
SAP Package UUDM

EDM: Data Modeler (General)

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SAP-Änderungs- und Transportmanagement: Architektur und Wartung der SAP-Systemlandschaft

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The package UUDM (EDM: Data Modeler (General)) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package UUDM
Short Text EDM: Data Modeler (General)
Parent Package APPL


SAP Package UUDM contains 1031 views.

ENT1001 Logical system
ENT1003 Plant
ENT1004 Plant storage area
ENT1006 Plant material
ENT1007 Plant storage area material
ENT1015 Material type
ENT1021 Industry sector
ENT1026 Plant material forecast parameter
ENT1027 Material
ENT1029 Plant material - forecast
ENT1030 Plant material forecast requirement
ENT1031 Material - purchasing
ENT1032 Plant material - material requirements planning
ENT1033 Plant material - consumption
ENT1034 Material - engineering and design
ENT1035 Plant material - production
ENT1036 Material - storage
ENT1037 Plant material - quality assurance
ENT1038 Business area determination
ENT1043 Material - sales
ENT1044 Plant material - sales
ENT1045 Plant material - purchasing
ENT1046 Plant material-Warehousing
ENT1049 Plant storage area-volume
ENT1055 Insurance company
ENT1064 Partner Role
ENT1069 Partner role grouping
ENT1072 Material grouping-storage condition
ENT1073 Material grouping - transportation condition
ENT1074 Material grouping-temperature condition
ENT1075 Material grouping-container requirements
ENT1079 Design office
ENT1080 Material - unit of measurement
ENT1081 Material - unit of measurement - EAN
ENT1085 EAN Category
ENT1089 Partner Role Grouping - Partner Role - Assignment
ENT1500 Task
ENT1502 Information task
ENT1523 Bank
ENT2014 Customer
ENT2016 Vendor
ENT2017 House bank
ENT2023 Payer
ENT2024 Payee
ENT2031 Entity view 2031, dunning procedure
ENT2145 Line structure-sales tax-country-validity
ENT2159 Credit check specification
ENT2167 Dunning recipient
ENT2177 Business transaction type grouping - credit check
ENT2180 Entity View 2180, Bill of Exchange Usage
ENT2221 Company code - accountant
ENT2222 Company Code - Dunning Clerk
ENT2330 Customer branch
ENT2331 Vendor branch
ENT2554 Transaction Type
ENT5001 Purchase requisition item
ENT5002 Purchase requisition item - subcontracting
ENT5004 Purchase requisition item - stock transfer
ENT5005 Purchase requisition item - third party delivery
ENT5006 Purch. requisition item - provision of material by customer
ENT5007 Purchase requisition item - consignment
ENT5009 Purchase requisition item - outline purchase agreement
ENT5010 Request for quotation
ENT5012 Vendor quotation
ENT5013 Vendor quotation item
ENT5014 Purchase order
ENT5016 Vendor Purchase Order
ENT5017 Stock Transport Order
ENT5018 Vendor Quotation Request Item - Schedule Line
ENT5019 Vendor Quotation Item - Schedule Line
ENT5022 Purchase order item - subcontracting
ENT5024 Purchase order item - stock transfer
ENT5025 Purchase order item - third party delivery
ENT5026 Purchase order item - provision of material by customer
ENT5027 Purchase order item - consignment
ENT5029 Purchasing organization vendor
ENT5030 Purchasing group
ENT5031 Purchasing organization
ENT5032 Purchasing information
ENT5035 Purchasing organization - purchasing information
ENT5037 Outline purchase agreement
ENT5038 Purchase scheduling agreement
ENT5039 Purchase contract
ENT5040 Purchase order acceptance/fulfillment confirmation type
ENT5041 Purch. order accept./fulfillment confirmation type sequence
ENT5042 Purch. order accept./ful. confirm. type sequence position
ENT5043 Purchasing organization - plant - assignment
ENT5044 Purchase order acceptance/fulfillment confirmation
ENT5045 Purchase contract item - consignment
ENT5050 Vendor grouping - pricing procedure determination
ENT5051 Purchasing organization grouping
ENT5057 Purch. sched. agreement acceptance/fulfillment confirmation
ENT5062 Consignment valuation price
ENT5067 Purchase order item condition
ENT5077 Purchasing organization - purchasing info. - subcontracting
ENT5080 Stock transport scheduling agreement
ENT5081 Vendor scheduling agreement
ENT5086 Purchase scheduling agreement item - schedule line
ENT5095 Purchase order item - schedule line
ENT5100 Purchase order history
ENT5109 Purchase order history-goods receipt-blocked stock
ENT5111 Stock of material - plant storage area - vendor consigment
ENT5112 Stock of materials - PSA - returnable transport packaging
ENT5113 Material stock-plant-provision of material to subcontractor
ENT5114 Material stock-plant-customer consignment
ENT5115 Material stock-plant-returnable packaging (with customer)
ENT5117 Material stock - plant storage area - sales order
ENT5120 Material stock - plant storage area - volume
ENT5122 Material stock - plant storage area
ENT5123 Plant batch
ENT5124 Material stock - plant storage area - batch
ENT5132 Goods receipt
