

KW Models for BDS

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The package SKWM_BDS (KW Models for BDS) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SKWM_BDS
Short Text KW Models for BDS
Parent Package BASIS

Database Tables

SAP Package SKWM_BDS contains 22 database tables.

KWBCHKF KW BDS Demo:: File Name of Last Check Out
KWBCHKO KW-BDS-Demo:: Check-Out Data for a Physical Info Object
KWBCONT HJRTest: Table for Document Content (Import/Export)
KWBIDXSTA KW BDS Demo:: Status Table for Document Indexing
KWBLOIO KW BDS Demo:: Logical Information Object Instances
KWBLOIOT KW BDS Demo:: Logical Information Object Descriptions
KWBLOPR KW BDS Demo:: Logical Information Object Attribute Values
KWBLORE KW BDS Demo:: Outgoing Relationships of Logical IOs
KWBLOREPR KWB: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
KWBLORI KW BDS Demo:: Incoming Relationships of Logical IOs
KWBLORIPR KWB: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of LOIOs
KWBPHF KW BDS Demo:: Physical Information Object Files
KWBPHHR KW BDS Demo:: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Info Objects
KWBPHHRPR KWB:: Attributes of Hyperlink Relationships
KWBPHIO KW BDS Demo:: Instancies of Physical Information Objects
KWBPHNM KW BDS Demo:: Usage of Target Anchors in Physical Objects
KWBPHNMPR KWB:: Attributes of Target Anchor Relationships
KWBPHPR KW BDS Demo:: Physical Information Object Attributes
KWBPHRE KW BDS Demo:: Outgoing Relationships of Physical IOs
KWBPHREPR KWB:: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs
KWBPHRI KW BDS Demo:: Incoming Relationships of Physical IOs
KWBPHRIPR KWB:: Attributes of Incoming Relationships of PHIOs