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Bei ansehen →The package SQLT (Trace for SQL, Enqueue, RFC, Memory) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SQLT |
Short Text | Trace for SQL, Enqueue, RFC, Memory |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SQLT contains 1 function groups.
SSQ0 | PerformanceTrace(SQL,Enqueue,RFC,Buffer) |
SAP Package SQLT contains 1 transactions.
ST05_OLD | Performance Analysis |
SAP Package SQLT contains 1 database tables.
SQLT_INDX | System table INDX (shared buffer) for ST05 initial screen |
SAP Package SQLT contains 24 structures.
BUF_ST_DET | Fields for the Detail List of the RFC Trace Records |
BUF_ST_VAR | Output of Formatted Key Values |
BUFTRACEON | Detailed Activation of Buffer Trace |
ENQ_ST_DET | Fields for the detailed list of the enqueue trace records |
ORAALLUSR | Abbrev.DDIC Struct. Corresponds to Oracle Tab. DBA_ALL_USERS |
RFC_ST_DET | Fields for the detail list of the RFC trace records |
RSTRENTRKL | Record changed in SAP trace development class |
SQLCBASLST | Fields: Performance Trace Lists (Basis Ext. List) Copy |
SQLTBASLST | Fields for performance trace lists (Basis and ext. lists) |
SQLTDDINFO | Fields for DDIC information of performance trace |
SQLTDDITXT | Headings for the DDIC Infos |
SQLTENTR | Header record for a logical trace record |
SQLTF1DOCU | Structure for F1 help |
SQLTFIELDS | Selection Fields for SQL Trace List |
SQLTFILTER | Filter for writing the performance trace |
SQLTHELPV | Restrict Value Range - Transfer Table |
SQLTISEL | List of Identical Selects |
SQLTISTAT | Idential Statement List Column for SQL Trace |
SQLTSELFLD | Restrict Selection Fields for Value Range |
SQLTSELOPT | Range Table for SQL Trace - Input of Selection Conditions |
SQLTSTRACE | Display of current trace switches |
SQLTTSUM | Columns: Compressed Table View for Performance Trace |
SQLTTSUM_ALV | Columns: Aggregated Table Overview - ALV |
SQSELOPT | Fields of the Search Help Selection Options |
SAP Package SQLT contains 4 programs.
RSTRAC75 | SQL Trace: Store Compressed Data |
RSTRAC80 | SQL trace: Compare trace summary |
RSTRACDD | DDIC Information For SQL Trace Display |
RSTRACSUM | Table Summary - SAP List Viewer |
SAP Package SQLT contains 1 message classes.
0S | Nachrichten für den SQL-Trace |