
SAP Package SWL

Business Workflow: Worklist Client

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Kundeneigene Erweiterungen mit ABAP: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Switch und Enhancement Framework

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The package SWL (Business Workflow: Worklist Client) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SWL
Short Text Business Workflow: Worklist Client
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SWL contains 24 function groups.

SWL0 WLC: Demos & Examples
SWL1 WLC: Process folder
SWL2 WLC: Interface to WIM
SWL3 WLC: Popup selection
SWL4 WLC: Function group for lists
SWL7 WLC: WorkflowMonitor
SWL8 WLC: WI transition model
SWL9 WLC: Remote worklist
SWLA WLC: Views and substitution
SWLB WLC: Check function
SWLD WLC: Dialog functions
SWLF WLC: Context for Inbox Selection
SWLI WLC: Interfaces released internally
SWLM WLC: Administrator functions
SWLO WLC: Interface to SAPoffice
SWLP WLC: Internal SWL Test Modules
SWLS WLC: Service functions
SWLSEL Selections
SWLT WLC: Transactions for controlling WIM
SWLU WLC: Access routines (read, update)
SWLV Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
SWLV2 Table Maintenance SWL_SYSTEM (Generated)
SWLW Work item: Type object manager (WIM-TOM)


SAP Package SWL contains 8 transactions.

SWL1 Settings for dynamic columns
SWLC Check Tasks for Agents
SWLD Workbench for Workflow 4.0
SWLD_INPLACE1 Demo Embedded Inbox
SWLD_INPLACE2 Demo Embedded Inbox (Professional)
SWLO Display work items for objects
SWLP Copy a Plan Version
SWLV Maintain Work Item Views

Database Tables

SAP Package SWL contains 10 database tables.

SWL_CTITLE WLC: Column title for task-specific inbox
SWL_CUSTOM WLC: Task-specific columns in inbox
SWL_ST_TRA WLC: Transition of work item
SWL_ST_TRN WLC: Transition of work item
SWL_SYSTEM WLC: System-specific parameters
SWLCREMABO WLC: Table for remote worklist subscription
SWLFBASHOW Display of WIM log entries in workflow log
TSWS Business Workflow: Definition of Views
TSWST Business Workflow: Texts for Views on Work Items
TWFS Workflow 3.0: Folders - Views of a User


SAP Package SWL contains 3 views.

SWLVCUSTOM Dynamic Columns for Business Workplace
SWLVVIEWS View for Maintaining Views
SWLVVIEWSD Database View for Views


SAP Package SWL contains 113 structures.

