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Bei ansehen →The package SDUT (ABAP/4 Dictionary: Analysis Repair Utilities) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SDUT |
Short Text | ABAP/4 Dictionary: Analysis Repair Utilities |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SDUT contains 2 function groups.
SDFC | Modules for foreign key checks |
SDMS | DD: Mass Check |
SAP Package SDUT contains 2 database tables.
DDNTDONE | DD: For restart in nametab generation with Include |
DDTPOOLCNV | DD: Names of tablepools to convert |
SAP Package SDUT contains 26 structures.
ABORT_TREE | Structure for Nodes of Conversion Tree |
DCLCHANGE | Information on last changer |
DCTABLACTE | Contains target values for DCTABLACT |
DCTBACTSEN | Structure to be locked for target/actual adjustment |
DCTBACTSIT | Describes a call situation of the table activation program |
DCTBFDCHKE | Contains target entries of DCTBFDCHK |
DCTBFKCHKE | Contains target values of DCTBFKCHK |
DCTBHDCHKE | Contains target entries of DCTBFDCHK |
DCTBIXACTE | Contains target entries of DCTBIXACT |
DDCHK_CNT | DD: Mass Check Statistics Counter |
DDCHK_CTRL | DD: Parameter for (Parallel) Mass Check Program |
DDCIAPINFO | Contains char tables with non-char Appends/CI-/SI-Incl. |
DDDBSPACE | Structure for DBSpaces/Tablespaces |
DDFKEYRC | DD: Message numbers for foreign key violations |
DDFKSHDBUF | Shared Buffer for Foreign Key Definitions |
DDMSCHK | Structure for screen variables of mass checks |
DDOBJDIR | DD: Structure for Objects in Mass Checks |
DDPOPUPT2F | DD: Description of a dialog box with 2 columns and 1 flag |
DDPROTOBJ | DD: Object Table for Log Entries in DDPRH, DDPRS |
DDTABFDS | DD: Structure/table name - field name with lengths |
DDTABLE | Structure for Table Information |
DDWHERECND | DD: Lines of where condition |
RSDJVERI | DD: Test Structure for Java Veris |
RSDJVERI_RSD99 | DD: Test Structure for Jave Veris with All Data Types |
SAP Package SDUT contains 76 programs.
CDVCMPDD | Veri: Compare DD Sources in Different Systems |
NXDD02L | N-time enlargement for DD02L-like table |
RADDCONF | DD: Insert conflict data elements in DTELRENAME |
RADENQUFM | Activate Lock Objects Without Lock Modules |
RADMSERG | Display/Analyze Results of Mass Checks |
RADMSJOB | Call Mass Dictionary Checks (Friday-Sunday Only) |
RADMSSUM | Summary of the Results of the DD Bulk Check Output as List |
RADNTINC | Includes in Nametab |
RADPOCNV | ABAP Dictionary: Table Pool Conversion (For Unicode) |
RADSETVL | For tables with logging switch on logging flag for dependent views |
RATMASFT | DD: Test Frame for RADMASFT (Calulate Dependencies) and Graph.Analysis |
RATNSCHK | Find Conflicting Entries in Name Range of Dictionary Objects |
RDDENQAC | Activating lock objects to generate function modules |
RDDKMAND | Correct the MANDATORY Field in DD03L |
RDDKOFRK | Delete the S Versions of Foreign Keys for a Table |
RDDPWCHK | Prompting for the DDIC password in a dialog box |
RDTDVTXT | Select inconsistent fixed value texts of a language |
RDTVINTG | ABAP Dictionary: Regenerate Nametab with New Flags for Views |
RSDDCHECK_ACT | Recursive Consistency Check for DDIC Runtime Objects |
RUPCHKDD | ABAP Dictionary mass processing (parallel version) |
RUTCHKAC | Check-Activation of ABAP Dictionary Objects |
RUTCHKDB | DD: ABAP Dictionary/Database Consistency Check |
RUTCHKDD | DD: Consistency Checks for the Contents of the ABAP Dictionary |
RUTCHKDF | DD Check: NOT NULL Fields Without Default |
RUTCHKDT | DD: Check FORMs for Testing Data Element Texts |
RUTCHKEB | DD: Check FORMs for Testing Data Element Texts |
RUTCHKEN | Mass checks with the new lock object activator |
RUTCHKHV | Check Help View Generation (Syntax Check for Programs Generated) |
RUTCHKMC | DD: Consistency Check for Matchcodes |
RUTCHKNE | DD: Find new/revised DD objects |
RUTCHKNT | DD: ABAP Dictionary/runtime objects consistency check |
RUTCHKPO | DD: Check tool for pooled tables |
RUTCHKTA | Find partially active DD objects |
RUTCHKTY | DD: Find inconsistencies in DDTYPES |
RUTCHKVI | Various Mass Checks for Views |
RUTCLEAN | DD: Count Versions / Delete S Versions / Clean Up L,N |
RUTCNVAN | Analysis of terminated table conversions |
RUTCNVS1 | SAP analysis of all removed syslogs |
RUTCNVSB | Conversion scan and clear in background operation |
RUTCNVSC | Analysis tool for terminated conversions |
RUTCNVSK | Analysis of terminated conversions |
RUTDBDEF | DD Analysis Tool: Display Database Structure |
RUTDD07TLA | Program for Determining/Deleting All Entries in DD07T w/o Language |
RUTDDMIS | DD: Determine Missing Objects for Non-Active Objects |
RUTDDOBJ | Analysis of Dictionary Object |
RUTDDOBJ1 | Display and Analysis of Default Server Log (Dictionary) |
RUTDDXCN | DD: Changes tables DDXTT and DDXTF |
RUTDELNT | DD: Report for Deleting Nametabs without Sources |
RUTEXNTB | Nametab with expanded flags |
RUTGENTR | DD: Create object lists for DD objects |
RUTHEX0 | Report for Cleaning Up HEX0 Values in DD Tables |
RUTMSJOB | Dictionary check tool: Schedule, display, clean up |
RUTNTREP | Repair DDNTF (Note 29159) |
RUTNULL | CHECK: Make all fields NOT NULL without DEFAULT -->> NULLABLE |
RUTPRCMP | DD: Comparison of Check Logs |
RUTPRSEL | DD: Selection of a Part of a Log |
RUTSETUL | DD: correction of nametab, UNICODELG |
RUTSHGET | Collect Search Helps and Tables with Search Help Link |
RUTTABSC | Scan over all tables |
RUTTABSJ | Scan over all transparent tables |
RUTTABSQ | Scan over all transparent tables |
RUTTATAF | DD: Editor for TATAF |
RUTTTYPACT | DD: Copy DD40L-TYPELEN from the nametab of the line type |
RUTTTYPACT_OLD | DD: Activate All Table Types |
RUTTTYPACT2 | Activation of all Inconsistent Table Types in DDIC |
RUTTTYPSET | DD: Copy DD40L-TYPELEN from the nametab of the line type |
RUTTYREP | DD: Fill/Add DDTYPES for DDIC Objects |
RXDCHKDB | XPRA for cleaning up the DDIC-DB inconsistencies |
SDTTRESE | Compare names of DD objects with reserved names |
TESTK129 | ABAP Dictionary: Generate object list for incorrect Dictionary objects |
SAP Package SDUT contains 1 message classes.
D2 | ABAP/4 Dictionary Tools |