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Bei ansehen →The package SWF_XI_ADAPTER (Workflow Adapter for XI) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package SAI.
Package | SWF_XI_ADAPTER |
Short Text | Workflow Adapter for XI |
Parent Package | SAI |
SAP Package SWF_XI_ADAPTER contains 9 function groups.
SWF_INB_CONFIGURATION | Configuration ccBPM Inbound Processing |
SWF_INB_MODE_MAI | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SWF_XI_BUILDER | XI-Specific Functions (Builder) |
SWF_XI_CCMS | CCMS: Function Modules for Monitoring |
SWF_XI_F4HELP | F4 Help |
SWF_XI_MONITOR | Monitoring |
SWF_XI_RUN | Runtime |
SWF_XI_SO_ENABLING | Service Enabling of Process Definitions |
SAP Package SWF_XI_ADAPTER contains 12 transactions.
SWF_INB_CONF | Configuration Inbound Processing |
SWF_XI_ARCHIV | Display Archived Processes |
SWF_XI_CUSTOMIZING | Automatic BPM Customizing |
SWF_XI_PBUILDER | Process Builder |
SWF_XI_SWI1 | Process Selection |
SWF_XI_SWI14 | Processes for One Message Type |
SWF_XI_SWI2_DEAD | Processes with Missed Deadline |
SWF_XI_SWI2_DIAG | Diagnosis Processes with Errors |
SWF_XI_SWI6 | Processes for a Message |
SWF_XI_SWPC | Restart Process After System Crash |
SWF_XI_SWPR | Restart Process After Error |
SWF_XI_SWU2 | RFC Monitor |
SAP Package SWF_XI_ADAPTER contains 11 database tables.
SWFDCRLDLVMODE | Configuration of Inbound Processing |
SWFRXICNT | XI Adapter: XML Container for a Message Object |
SWFRXIHDR | XI Adapter: Header Data for a Message Object |
SWFRXIPRC | XI-Adapter: Process-Dependent Message Data |
SWFXICACHE | XI: Cache for Process Definitions |
SWFXICLOG | XI Cache: Message Log |
SWFXIERR | XI Adapter: Information About Last qRFC Error |
SWFXIINBQUEUES | Inbound processing configuration, specified queues |
SWFXIINBSWITCH | Switch Configuration of Inbound Processing |
SWFXIKEYMAP | Conversion Cache Refresh: XI Object + Condition ID -> BRR |
SWFXIOBJS | XI: Cache: Objects of a Process Definition (Proxy, CRL..) |
SAP Package SWF_XI_ADAPTER contains 21 structures.
SWF_XI_SOPROP_BLOCK | Maintain Transactional Properties for Blocks |
SWF_XI_SOPROP_BLOCK_DISP | Maintain Transactional Properties for Blocks |
SWF_XI_SOPROP_STEP | Maintain Service Orchestration Properties for Steps |
SWF_XI_SOPROP_STEP_DISP | Maintenance of Service Property for Steps |
SWFDXIBPDEF | XI- Process Definition |
SWFDXIHLPSDAK | XI: F4 Help for Sender Confirmation |
SWFDXISEND | XI: Sender Parameters |
SWFDXISNDFAULT | XI: Error Information After Sending |
SWFRXIHEADER | XI Instance: Header |
SWFRXIPROCESS | XI-Instance: Process-Dependent Data |
SWFXIADAPT_QNAMES | Display-Table Grid |
SWFXIAGNT | Xi: PMI Agent Daten Struktur |
SWFXIAPICACHE | XI: View of Cache for Process Definitions |
SWFXIAPIPTYSRV | XI: View of Party/Service for Process Definitions |
SWFXIINBCONF_SEARCH | Searching and Filtering in Configuration Inbound Processing |
SWFXIINBCONFIG | XI Adapter: Configuration Data for Inbound Processing |
SWFXIMAPPAR | XI: Parameter for Mapping |
SWFXIMAPPARREF | XI: Parameters for Mapping as Runtime References |
SWFXIMSGMONI | XI: Message in a ccBPM Process |
SWFXIPROCESS | Work Item Structure with Process Information |
SWFXIPROCMONI | XI: ccBPM Processes for Display in Monitoring |
SAP Package SWF_XI_ADAPTER contains 19 programs.
RSWF_XI_ARCP | Archiv. Work Items: Message and Process Read-Program |
RSWF_XI_INSTANCES_FINALIZE | Mark messages and objects that can be deleted |
RSWF_XI_PREPARE_SERVICE | Conversion to Service Calls |
RSWF_XI_SWI1 | Selection Report for Processes |
RSWF_XI_SWI2 | Access to Work Item Analysis (SWI2) |
RSWF_XI_SWI6 | Process with Inbox Interface |
RSWF_XI_SWPC | Continue Process After System Crash |
RSWF_XI_SWPR | Restart Process in Status ERROR |
RSWF_XI_TEST_BPE_ADAPTER | Call BPE Pipeline Adapter for a Message |
RSWF_XI_UNPROCESSED_MSGS | Search for XML Messages Not Processed |
RSWF_XI_UNSENT_MSGS | Process Instances with XML Messages Not Sent |
RSWF_XI_UNUSED_MSGS | Find Unused Messages and Set Delete Flag |
RSWF_XI_WF_BUILDER_START | WF: Call Workflow Editor in Change Mode |
SAP Package SWF_XI_ADAPTER contains 1 search helps.
SWF_XI_PARTYSRV | XI: Search Help for Party/Service for Processes in Cache |
SAP Package SWF_XI_ADAPTER contains 2 message classes.
SWF_XI_ADAPTER | XI BPM: Nachrichten |
SWF_XI_INB_CONF | Konfiguration Eingangsverarbeitung |
SAP Package SWF_XI_ADAPTER contains 1 authorization objects.
S_BPE_CONF | Configuration Inbound Processing of Business Processes |