SWL_ACTIBF WLC: Action within process folder
SWL_ACTION WLC: Action within process folder
SWL_AGENTS Screen Table for Information on Possible Agents
SWL_BUTTON WLC: I/O table buttons for screens
SWL_C_NOTE Structure for the Notes of a Workflow in Container
SWL_CONFIG WLC: Inbox configuration
SWL_D_AGTS Screen Table for Information on Deadline Agents
SWL_DYNCO Dynamic columns
SWL_DYNCUS Customizing of Dynamic Columns
SWL_DYNINF WLC: Text lines
SWL_E_AGTS Screen Table for Information on Excluded Agents
SWL_EX_CVH Workflow: External View on Log Data: Header
SWL_EX_CVI Workflow: External View on Log Data: Items
SWL_HLPSTR WLC: Help structure
SWL_METHOD WLC: Secondary methods
SWL_MSGS WLC: Structure for Displaying Messages
SWL_N_AGTS Screen Table for Information on Notification Agents
SWL_NOTKEY Key of a Note ('NAME' of the SAPSCRIPT Object)
SWL_OB_ATT Default attributes for objects
SWL_OBJ WLC: BAdI: Object Reference
SWL_OBJATT WLC: BAdI: Default Attribute of an Object
SWL_OUTBOX WLC: I/O Variables for Workflow Outbox
SWL_P_AGTS Dynpro table for information on possible agents
SWL_PM_AVH Workflow: Display structure for agent view (header)
SWL_PM_AVI Workflow: Display structure for agent view (item)
SWL_PM_CVH Workflow: ITAB for reduction of WFM Logtab
SWL_PM_CVI Workflow: Display structure for chronicle view (item)
SWL_PM_OVH Workflow: PM display structure for object view (header)
SWL_PM_OVI Workflow: Display structure for object view (item)
SWL_PM_STD Structure for output of work item history
SWL_PM_WIH Structure for inclusion of WIM logging
SWL_PMRCVI WF: Display Structure Reduced for Chronicle View (Item)
SWL_POBSP I/O Screen Table for Specifying Object Type / Object ID
SWL_RETURN WLC: Error structure
SWL_SINOBJ WLC: Workflow-relevant fields from structure SINOBJ
SWL_STATUS Status Texts for Work Item Status
SWL_STPTAB Workflow: ITAB for reduction of WFM Logtab
SWL_STREEN WLC: Node Structure for Simple Tree
SWL_STRFCD WLC: Structure for excluded functions
SWL_STYLES Styles for HTML generation
SWL_SUCCES WLC: I/O table for 'End work item'
SWL_TASK_D Task description in text form (structure for the text)
SWL_TIPS WF: Tip in HTML Format: Head and Body
SWL_TREEIT WLC: Structure for simple tree OCX
SWL_WIDYNC WLC: BAdI: WI and Customizing of Dynamic Columns
SWL_WIDYNV WLC: BAdI: WI and Values of Dynamic Columns
SWL_WIFUNC WLC: Assignment of dialog functions to function modules
SWL_WIHIST Structure for output of work item history
SWL_WIOBJS Object References for Work Item (WI_OBJECT_ID, WI_GROUP_ID)
SWL_WL Attributes of the User's Work List
SWL_WL_ALT Attributes of User's Work List (corresponds to SWWWLHEAD)
SWL_WLHEAD Key Fields (of Entries) of a Work List
SWL0ATTR WL: Screen structure WI display
SWL1DYN WLC: EATAB for SWL1 main screen
SWLACTISTR WLC: Structure for collecting data from Activity Wizard
SWLACTVDY1 WLC: I/O table for selecting object source
SWLACTVDY2 WLC: I/O table for selecting object type
SWLACTVDY3 WLC: I/O table for selecting object
SWLACTVDY4 WLC: I/O table for description of activity
SWLACTVDYN WLC: I/O table for activities
SWLAHO_INF Structure for information on ad hoc objects (for display)
SWLATTRDYN WLC: I/O table for attributes
SWLBUTTDYN WLC: I/O table for buttons on screens
SWLCS WLC: Reduced container structure
SWLCTREE WLC: Example structure for treeOCX
SWLDECISTR WLC: Possible results of process
SWLDESCDYN WLC: I/O table for task description
SWLDNOTTAB Structure for Note Info for the Display of Notes
SWLDOCOBJS WF: Keys of Docu Objects (SE61)
SWLDY_LIST Structure for the Work List of a User for Screen Display
SWLDYNVIEW WLC: I/O table for views/substitution
SWLEXCLUDE Contains Functions of the Work List Client to be Deactivated
SWLFORWDYN WLC: I/O table for forwarding
SWLICUSTOM WLC: Task-specific columns in inbox
SWLLOGHIST History of a Work Item
SWLMERGEI WF: Counterpart of SWWW_T_MERGE_ITEM in Type Pool SWWW
SWLMETHDYN WLC: I/O table for method selection
SWLMETHMEN WLC: Names for secondary methods
SWLMETHODS Method List for Work Items
SWLNEW_AGT Screen Table for Information on New Agents
SWLNOTE_ID Complete Key of Note
SWLNOTEKEY Key of a Note
SWLNOTETAB WLC: Structure for displaying attachments
SWLOBJDISP WLC: Structure for object display
SWLOBJECTS WLC: Structure for Displaying Objects and Notes
SWLOBJTDYN WLC: I/O table for objects
SWLOBTDISP WLC: Structure for object display
SWLPOSAGTS Screen Table for Information on Possible Agents
SWLPRICDYN WLC: ATAB for priority change
SWLPRIODYN Integr. inbox: I/O table for changing priority
SWLRESLDYN WLC: I/O table for result buttons
SWLSCUSTOM WLC: EATAB expression description for dynamic columns
SWLSNOTTAB Structure for Note Informtion for the Selection
SWLSTATICO WF: Icons for work item status
SWLSUBMDYN WLC: I/O table for resubmission
SWLTERMDYN WLC: I/O table for changing deadlines for work item
SWLTEXTDYN WLC: I/O table for texts on screens
SWLUSERDWI Structure for setting WI-relevant fields of SWLUSERDYN
SWLUSERDWP Structure for setting WF log fields in SWLUSERDYN
SWLUSERDYN WLC: I/O table for user-specific parameters
SWLUSERPAR WLC: Structure with user-specific parameters
SWLWI_AGTS Screen Table for Information on WI Agents
SWLWI_AUTH Structure for saving the administration authorization
SWLWI_DISP Structure for information on work item (for screen display)
SWLWI_EVEN Data for subsequent events of a step
SWLWI_LIST Structure for the Work List of a User with Additional Info
SWLWI_NOTE Data for Note of a Work Item
SWLWIID WLC: Structure for work item ID
SWLWL_EDIT Help Structure for the Data for Manipulating the Work List
SWLWL_STAT WLC: Structure for status text and status code
SWLWP1 WF: Work Item Structure for Workplace
SWLWP1_C WF: WI Structure for Workplace (Only Comparison Fields!)


SAP Package SWL contains 5 programs.

RSWL_INPLACE_INBOX_DEMO Demo Program for Using an Embedded Inbox
RSWL_INPLACE_INBOX_DEMO_PROFI Demo Program for Using an Embedded Inbox
RSWLCJOB WLC: Delivery job for remote index
RSWLLOGT Check Report for Log Entries in Workflow
SWL_SHOW_PROCESS_DATA_REPORT SWL: Report for starting a dialog for remote SHOW_PROCESS_DATA

Message Classes

SAP Package SWL contains 1 message classes.

SWL WF: Neue Oberflächen-Nachrichten im Workflow (Client)

Authorization Objects

SAP Package SWL contains 1 authorization objects.

S_WF_LVIEW Workflow: Handling of Integrated Inbox View