
SAP Package SKWT

SKWF Test Environment

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The package SKWT (SKWF Test Environment) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SKWT
Short Text SKWF Test Environment
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SKWT contains 1 function groups.


Database Tables

SAP Package SKWT contains 24 database tables.

KWTCHKF SKWF Test: File Name of Last Check Out
KWTCHKO SKWF Test: Check Out Data for a Physical Information Object
KWTCONT SKWF Test: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export)
KWTFLOIO SKWF Test: Instances of Logical Information Objects
KWTFLOIOT SKWF Test: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
KWTFLOPR SKWF Test: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
KWTFLORE SKWF Test: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Objects
KWTFLOREPR SKWF Test: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
KWTFLORI SKWF Test: Incoming Relationships of Logical Info Objects
KWTIDXSTA SKWF Test: Status Table for Indexing Documents
KWTLOIO SKWF Test: Instances of Logical Information Objects
KWTLOIOT SKWF Test: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects
KWTLOPR SKWF Test: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects
KWTLORE SKWF Test: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Info Objects
KWTLOREPR SKWF Test: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of LOIOs
KWTLORI SKWF Test: Incoming Relationships of Logical Info Objects
KWTPHF SKWF Test: Files of Physical Information Objects
KWTPHHR SKWF Test: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects
KWTPHIO SKWF Test: Instances of Physical Information Objects
KWTPHNM SKWF Test: Use of Target Anchor in Physical Objects
KWTPHPR SKWF Test: Attributes of Physical Information Objects
KWTPHRE SKWF Test: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Info Objects
KWTPHREPR SKWF Test: Attributes of Outgoing Relationships of PHIOs
KWTPHRI SKWF Test: Incoming Relationships of Physical Info Objects


SAP Package SKWT contains 1 structures.

KWT_LOCK Dummy Structure for Locking/Unlocking in Test Runs


SAP Package SKWT contains 40 programs.

RSKWT_APPL_001 Create, Delete, Check Applications
RSKWT_APPL_002 Checks ROOT IOs of an Application
RSKWT_CONTENT_001 Load and Save Phio Contents
RSKWT_CONTENT_002 Save and Check Content for Phio
RSKWT_CONTENT_003 Reserve, Check Out KPro Documents
RSKWT_CTX_001 Create, Delete Contexts
RSKWT_CTX_002 Set/Read Contexts
RSKWT_FOLDER_001 Create, Delete, Check Directories
RSKWT_FOLDER_002 Check Parent Directories
RSKWT_FOLDER_004 Unique IDs Directories
RSKWT_FOLDER_005 Different Folder Classes
RSKWT_FOLDER_007 Directories with the Same Name in Applications/Packages
RSKWT_IO_001 Link Phio with Loio
RSKWT_IO_002 Link Phio with Loio (2)
RSKWT_IO_003 Link Phio to Loio as Root IDs of an Application
RSKWT_KOMPLEX_001 Application, Loios, Phios, Package
RSKWT_KOMPLEX_002 Folders, Loios, Phios, Contexts
RSKWT_KOMPLEX_003 Context Resolution
RSKWT_KOMPLEX_005 Hidden, Linked Info Objects
RSKWT_KOMPLEX_006 Attribute Inherited from Directory Hierarchy
RSKWT_KOMPLEX_007 Relations, Folder, Loios, Phios
RSKWT_KOMPLEX_008 Display Help Functions
RSKWT_KOMPLEX_009 Reassign Application Attachments
RSKWT_KOMPLEX_010 Phios: Create, Check Out, Load Content
RSKWT_MODEL_001 Get All Classes of a Connection Area
RSKWT_MODEL_002 Check Relations to a Class
RSKWT_MODEL_003 Class for MIME Type or File Extension
RSKWT_NMSPC_001 Rename IOs
RSKWT_NMSPC_002 Rename Linked IOs (1)
RSKWT_NMSPC_003 Rename Linked IOs (2)
RSKWT_NMSPC_004 URL Checks in Directories
RSKWT_NMSPC_005 Existence Check for URLs
RSKWT_NMSPC_006 Create Recursive Directories, URL Checks
RSKWT_PKG_001 Create Packages, Check Unique ID
RSKWT_PKG_002 Create, Delete Existence Check for Packages
RSKWT_PROP_001 Test 'Reserved' Attributes
RSKWT_PROP_002 Valuate Non-Modeled Attribute
RSKWT_PROP_003 UNIQUE Attributes

Message Classes

SAP Package SKWT contains 1 message classes.

SKWT_MESSAGES Meldungen zu SKWF -Tests