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Bei ansehen →The package STUO (ORACLE Database Monitor) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | STUO |
Short Text | ORACLE Database Monitor |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package STUO contains 7 function groups.
NORA | Oracle Monitoring - New Features |
STD1 | ORACLE Database Statistics Modules |
STD4 | Oracle DB Statistics Modules (DB02) |
STD8 | Oracle DB-monitor |
STD9 | Oracle Monitoring (New features) |
STUO | ST04 (Oracle): Additional Functions |
STUO_ADD | Addition to STUO |
SAP Package STUO contains 1 transactions.
ST04M | Multi DB connection |
SAP Package STUO contains 1 database tables.
INDEX_STAT | index_stats Cache: Result of VALIDATE Index (Oracle) |
SAP Package STUO contains 51 structures.
COLUMNS_ST | DB02: dba_tab_columns (Oracle) |
COMPARAM | ORACLE Database Parameters structure. |
CPUSID_USR | Information about CPU per USER per SID from V$SESSTAT |
CRIT_NR_S | Number of Space-Critical Objects |
CRIT_OBJ | Space Critical Objects |
CRITIC_F | Space Critical Objects |
DATE_TIME | Date and Time of MONI Entry |
DBFLAGS | Flags and Other Input Parameters for DB_ORA Modules |
DBPARAM_SI | ORACLE Database Parameters in V$PARAMETER and SPFILE |
DBRELEASE | Database Release |
EXTENTS_ST | DB02: dba_extents (Oracle) |
EXTENTS_TI | Extents of Tables and Indexes |
FLSREQUEST | Statistics for Physical Access to ORACLE Database |
FREE_SP_S | dba_free_space (Oracle): Freespace in Tablespaces |
HIST | Tablespace History |
HISTTABLES | Table History (Transaction DB02) |
HISTTIMES | Timestamps for all Histories in DB02 |
INDEXES_ST | DB02: dba_indexes (Oracle) |
INST_ORA | Segment statistics |
LOGBUCH | Logbook: Statistical Information |
NRANALYZED | Oracle: Number of Analyzed Tables |
ORA_ADD_IN | ST04 (Oracle): Additional Info for Exclusive Lock Waits |
ORA_MISS | Export Structure for Module DB_ORA_MISSING_INDICES |
ORAADDIN80 | ST04 (Oracle8): Additional Info for Exclusive Lock Waits |
ORAEVENTS | Oracle: Wait Events (V$System_Event, V$Session_Event) |
ORAIOPATH | Oracle I/O Statistics per Device |
ORAIOSUM | Oracle I/O Statistics per Data File, Total By Device |
ORASESS | Oracle: Sessions |
ORASYSTABH | Oracle System Table (V$ table) |
ORATABCOLS | Oracle: Dates of Table Analysis |
ROW_CACHE | Statistics for Data Dictionary Activities |
SEGMENTS_F | DB02: dba_segments (Oracle) |
SEGMENTS_S | DB02: dba_segments (Oracle) |
SEGSTAT | Segment statistics |
SEGSTAT_4 | Segment statistics |
SEGSTAT_F | Segment statistics |
SESS_EVNT | Information from V$SESSION_EVENT |
SQL_SESS | Information from V$SQL and V$SESSTAT Combined |
SQL_STRUC | Structure of Table SQL_TAB |
SUM1 | Summary of Tablespace History |
SUMTABGROW | Summary of Critical Table Growth in the Last 28 Days |
SUMTABLAST | Summary: Table History in Last Month (for Critical Growth) |
SUMTABLES | Summary: Table History in Transaction DB02 |
SYS_EVENT | Information from v$system_event and v$session_event(oracle) |
TABLE_SPC | Tablespace: Current Sizes and Status |
TABLES_STR | DB02: dba_tables (Oracle) |
TD110_STRU | Table TD110: Structure (DB02 Main Screen) |
TSPC_CHECK | Storage Check |
TST04HELP | Oracle Performance Monitor (ST04/DB02): Fields |
UNSTTAB | structure representing the db view V$UNDOSTAT. |
UNSTTAB_GV | structure representing the db view GV$UNDOSTAT. |
SAP Package STUO contains 43 programs.
FERSORT | Sort test |
RORAMCOD | MCOD: Multi Components on One Database - Oracle |
RORAMDBC | Test Program for Creating a Second Database Connection |
RSORA_AL11 | Display the ORACLE_HOME Directory (Changed from 8.1.6) |
RSORA108 | Statistics of Rollback Segments |
RSORA189 | V$System_Event: System Waits Statistics |
RSORA190 | V$Controlfile: Control File Information |
RSORA191 | V$Locked_Object: Locked Object Information |
RSORA192 | ST04 (Oracle): Buffer Fragmentation (X$KSMSP) |
RSORA193 | ST04 (Oracle): Filewaits x$kcbfwait |
RSORA250 | ST04 (Oracle): Wait Events (V$System_Event/V$Session_Event) |
RSORABUF | RSORABUF: Display of Buffer Pool Information for V$ Tables |
RSORACBO | Analysis for Cost-Based Optimizer (Belongs to DB02) |
RSORACHK | Import of Checkpoints |
RSORADDL | RSORADDL: Create Statement |
RSORAENV | ST04 (Oracle): Display Environment Parameters for Selected Host |
RSORAMDB | Test Program for Creating a Second Database Connection |
RSORARAC_MAIN | Display ST04 Data from Oracle Procedures |
RSORAS31 | Exclusive Lockwaits |
RSORASCR | Oracle Scripts in SAP R/3 |
RSORASEL | ST04 (Oracle): Performance Test of WHERE Clause |
RSORASES | Information about an Oracle Session |
RSORASSC | V$SEGSTAT monitor in collector mode |
RSORATAB | DB02 (Oracle): Tables and Indexes: Detailed Analysis (Report) |
RSORATAC | Tables and Indexes: Submit ANALYZE TABLE/INDEX |
RSORATAD | Analysis of Index 'Storage Management Quality' |
RSORATCO | DB02 (Oracle): Checks: Analysis for Cost-Based Optimizer |
RSORATED | Analysis of multiple indexes storage quality |
RSORATRC | Switch Oracle Trace On and Off |
RSORATRP | ST04 (Oracle): Trap for SQL Statements |
RSORAUD0 | Update entries from MONI table |
RSORAUD1 | Update entries from MONI table |
RSORAUD2 | Update entries from MONI table |
RSORAUND | V$UNDOSTAT Statistics Monitor. |
RSORAV2C | ST04 (Oracle): Check of V2*Net Installation |
RSORAV2N | ST04 (Oracle): Display sqlnet.ora, listener.ora, protocol.ora |
RSORAVDV | V$-Tables (Oracle) |
RSORAVSE | History of Table V$SYSTEM_EVENT (Oracle) |
RSORAVSH | Report for Collecting Data from V$SYSTEM_EVENT Hourly |
RSORAWTI | Fast Access to Exclusive Lock Wait Situations |
TEST_ALV_Z | Database Parameters Configuration |
SAP Package STUO contains 1 message classes.
MSGSS | Message class for V$SEGSTAT monitoring |