ENT5136 Material stock - plant storage area - split valuation
ENT5156 Material reservation - production order operation
ENT5157 Purchase contract item
ENT5159 Material reservation - direct
ENT5160 Material reservation - single
ENT5163 Material reservation
ENT5166 Dependent requirement - planned order
ENT5176 Purchase requisition item - material component
ENT5177 Material reservation - purchase order item - subcontracting
ENT5180 MRP list
ENT5181 MRP list
ENT5182 Material requirements planning list item - inward movement
ENT5184 Production series
ENT5185 Production version
ENT5186 Material requirements planning list item - outward movement
ENT5187 Planned order
ENT5200 Routing sequence
ENT5203 Routing
ENT5204 Routing operation
ENT5205 Work scheduler group
ENT5206 Available capacity
ENT5207 Work center
ENT5208 Work center hierarchy
ENT5209 Available capacity interval
ENT5210 Capacity distribution rule
ENT5211 Work center capacity
ENT5212 Shift
ENT5213 Shift sequence
ENT5214 Shift program item
ENT5215 Capacity distribution function
ENT5216 Capacity distribution strategy
ENT5217 Available capacity cycle - shift
ENT5218 Routing sub-operation
ENT5219 Routing operation - reference routing - assignment
ENT5220 Routing sequence operation
ENT5221 Routing operation - activity type
ENT5222 Routing sequence operation - BOM component - assignment
ENT5223 Routing operation - production resource/tool
ENT5224 Routing sequence - master
ENT5225 Routing sequence - dependent
ENT5226 Routing sequence - dependent - parallel
ENT5227 Routing sequence - dependent - alternative
ENT5232 Routing sub-operation - planned activity
ENT5233 Production order
ENT5234 Production order operation
ENT5237 Routing operation-partial evaluation
ENT5238 Routing operation - partial evaluation parameter value
ENT5241 Production order operation - production resources/tools
ENT5248 Production order sub-operation
ENT5252 Work center capacity requirement - prod. order operation
ENT5253 Work center capacity requirements - planned order
ENT5254 Work center cap. requirement - prod. order operation element
ENT5264 Work center - cost center - assignment
ENT5265 Work center - activity type
ENT5267 Available capacity reference
ENT5270 Product group
ENT5271 Product group hierarchy
ENT5272 Product group - plant material - assignment
ENT5273 Product group outline plan
ENT5274 Plant material outline plan
ENT5276 Production order sequence
ENT5277 Manufacturing order item
ENT5286 Production order operation - planned activity
ENT5290 Production order sequence - dependent
ENT5291 Production order sequence - master
ENT5292 Production order sequence - dependent - parallel
ENT5293 Production order sequence - dependent - alternative
ENT5294 Production order sub-operation - planned activity
ENT5302 Bill of material group
ENT5303 Bill of material assembly
ENT5304 Bill of material component
ENT5305 Document structure
ENT5306 Bill of material component installation point
ENT5307 Bill-of-material assembly component
ENT5309 Equipment BOM
ENT5350 Goods issue
ENT5358 Inventory - stock adjustment
ENT5359 Inventory - stock adjustment - item
ENT5360 Plant storage area - physical inventory
ENT5361 Plant storage area - physical inventory item
ENT5362 Material stock - plant
ENT5363 MRP controller group
ENT5368 Warehouse complex
ENT5369 Warehouse
ENT5370 Storage bin...
ENT5371 Material stock - storage slot
ENT5372 Warehouse Complex - Plant Warehouse Assignment
ENT5373 Storage slot grouping
ENT5374 Fire-containment section
ENT5375 Storage section
ENT5379 Material stock - storage slot - vendor consignment
ENT5380 Mat. stock - storage slot - provision of mater. by customer
ENT5381 Material stock - storage slot - sales order
ENT5383 Material stock - storage slot - batch
ENT5384 Warehouse complex material
ENT5385 Stock material
ENT5388 Hazardous material
ENT5389 Warehouse transfer request
ENT5390 Warehouse transfer request item
ENT5391 Transport request
ENT5392 Warehouse transfer order item
ENT5481 Logistics information structure
ENT5482 Logistics information structure - characteristic
ENT5483 Logistics information structure - key figure
ENT5486 Logistics information-production-work center
ENT5501 Material valuation area
ENT5502 Material valuation area - valuation type
ENT5503 Material valuation area - valuation type grouping
ENT5504 Mat. val. area - val. type grouping - val. type - assignment
ENT5505 Material stock account
ENT5506 Mat. val. type - grouping - mat. valuation type - allocation
ENT5507 Material stock account - transaction figure
ENT5508 Material valuation type
ENT5509 Material valuation type - grouping
ENT5519 Characteristic grouping
ENT5520 Classification characteristic
ENT5523 Characteristic value
ENT5524 Characteristic - class type - assignment
ENT5525 Class grouping
ENT5527 Class
ENT5528 Class characteristic
ENT5533 Classification object-material
ENT5535 Classification object-work center
