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Bei ansehen →The package SWUO (Business Workflow: Office Integration) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SWUO |
Short Text | Business Workflow: Office Integration |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SWUO contains 3 function groups.
SWUO_OI | Office Integration: OI Interface |
SWUO_OV | Office Integration: Template |
SWUO_WF | Office Integration: WF Interface |
SAP Package SWUO contains 2 transactions.
SWUO_DEL | Deletion Report for Workflow Docs |
SWUOCHECK | Test Report for Workflow Documents |
SAP Package SWUO contains 26 database tables.
SWU_CHKF | SDOK: File Name of Last Checkout |
SWU_CHKO | SDOK: Checkout Data for Physical Information Object |
SWU_CONT1 | SDOK: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) |
SWU_LOIO_D | Logical Info Objects in Workflow |
SWU_LOPR | Workflow: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects |
SWU_PHF | SDOK: Files of Physical Information Objects |
SWU_PHIO_D | Physical Info Objects in Workflow |
SWU_PHPR | SDOK: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
SWU_PHRE | SDOK: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects |
SWUOCHKF | SWUO: File Name of Last Checkout |
SWUOCHKO | SWUO: Checkout Data for a Physical Information Object |
SWUOCONT1 | SWUO: Table for Document Contents (Import/Export) |
SWUOLOIO | SWUO: Instances of Logical Information Objects |
SWUOLOIOT | SWUO: Descriptions of Logical Information Objects |
SWUOLOPR | SWUO: Attribute Values of Logical Information Objects |
SWUOLORE | SWUO: Outgoing Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
SWUOLORI | SWUO: Incoming Relationships of Logical Information Objects |
SWUOPHF | SWUO: Files of Physical Information Objects |
SWUOPHHR | SWUO: Outgoing Hyperlinks from Physical Objects |
SWUOPHIO | SWUO: Instances of Physical Information Objects |
SWUOPHNM | SWUO: Use of Target Anchors in Physical Objects |
SWUOPHPR | SWUO: Attributes of Physical Information Objects |
SWUOPHRE | SWUO: Outgoing Relationships of Physical Information Objects |
SWUOPHRI | SWUO: Incoming Relationships of Physical Information Objects |
SWUORE | SWUO: Instances of Relationships |
SWUOREPR | SWUO: Attributes of Relationships |
SAP Package SWUO contains 8 structures.
SWUO_CMD | WF: Description of a command object |
SWUODTYP | OI: Selection of Document Classes |
SWUOLINK | OI: Structure of Link Item |
SWUOPROP | OI: Properties of Document |
SWUOPRWF | OI: Properties of Workflow |
SWUOSELE | OI: Structure of PHIO's Selection Box |
SWUOTREITM | OI: Structure of Link Tree Item(s) |
SWUOUSET | OI: Personal User Settings |
SAP Package SWUO contains 5 programs.
RSWUOCHECK | Test Report for Workflow Documents |
RSWUODEL | Deletion Report for Workflow Documents |
RSWUOMAINTVERS | Help Report for Converting WF Version to Document After Transport |
RSWUORESET | Reset Personal Settings of the User |
SAP Package SWUO contains 1 message classes.
SWUO | Business Workflow: Office-Integration |