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Bei ansehen →The package SZGL (R/3 Central Basis Development: Geo Locations) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package BASIS.
Package | SZGL |
Short Text | R/3 Central Basis Development: Geo Locations |
Parent Package | BASIS |
SAP Package SZGL contains 2 function groups.
CUST_GEOOBJ2CLS | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
GEO_UPDATE_TASK | Posting modules GeoLoc and GeoObjR |
SAP Package SZGL contains 6 database tables.
GEOLDELREQ | Geolocations That Are Marked for Deletion |
GEOLOC | Geo location (lon/lat/alt/...) |
GEOMAPPER0 | Mapper Grid square->ObjR->GeoLoc |
GEOMAPPERS | List of all GeoMappers in the system |
GEOOBJ2CLS | Mapping Table Object type (ObjR) -> Class name and Contai. |
GEOOBJR | Gen. object ref. (customer, plant, ...) |
SAP Package SZGL contains 1 views.
VGEOOBJLOC | View of Geoloc and Geoobjr |
SAP Package SZGL contains 6 structures.
SADDRAPPLO | Address-Application Object Pair |
SADDRGUID | Address guid |
SAPPLOBJID | Identifier for Application Objects (Geo System) |
SGEOADDR | Logical system and address |
SGEOGUID | GUID in Geosystem |
SAP Package SZGL contains 1 programs.