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Bei ansehen →The package SWR (Business Workflow: WAPI Interfaces) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SWR |
Short Text | Business Workflow: WAPI Interfaces |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SWR contains 1 embedded packages.
SWR_UI | Business Workflow: WAPI Interfaces (UI Elements) |
SAP Package SWR contains 15 function groups.
SWR_WEBSERVER | Customizing: Web Server |
SWR_WS | Workflow Interface: WebFlow Services |
SWR1 | Diverse Utilities |
SWRA | Workflow Interfaces: Administration |
SWRC | Workflow interfaces: Work list client |
SWRD | Definition Time |
SWRDLG | Workflow Interfaces: Dialog |
SWRF | Workflow Interfaces: Forms |
SWRI | Workflow interfaces: Info system |
SWRR | Workflow interfaces: Runtime |
SWRS | Workflow Interfaces: Substitution |
SWRW | Workflow Interfaces: Worklist |
SWRXI | Internal XI Interfaces |
SWRXI_DLG | Analysis Tools for XI Interface |
SWRXML | Internal Interfaces: XML |
SAP Package SWR contains 1 transactions.
SWR_WEBSERVER | Web Server Customizing |
SAP Package SWR contains 5 database tables.
SWR_BPML | Workflow: BPML Document |
SWRNOPROXY | Customizing: Proxy Exceptions |
SWRURLRT | URL at Runtime (Header Data) |
SWRURLSG | URL at Runtime (Segments) |
SWRWEBSERV | Customizing Web Server |
SAP Package SWR contains 78 structures.
SOBJTYP | Structure with Object Type |
SWR_ATT_HEADER | Header for Attachments to Workitems |
SWR_ATT_ID | Asset ID for a Workitem |
SWR_BPML_ACTION | BPML: <action> Elements |
SWR_BPML_DOCU | BPML Documentation Elements |
SWR_BPML_XELM | BPML Structure for List of XML Elements |
SWR_CONT | Container (name-value pairs) |
SWR_DEADL | WAPI: Deadlines |
SWR_DECIALTS | Alternatives of a User Decision |
SWR_EPAR | Structure for HTML Event Parameters |
SWR_EVTQ | HTML Event Parameter Query |
SWR_EXAGN | SAP Extension: Agents |
SWR_EXBND | SAP Extension: Binding |
SWR_EXCASE | SAP Extension: CASE |
SWR_EXCTL | SAP Extension: Control |
SWR_EXFRK | SAP Extension: FORK |
SWR_EXHDR | SAP Extension: Header |
SWR_EXIF | SAP Extension: IF |
SWR_EXOPR | SAP Extension: Container Operation |
SWR_EXOPT | Output Options for BPML Conversion |
SWR_EXSTP | SAP Extension: Step |
SWR_FREQ | WAPI: Frequency of instantiation of tasks |
SWR_FUNC | SAP_WAPI Function |
SWR_LHURL | Table for Launch URLs for Work Item ID |
SWR_LSTACT | WAPI: Last Action on Work Item |
SWR_MESSAG | Workflow Interfaces: Messages |
SWR_METHOD | WAPI: Structure for methods |
SWR_MIME_S | Transfer structure for a MIME object |
SWR_MSTRUC | Workflow interfaces: Message structure |
SWR_OBJ_2 | WAPI: Generic Structure for Objects (After 4.6) |
SWR_OBJECT | WAPI: Structure for objects |
SWR_PDEFCTL | Control Parameter for the Export of a Process Definition |
SWR_PIDAT | Process Instance Data for Wf-XML |
SWR_PROPER | Workflow: Property (Name/Value) |
SWR_REQHDR | Wf-XML: Request Header |
SWR_S_MIME | Structure for MIME object |
SWR_STRUCT | Various fields |
SWR_SUBSTITUTE | Substitute |
SWR_SUBSTPROFILE | Substitute Profile |
SWR_TASK | WAPI: Tasks |
SWR_TIMINT | WAPI: Time interval |
SWR_TSKDSC | HR task ID and name |
SWR_TSKFLT | Task filter |
SWR_TXTLIN | Workflow interfaces: Text line |
SWR_VALUE | WAPI: Name/values for transfer of any data |
SWR_VERS | Workflow: Versions of a Task |
SWR_WIADDATTR | WAPI: Additional Attributes of a Work Item |
SWR_WIAGENT | WAPI: Work Item/User Assignment |
SWR_WIDETL | WAPI: Work Item Details |
SWR_WIDTL | WAPI: Detailed Information About Work Item |
SWR_WIHDR | Work Item Structure |
SWR_WIPR_E | Export structure for user exit in work item preview |
SWR_WIPR_I | Import structure for user exit in work item preview |
SWR_WIPTS | Number of work items per task |
SWR_WISTAT | Workflow interfaces: Work item status |
SWR_WITYPE | WAPI: Work item type |
SWR_WIUSER | WAPI: User + Work Item |
SWR_WIUSLA | WAPI: Work Item + Language + User |
SWR_XSTEP | Internal XSLT Data Exchange for BPML Conversion |
SWRAGENT | Role Resolution Result |
SWRSMERGE | Structure for an HTML merge item |
SWRSOAPATS | Attribute Data for SOAP |
SWRSOAPHDR | Data for SOAP Header |
SWRSOAPMET | Data for SOAP Method |
SWRSOAPPEX | Extension for SOAP Parameter |
SWRSOBJID | WAPI: Object Key |
SWRSOBJTYP | Structure with Object Type |
SWRSPROFTX | Substitute Profile |
SWRSUBS | Substitute |
SWRSUBST | Substitute |
SWRXI_CTL | XI Structure with Control Parameters for Import |
SWRXI_MAP | XI Mapping Structure |
SWRXI_NODEKEY | XI Node ID (Internal/External Representation) |
SWRXI_PROP | XI Property Structure |
SWRXI_REP | XI Repository Name of a Component |
SWRXI_REP_CACHE | XI Repository Name of a Component |
SAP Package SWR contains 3 programs.
RWAPI_INPLACE_START_DEMO | WF: Demo program for using an embedded inbox |
SAP Package SWR contains 2 message classes.
SWRD | Business Workflow: WAPI-Schnittstellen der Definition |
SWRXI | XI: Import von Prozessdefinitionen in Webflow Engine |
SAP Package SWR contains 1 authorization objects.
S_WF_SUBST | Workflow: Substitute Ruling |