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Bei ansehen →The package SM38 (ABAP Reporting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SM38 |
Short Text | ABAP Reporting |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SM38 contains 11 function groups.
RTAB | Maintain interface for table RTAB (SC38) |
S38R | Reporting Tree, Session Manager |
S38S | Reporting prog. dev. search functions |
SABE | ABAP/4 Execute authorizations |
SCAU | After-Imp_meth. Report Authorizations |
SEU4 | Customizing HR Reporting tree |
SLIS | Reporting: Find lists |
SRPS | Table maintenance interface SRPSO, SRPST |
SRTR | Reporting tree: General utilities |
SRTS | Report tree <--> Session Manager |
TPGP | Maintenance Interface |
SAP Package SM38 contains 4 transactions.
SA38 | ABAP Reporting |
SA39 | SA38 for Parameter Transaction |
SC38 | Start Report (Remote) |
SRCN | Delete Country-Specific Reports |
SAP Package SM38 contains 27 database tables.
RTAB | Remote Submit: Programs for Generating Secondary Lists |
SERPATTR | Tree attributes |
SERPENTR | Reporting: Initial Position and Sub-trees (User-specific) |
SERPENVAR | Reporting: Intial screen variants (user-dependent) |
SERPLISTS | Reporting: Lists |
SERPT | Reporting: Texts for Tree Structure |
SERPTREE | Reporting: Tree Structure |
SERPTUSER | Reporting: User trees |
SLSSO | Sort criteria for form tree structure |
SLSST | Texts of sort criteria for form tree structure |
SREPOATH | Authorization groups |
SREPOCNTR | Reporting: Country-specific HR reports |
SREPOLIST | Reporting: Lists |
SREPORTEXT | Texts in Report Tree |
SREPOTTYPE | Reporting: Report Type Texts |
SREPOTYPES | Reporting: Report Types |
SREPOUSER | Reporting: Visible Reports and Variants (User-specific) |
SREPOVARI | Reporting: Reports and Variants |
SRPSO | Sort Criterion for Tree Structure |
SRPST | Sort Criteria Texts for Tree Structure |
TAPLP | Applications Directory for Programs, Function Modules, DBs |
TAPLT | Program Application Long Texts |
TPERF | Run-time trace data |
TPGP | ABAP/4 Authorization Groups |
TPGPT | Long Texts for ABAP/4 Program Groups |
TRCL | ABAP/4 program classes |
TRCLT | ABAP Program Class Text |
SAP Package SM38 contains 2 views.
H_TRCL | Help view for ABAP program class |
V_TPGP | Maintain tables TPGP and TPGPT |
SAP Package SM38 contains 22 structures.
DATTR | Dummy Structure for Locking Program Attributes |
ESSERPNODE | Structure for lock object ESSERPNODE |
FDOKS | Field Documentation Short |
FLINE | Structure of Format Line in %_FMBS (ABAP/4 Internal) |
LINE | Line |
LLINE | Structure of List Line in %_LINE (ABAP/4 Internal) |
NLINE | Structure of Field Information for List (ABAP/4 Internal) |
RS38C | Screen Fields SC38 |
RS38M | Screen fields Text elements |
RSCAN | Help Structure for Search Report RSRSCAN1 |
RSERP | Screen Fields SERP: Reporting (Tree Structure) |
RSREP | Screen Fields for Function Group SREP |
RSSERPSEL | Screen Fields for Selection Screen RSSERP00 |
RSTREE_ID | Reporting tree: Screen fields |
S010A | Dummy Structure for Locking Program Attributes |
SKEYCORE | REPORTING: Key for saved lists (SREPOLIST) |
SKEYLISTS | Reporting: Keys for Saved Lists (SREPOLIST) |
SKEYREPORT | Reporting: Keys for Node Entry |
SLIS_OPT | FG SLIS: Radio button group status on screen 100 |
SSCR | ABAP/4: Structure of SSCR for Selection Screens |
VARCATR2 | Structure of RVARC from R/2 (Variant Catalog) |
VARCATTR2 | Structure of RVART from R/2 (Variant Texts) |
SAP Package SM38 contains 33 programs.
RSABAD38 | Program Directory |
RSABADAB | ABAP Program Directory |
RSABADIR | RSABADIR: Internal Transfer to RSABADAB or RSABAD38 Catalogs |
RSABAUTH | Transfer Authorization Groups from TRDIR to TPGP |
RSABTPGP | Authorization groups |
RSCONV00 | Type conversion in program |
RSCSAUTH | Maintain/Restore Authorization Groups |
RSINCL00 | ABAP Program Reference List |
RSRCLT00 | Program Classes |
RSRPCNTR | Delete Country-Specific Reports in Report Trees |
RSRSCAN1 | ABAP/4 Find String in Program Source Code |
RSRSDEST | Output System Overview for Remote Submit |
RSRSDOCU | Output Documentation (List) for Remote Submit |
RSRSLIST | Output Program List for Remote Submit |
RSRSNODE | Save List: Node in Report Tree with/without Report |
RSRSPDIR | Output Program Directory for Remote Submit |
RSRSSLIS | Overview of Saved Lists |
RSRSVARI | Output Variant Overview for Remote Submit |
RSSERP00 | Generate Reporting Tree Structure |
RSSERP10 | Possible Entries for Report Name |
RSSERP20 | Find Report |
RSSERP22 | Find forms |
RSSERP30 | Compare Report Trees at Release Upgrade |
RSSERP31 | Comparison of Report Trees at Release Upgrade |
RSSERP32 | Reporting trees: Copy node contents |
RSSERP40 | Report trees: List and export the authorizations for a tree |
RSSERP50 | Report trees: List and import the authorizations for a tree |
RSSERP60 | Create form tree structure |
RSSERP61 | Classify forms |
RSSERP70 | Report trees: Conversion of nodes with exactly one report |
RSSERPAT | Fill SERPATTR (tree attributes) |
SAPMS38M | ABAP program development - Reporting (SE38, SA38, SC38) |
SAPMSERP | Report Tree |
SAP Package SM38 contains 3 search helps.
H_TRCL | Help view for ABAP program class |
PROGNAME | Program Name |
REPORT_TYPE | Report type in report tree |
SAP Package SM38 contains 1 authorization objects.
S_PROGRAM | ABAP: Program Flow Checks |