Statistics Structure for Indexed Documents |
SDOKIMPORT | SDOK: Object info and file info for import |
SDOKIRCDAT | SDOK: Fields for IRC calls |
SDOKLAERR | SDOK: Error codes for language definitions |
SDOKLAN1 | SDOK: Language + Codepage |
SDOKLANGU | SDOK: Language by internal representation and ISO norm |
SDOKLO_INC | SDOK: Fields for instances for logical information objects |
SDOKLO_PRV | SDOK: Attribute fields in header record for log. info obj. |
SDOKLOGLOG | SDOK: Logical and physical information object |
SDOKLOGPHY | SDOK: Logical and physical information object |
SDOKMARNG | SDOK/Model: Attribute Selection |
SDOKMATT | SDOK/Model: Attribute with Qualities |
SDOKMATTP | SDOK/Model: Attribute with Property |
SDOKMATTQU | SDOK/Model: Attribute Qualities |
SDOKMATTT | SDOK/Model: Selector Type and Attribute with Qualities |
SDOKMATTTP | SDOK/Model: Selector Type and Attribute with Properties |
SDOKMCCS | SDOK/Model: Class Link Area |
SDOKMCLS | SDOK/Model: IO Class |
SDOKMCON | SDOK/Model: IO Class Link |
SDOKMCONV | SDOK/Model/Versioning: IO Class Link |
SDOKMCTX | SDOK/Model: Context Class |
SDOKMDEV | SDOK/Model: Definitions for Development Objects |
SDOKMEAV | SDOK/Model/Versioning: Attribute Qualities |
SDOKMEERR | SDOK/Model: Model Entity with Error Code |
SDOKMEFPV | SDOK/Model/Versioning: Free Entity Property |
SDOKMEHLP | SDOK/Model: Entity Data for Value Help |
SDOKMENAME | SDOK/Model: Model Entity Name |
SDOKMENT | SDOK/Modell: Model Entity |
SDOKMENTA | SDOK/Model/Buffering: Active Model Object |
SDOKMESPV | SDOK/Model/Versioning: Standard Entity Property |
SDOKMETV | SDOK/Model/Versioning: Entity Description |
SDOKMEV | SDOK/Model/Versioning: Header Data |
SDOKMIAPV | SDOK/Model/Versioning: Instance Attribute Property |
SDOKMIAV | SDOK/Model/Verisoning: IO Class Instance Attribute |
SDOKMKV | SDOK/Model/Verisoning: Header Data IO Class |
SDOKMLOHI | SDOK/Model: Value Interval (for Attribute Value Help) |
SDOKMSTAB | SDOK/Model: Secondary Table |
SDOKMTAB | SDOK/Model: Tabulation |
SDOKMXAPV | SDOK/Model/Versioning: Context Attribute Characteristic |
SDOKMXAV | SDOK/Model/Versioning: Context Class Attribute |
SDOKMXENT | SDOK/Model: Enhancement Entity |
SDOKMXENTD | SDOK/Model: Enhancement Entity Description |
SDOKMXPROG | SDOK/Model: Enhancement Program |
SDOKNEDFLG | SDOK: Flag for skip when editor is called |
SDOKOBJCTR | Document with Read-Only Flag |
SDOKOBJD | Object with Short Description |
SDOKOBJECT | SDOK: BOR key for information object |
SDOKOBJID | Structure for Object IDs Without Class |
SDOKOPRERR | SDOK: Object, attribute name (in case of error) |
SDOKPATH | SDOK: Path for file |
SDOKPF_INC | SDOK: Fields for files for physical info objects |
SDOKPH_INC | SDOK: Fields for physical information object instances |
SDOKPH_PRV | SDOK: Attribute fields in header record of obj. |
SDOKPHLACA | SDOK: Physical Document with Language and Content Category |
SDOKPHLO | PHIO+ Corresponding LOIO |
SDOKPHRECO | SDOK: List of Physical Documents for Recovery |
SDOKPOSREL | SDOK: Valid Class Combinations for Relationships |
SDOKPRERR | SDOK/Model: Property with Error Code |
SDOKPROPLD | SDOK: Definitions for Deleting Attribute Version of Objects |
SDOKPROPTC | SDOK: Document Class, Attribute Name and Version |
SDOKPROPTD | SDOK: Entries for deletion of attribute features |
SDOKPROPTL | SDOK: Object, attribute name and feature |
SDOKPROPTN | SDOK: Name of object attributes |
SDOKPROPTY | SDOK: Object attribute, name and feature |
SDOKPRREF | SDOK: Reference Fields for Attribute Definitions |
SDOKQUPROP | SDOK: Fields for query |
SDOKR3LLST | SDOK: Structure with R3L parameters |
SDOKRE_INC | SDOK: Fields for relationship instances |
SDOKRECLFL | SDOK: Relationship Class and Partner Class as Filter Struct. |
SDOKRELA | SDOK: Info object with relationship and partner object |
SDOKRELATN | SDOK: Relation with both partners |
SDOKRELIST | SDOK: List of relationships for information object |
