
SAP Package SGRB

ABAP Graphic Proxies

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The package SGRB (ABAP Graphic Proxies) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SGRB
Short Text ABAP Graphic Proxies
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SGRB contains 2 function groups.

0GCP Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SGFW GFW: Display (Standard) Graphics

Database Tables

SAP Package SGRB contains 26 database tables.

GFWCUAX GFW Customizing: Axis
GFWCUAXU GFW Customizing: Axis (Customer Data)
GFWCUDA GFW Customizing: Plot Area
GFWCUDAU GFW Customizing: Plot Area (Customer Data)
GFWCUDC GFW Customizing: Display Context
GFWCUDCU GFW Customizing: Display Context (Customer Data)
GFWCUDI GFW Customizing: Chart
GFWCUDIU GFW Customizing: Chart (Customer Data)
GFWCUDS GFW Customizing: Data sheet
GFWCUDSU GFW Customizing: Data Table (Customer Data)
GFWCUGR GFW Customizing: Grid
GFWCUGRU GFW Customizing: Grid (Customer Data)
GFWCUIT GFW Customizing: Item
GFWCUITU GFW Customizing: Item (Customer Data)
GFWCUPO GFW Customizing: Point
GFWCUPOU GFW Customizing: Point (Customer Data)
GFWCUSC GFW Customizing: Scale
GFWCUSCU GFW Customizing: Scale (Customer Data)
GFWCUVA GFW Customizing: Value Series
GFWCUVAU GFW Customizing: Value Series (Customer Data)
TGPM Graphic control: Platform-specific product control
TGPMT Product management for graphic control: Name
TGPN Graphic control: Platform-specific product control
TGPNT Name in product management for graphic control
TGTY Graphic types
TGTYT Graphic types: Name


SAP Package SGRB contains 3 views.

V_TGPM Graphic control: Customer-specific product management !
V_TGPN Graphic control product management
V_TGTY Graphic type


SAP Package SGRB contains 14 structures.

GFWCUCOS GFW: Context Information Within an Attribute Bundle
GFWCUDBS GFW: Customizing Data from Database Table
GFWCUDGS GFW: Customizing Database Information
GFWCUDPS GFW: Data Exchange Between Attribute Bundles and Front End
GFWCUDUS GFW: Customizing Database Information (User Values)
GFWCUS GFW: Attribute Value of an Attribute Bundle
GFWDCHIER GFW: Data Storage in Standard Data Container for HIER
GFWDCMTA GFW: Data Storage in Data Container/Milestone Trend Analysis
GFWDCPRES GFW: Data Storage in Standard Data Container for PRES
GFWDCPREST GFW: Data in DC. Bus. Graphic with Group ID, X Label
GPRTXT GFW: Business Graphics Function Module/Column Texts
GPRTXTLA GFW: business graphics function module, labels
GPRVAL GFW: Business Graphics Function Module/Row Texts and Values


SAP Package SGRB contains 28 programs.

DEMO_COLORSEL Demo program: Color selector
DEMO_GFW_PRES_SHOW Example for the Function Module GFW_PRES_SHOW
DEMO_GFW_PRES_SHOW_MULT Example for the Function Module GFW_PRES_SHOW_MULT
DEMO_GFW_SHOW1 Demonstration of GFW Function Modules in Splitter
GFW_DCWIZARD GFW: Wizard For Generating a Data Container for a DDIC Structure
GFW_DEMO_HIER1 GFW: Demonstration of a simple hierarchy graphic using SAP Tree
GFW_DEMO_HIER2 GFW: Demonstration of a hierarchy graphic (4 in splitter, Drag&Drop)
GFW_DEMO_HIER3 GFW: Demonstration of a hierarchy/business graphic (Drag&Drop)
GFW_DEMO_PRES GFW: Demonstration of GFW with visible data container
GFW_DEMO_PRES1 GFW: Demonstration of Business Graphics with GFW
GFW_MSGPROTOCOL GFW: Log containing messages from GFW
GFW_PROG_BAR GFW: Programming example of a bar chart
GFW_PROG_CHART_TABLE GFW: Programming example for easy usage of chart tables
GFW_PROG_COLUMNS_AND_TIME_AXIS GFW: Programming example of a column chart with time axis
GFW_PROG_CREATE_CUSTOMIZING GFW: Programming example for easy usage of customizing bundles
GFW_PROG_DC_PERFORMANCE GFW: Programming example of fast data container usage
GFW_PROG_GET_CU_BUNDLE GFW: Programming example with method if_graphic_proxy~get_cu_bundle
GFW_PROG_HISTOGRAM GFW: Programming example of a histogram chart
GFW_PROG_LABELS GFW: Programming example of same labels, long labels
GFW_PROG_MTA GFW: Programming example of a milestone-trend analysis
GFW_PROG_PIE GFW: Programming example of a pie chart
GFW_PROG_POINT_WITH_LABEL GFW: Programming example of a chart with a labelled point
GFW_PROG_PORTFOLIO GFW: Programming example of a bar chart
GFW_PROG_PRES_SHOW_MULT GFW: Programming example: Bus. graphic funct.mod.+ optional params
GFW_PROG_SPEEDOMETER GFW: Programming example of a bar chart
GFW_PROG_TIME_AXIS GFW: Programming example of a scatter chart with time axis
GFW_PROG_TUTORIAL GFW: Programming example of a simple business graphic = GFW tutorial
GFW_TIMEPROTOCOL GFW: Log containing time measurements for GFW

Message Classes

SAP Package SGRB contains 2 message classes.

APPLG Application Graphics Messages (Graphic Proxy Framework)
GFW_DEMO Message Texts for GFW Demonstrations