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Bei ansehen →The package SFCS (Function Builder) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SFCS |
Short Text | Function Builder |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SFCS contains 4 function groups.
RFC1 | RFC utilities |
SEGN | ===> Object RELOBJECTS, generated by |
SEUJ | Test environment interface |
SREM | dsfhgsfghfsgdhg |
SAP Package SFCS contains 1 transactions.
SE37 | ABAP Function Modules |
SAP Package SFCS contains 4 database tables.
EUFUNC | Development Environment Objects |
FUSEQDIR | Test sequences |
RETEST01 | Test |
RODIR | Released Objects Directory |
SAP Package SFCS contains 6 views.
HFDIR | Help view TFDIR |
TLIBV | Responsible for function groups |
V_FDIR | View for finding function modules |
V_FDIRT | View for scanning function modules with texts |
VTLIBG | Person responsible for function group |
SAP Package SFCS contains 19 structures.
DDFIELDIN | Input Structure for DDIF_FIELDINFO_SET_GET (internal) |
DDFIELDINFO | Return Structure for Field Information |
DDFIELDTAB | Return Information of DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET (set-call) |
EUDATADIR | Internal Structure of Test Environment Data |
FUNCTDIR | Key structure for accessing test data directory |
FUNCTIONS | Function modules |
RFC_FIELDS | RFC: Fields of a table |
RFC_FINT_P | RFC: Characteristics of function parameters - portable |
RFC_FUNINT | RFC: Attributes of function parameters |
RFC_FUNINT_MULT | RFC: Attributes of function parameters |
RFC_GROUP | TADIR Info for Function Groups |
RS38L | Screen fields of the Transaction UNIT |
RS38L_DDIN | Dictionary Information System: Find Function Module Struct. |
RS38L_FUNC | Function modules |
RS38L_INCL | Function Module Name - Include |
RS38L_PARA | Screen field parameters |
RS38LSTYPE | Structure with interface types |
RS38LV | Dictionary Information System: Find Function Modules |
TLIB_STRU | Structure for Function Group Administration |
SAP Package SFCS contains 27 programs.
REFUGRR1 | Repair function groups |
REFUGRRE | Repair Function Groups |
RETEST20 | cyzrewt6jhg ne7e4uzji7m,thgtjnzhtg |
RS_ENQ_REMOVE | Delete Function Group SENQ |
RS_FL_CLEAR_40 | RS_FL_CLEAR_40 Program |
RS_FUNC_INVOCE_CALL | Call test environment |
RS_TEST_REPORT_GENERATE_JOB | Batch for generating test report |
RS_TESTFRAME_CALL | Call test environment |
RS_TESTREPORT_DELETE | Delete T reports |
RS_TESTREPORT_GENERATE_GROUP | Test a function module in a group |
RSBSP008 | ADIC table information |
RSFUGRCH | Syntax Check For All Function Groups Using TLIBG Comparison |
RSFUGRCH_ONLINE | Syntax Check For All Function Groups Using TLIBG Comparison |
RSFUNCFR | Function Module Release |
RSS4MCRM | Delete Function Group SENQ |
RSSENQRM | Delete Function Group SENQ |
RSSNMCRM | Delete Function Group SENQ |
RSSUNICL | Initialize Data for SE37 |
RSTREPRM | Delete SE37 Test Reports |
RSTREPUM | Convert old test includes to new test reports |
RSVRSFU1 | Version Display: Function Modules |
RSVRSFU2 | Version Display: Retrieve Function Module |
SAPMS38L | Function Builder |
SAP Package SFCS contains 1 search helps.
HFDIR | Help view TFDIR |