SDOKRESDOC | Document Hit List of Index Search |
SDOKRLOCCE | SDOK: Document linked error info for relocations |
SDOKRLOCCM | SDOK: Document and component information for relocation |
SDOKRNGCO | SDOK: Range Structure for Checkout User |
SDOKRNGCT | SDOK: Range Structure for Time of Creation/Change |
SDOKRNGCU | SDOK: Range Structure for Created by / Last Changed by |
SDOKRNGDF | SDOK: Range Structure for Document Format |
SDOKRNGDP | SDOK: Range Structure for Security Level |
SDOKRNGDS | SDOK: Range Structure for Description Texts |
SDOKRNGLA | SDOK: Range Structure for Language Keys |
SDOKRNGML | SDOK: Range Structure for Original Language |
SDOKRNGPI | SDOK:Range Structure for Secondary Index of Attribute Values |
SDOKRNGPL | SDOK: Range Structure for Long Header Attributes |
SDOKRNGPM | SDOK: Range Structure for Medium-Length Header Attributes |
SDOKRNGPN | SDOK: Range Structure for Attribute Names |
SDOKRNGPS | SDOK: Range Structure for Short Header Attributes |
SDOKRNGPV | SDOK: Range Structure for Attribute Values |
SDOKRNGRV | SDOK: Range Structure for Reservation |
SDOKRNGSC | SDOK: Range Structure for Memory Category |
SDOKRNGST | SDOK: Range Structure for Technical Status |
SDOKRNGTD | SDOK: Range Structure for Target Directory |
SDOKRSDOC2 | Results List for Characteristic Determination |
SDOKST_INC | SDOK: Fields for structure object instances |
SDOKTABNA | Structure for Table Names |
SDOKTERRKY | SDOK: Temporary ID and error code |
SDOKTEXTLN | SDOK: Text line |
SDOKTLOGO | Logical Transport Object for KPro Objects |
SDOKTOBJCT | SDOK: Temporary ID and BOR key for information object |
SDOKTPRPTY | SDOK: Temporary ID and attributes for object |
SDOKTRELAT | SDOK: Relation with both partners and their temporary IDs |
SDOKVALLST | SDOK: Value List for Input Help on Web Pages |
SAP Package SDOK contains 93 programs.
RSIR_COMPARE_DB_TO_CS | Knowledge Provider: Consistency Check of Document Details |
RSIR_CONTENT_TO_FILESYSTEM_NEW | KPro: Transfer of contents to a file system for virus check |
RSIR_CONTENT_TO_FS_LIST_ERR | KPro: Problem cases when transferring contents to file system |
RSIR_CONTENT_UNMARK_PRELIM | Confirm temporary content in update mode |
RSIR_CONVERT_MIMETAB | KPro: Analyzing and Converting of Table SDOKMIME_C |
RSIR_DEL_OBSOLETE_INFO_CLUSTS | KPro: delete obsolete info clusters in the CMS content tables |
RSIR_DELTA_TRACK | rsir_delta_track |
RSIR_LOIO_ARCH | Demo Program for Archiving Logical Documents |
RSIR_LOIO_DELETE | Demo Program for Deleting Logical Objects |
RSIR_LOIO_READ | Demo Program for Sequentially Reading Logical Objects |
RSIR_LOIO_RELOAD | Demo Program for Sequentially Reading Logical Objects |
RSIR_M_ATTR_VRS1 | Version display IO attributes |
RSIR_M_ATTR_VRS2 | Version comparison IO attributes |
RSIR_M_ATTR_VRS3 | Version reactivation IO attributes |
RSIR_M_ATTR_VV | Version Display/Comparison of IO Attributes |
RSIR_M_COPY_TABSET | Copy Instance Table Set |
RSIR_M_CSPC_VRS1 | Version display class link areas |
RSIR_M_CSPC_VRS2 | Version comparison class link areas |
RSIR_M_CSPC_VRS3 | Version reactivation class link areas |
RSIR_M_CSPC_VV | Version display/Comparison class link areas |
RSIR_M_CUSTOM_PROP | Customizing Entity Attributes |
RSIR_M_CXCL_VRS1 | Version display context classes |
RSIR_M_CXCL_VRS2 | Version comparison context classes |
RSIR_M_CXCL_VRS3 | Version reactivation context classes |
