
SAP Package SHDG

Global Fields

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The package SHDG (Global Fields) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SHDG
Short Text Global Fields
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SHDG contains 1 function groups.

SHDF Global fields

Database Tables

SAP Package SHDG contains 1 database tables.

ESHDG Block global values


SAP Package SHDG contains 1 structures.

RSHDSCR Global fields: Screen fields


SAP Package SHDG contains 4 programs.

RSHDGLOB Global Fields: Display and Change
RSSERP41 Report Trees: List and Export of the Authorizations for a Tree
RSSERP51 Reporting tree: list and import of authorizations for a tree

Message Classes

SAP Package SHDG contains 1 message classes.

GF Nachrichten globale Felder