
SAP Package SWT

Business Workflow: Workflow Trace Functions

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The package SWT (Business Workflow: Workflow Trace Functions) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.

Technical Information

Package SWT
Short Text Business Workflow: Workflow Trace Functions
Parent Package BASIS

Function Groups

SAP Package SWT contains 3 function groups.

SWT1 Workflow: Trace Tool Functions
SWT2 Workflow Trace: Internal Use
SWTQ Trace for Workflow Requests


SAP Package SWT contains 7 transactions.

SWT0 Configure workflow trace
SWTFILTER Administration: Trace Activation
SWTREORG Reorganization Trace for Requests
SWTREQ Analyze Workflow Trace for Requests
SWU10 Delete Workflow Trace Files
SWU8 Workflow Trace: On/Off
SWU9 Display Workflow Trace

Database Tables

SAP Package SWT contains 5 database tables.

SWT_ACT Actions that can be carried out in workflow trace
SWT_ACTT Description of actions in workflow trace
SWT_LOGCAT Workflow trace catalog
SWT_LOGENT Workflow: Selections in a workflow trace
SWTRQTRACE Workflow: Trace Table for Requests


SAP Package SWT contains 1 views.

H_SWT_ACT Workflow: Actions for Workflow Trace


SAP Package SWT contains 12 structures.

SWT_FILENT Workflow: New Filter for Trace
SWT_FILKEY Workflow: Key for Filter
SWT_FILTER Workflow: Filter for Trace
SWT_HANDLE Complete workflow trace
SWT_LOG Workflow: Trace entry
SWT_LOGDAT Workflow: Trace data
SWT_LOGTXT Text for technical trace
SWT_REQTRACE Workflow: Trace Table for Requests
SWTAREQTRACE Workflow: ALV Structure for Request Trace Reporting
SWTDFILTER Workflow: EATAB for Trace Filter
SWTDISPLST Display list
SWTR_SEL Workflow: Trace entry


SAP Package SWT contains 7 programs.

RSWTDREQ Workflow: Analysis of Request Trace
RSWTTR01 Display Workflow Trace
RSWTTR02 Delete obsolete workflow trace files
RSWTTR03 Workflow: Job Scheduling for Workflow Trace Retention Period
RSWTTR04 Activate/deactivate workflow trace
RSWTTR05 Display technical trace
RSWTTR06 Display Workflow Trace

Search Helps

SAP Package SWT contains 1 search helps.

H_SWT_ACT Workflow: Actions for Workflow Trace