RSIR_M_CXCL_VV | Version display/Comparison of context classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL_VRS1 | Version display IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL_VRS2 | Version comparison IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL_VRS3 | Version reactivation IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL_VV | Version display/comparison IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL1_VRS1 | Version display IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL1_VRS2 | Version comparison IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL1_VRS3 | Version reactivation IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL2_VRS1 | Version display IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL2_VRS2 | Version comparison IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL2_VRS3 | Version reactivation IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL3_VRS1 | Version display IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL3_VRS2 | Version comparison IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL3_VRS3 | Version reactivation IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL4_VRS1 | Version display IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL4_VRS2 | Version comparison IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL4_VRS3 | Version reactivation IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL5_VRS1 | Version display IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL5_VRS2 | Version comparison IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL5_VRS3 | Version reactivation IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL6_VRS1 | Version display IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL6_VRS2 | Version comparison IO classes |
RSIR_M_IOCL6_VRS3 | Version reactivation IO classes |
RSIR_M_LOAD | Active IO classes / Copy attributes to model |
RSIR_M_LOAD_CONN | Copy links from IO classes in model |
RSIR_M_MANUAL_AFTER_IMPORT | Execute After Import for Model Development Objects in Requests |
RSIR_M_MSPC_VRS1 | Version display document model areas |
RSIR_M_MSPC_VRS2 | Version comparison document model areas |
RSIR_M_MSPC_VRS3 | Version reactivation document model areas |
RSIR_M_MSPC_VV | Version display/Comparison of document model areas |
RSIR_MIME_DUPLICATES_FIND | Check for Multiple Names in MIME Repository Directories |
RSIR_RELOC_BY_TRANSPORT_FILE | KPro: relocation by transport file |
RSIR_RELOC_SINGLE_JOB | KPro: Execute an Individual Relocation Request |
RSIR_REMOVE_CHECKOUT_LOCKS | KPro: Remove Checkout Locks |
RSIRCCON | KPro: Test of data connections to memory repositories |
RSIRGENT | Report for generating program for DB access (document contents) |
RSIRIBUF | Selective invalidation of buffered documents for display |
RSIRPIRL | Convert Contents of Physical Documents |
RSIRRLOC | KPro: Relocation manager |
RSIRSIZE | KPro: Statistics report for table sizes |
RSIRTREX | KPro: Collective transport preparation |
RSIRTRIM | KPro: Collective transport postprocessing |
RSTIR_TEST_CHECKIN | Generation of 3K endless text, check-in, check-out |
RSTIR_TEST_OI | CMS: Test-program Office integration |
RSTIRIDX | Report on (de)indexing checked-in documents |
RSTIRIDX_CHECK_AUTO_INDEX | For testing the (auto) indexability of document classes |
RSTIRIDX_CLEAR_IDX_DOCUSPACE | Cleans up the tables for given document area |
RSTIRIDX_CLEAR_IDX_TABLES | Deletes the contents of index job and status tables |
RSTIRIDX_CONSISTENCY | Index Consistency Checks (Clean-Up Report) |
RSTIRIDX_REINDEX | Re-indexing of a class or document area |
RSTIRIDX_UPGRADE_46C | Upgrade to 46C, merge index space with document area |
RSTIRIDXCAT | Program RSTIRIDXCAT: Index category-specific indexing |
RSTIRTCK | KPro: Check program for settings tables in Knowledge Provider |
RSTIRTRE | KPro: Call transport preparation |
RSTIRTRI | KPro: Call post-transport processing |
SAP Package SDOK contains 6 search helps.
H_SDOKDSP | Search Help for Document Management Area |
H_SDOKIOTY | Help view for BOR object types from info objects |
H_SDOKLOCL | Help view for classes for logical info objects |
H_SDOKMSP | Help View for Document Model Ranges |
H_SDOKPHCL | Help view for classes for physical info objects |
H_SDOKRECL | Help view for classes for links between info objects |
SAP Package SDOK contains 3 message classes.
1R | SAP Knowledge Provider |
INDEXING | Nachrichten, die beim Indexieren auftreten |
MODEL | Modellierung |