ENT5537 Classification object-characteristic value
ENT5539 Classification object-class
ENT5540 Classification object-document
ENT5541 Classification object-routing
ENT5542 Classification object - standard network
ENT5582 Work breakdown structure element - capital investment
ENT5588 Logistic valuation class grouping
ENT5589 Logistic valuation class
ENT5591 Work Breakdown Structure Element
ENT5592 Work breakdown structure element hierarchy
ENT5593 Work breakd. struct. element - project information - assign.
ENT5600 Reference functional location hierarchy
ENT5601 Equipment Category
ENT5602 Equipment - machine
ENT5603 Equipment - Production resource/tool
ENT5604 Piece of equipment - testing and measuring equipment
ENT5605 Piece of equipment - sale
ENT5606 Functional location type
ENT5608 Reference functional location
ENT5609 Reference functional location type
ENT5610 Functional location
ENT5611 Equipment usage
ENT5612 Functional location-hierarchy
ENT5613 Piece of equipment hierarchy
ENT5614 Functional location - cross-linkage
ENT5615 Piece of equipment - cross-linkage
ENT5617 Maintenance planner group
ENT5635 Maintenance object
ENT5636 Maintenance object - piece of equipment
ENT5637 Maintenance object - functional location
ENT5640 Maintenance Strategy
ENT5641 Maintenance package
ENT5642 Maintenance Plan
ENT5643 Preventive maintenance due date
ENT5644 Maintenance task list
ENT5647 Prev. maint. package - maint. task list operat. - assignment
ENT5648 Maintenance item
ENT5654 Maintenance notification item
ENT5655 Maintenance notification task
ENT5656 Maintenance notification item cause
ENT5657 Maintenance notification activity
ENT5677 Equipment maintenance task list
ENT5701 Inspection request - inspection lot
ENT5702 Check Procedure
ENT5703 Quality information - procurement
ENT5704 Inspection request - usage decision
ENT5711 Inspection operation characteristic
ENT5712 Inspection operation result
ENT5714 Inspection operation sample
ENT5715 Inspection operation sampling result
ENT5716 Inspection operation result item
ENT5717 Inspection operation collective result item
ENT5724 Plant Material - Inspection Type Parameter
ENT5725 Insp. oper. result - QA ref. information item - assignment
ENT5727 Insp. oper. sampl. result - QA ref. info. item - assignment
ENT5729 Insp. op. res.- QA selected set - ref. info. item - assign.c
ENT5730 Inspection method
ENT5733 QA reference information item - group
ENT5735 Quality assurance reference information item
ENT5737 QA reference information item - selected set
ENT5738 QA selected set - reference information item - assignment
ENT5739 Inspection characteristic
ENT5741 Inspection method characteristic
ENT5742 In. meth. char. - QA ref. info. it. group.-together - assign
ENT5743 Insp. char. - QA ref. info. item grouping-together - assign.
ENT5744 Plant material - inspection plan - assignment
ENT5747 Insp. plan operation insp. character. - plant mat.-dependent
ENT5748 Inspect. oper. charact. - QA ref. info. item group - assign.
ENT5749 Insp. op. sa. res. - QA sel. set - ref. info. it. - assign.
ENT5750 Sampling type
ENT5751 Valuation Mode
ENT5752 Sampling procedure
ENT5753 Sampling Scheme
ENT5754 Sampling Scheme Item
ENT5755 Sampling Instruction
ENT5756 Sampling instruction - time-related
ENT5757 Sampling instruction - lot-related
ENT5758 Inspection dynamization rule
ENT5759 Sampling procedure - inspection dynamization rule - assign.
ENT5760 Inspection severity
ENT5761 Inspection Stage
ENT5762 Inspection level transition - rejection
ENT5763 Inspection level transition - acceptance
ENT5769 Quality level
ENT5772 Inspection plan
ENT5773 Inspection plan sequence operation
ENT5774 Inspection plan operation
ENT5775 Inspection plan sequence
ENT5778 Inspection plan operation - reference operation set - assign
ENT5790 Routing operation inspection characteristic
ENT5791 Routing operation insp. charact. - plant material-dependent
ENT5792 Rout. oper. insp. char. - QA ref. info. item group - assign.
ENT5793 InspPlanOperation InspChar.- QA - Subject Group - Assignment
ENT5794 Object status - individual
ENT5795 Object status
ENT5796 Status object
ENT5797 Status - individual - subsequent task
ENT5798 Status object type - task
ENT5799 Status - subsequent task
ENT5802 Reference network group
ENT5803 Standard network
ENT5804 Standard Network Activity
ENT5806 Standard Network Activity - Succession
ENT5807 Standard Network Activity - PRT - Assignment
ENT5808 Standard Network Activity - Internal Processing
ENT5809 Standard Network Activity - External Processing
ENT5810 Standard Network Activity - Costs
ENT5811 Standard network activity - BOM component - assignment
ENT5815 Network
ENT5816 Network activity
ENT5817 Network activity - succession
ENT5819 Network activity - internal processing
ENT5820 Network activity - external processing
ENT5821 Network activity - costs
ENT5822 Network activity element
ENT5823 Network confirmation - performance
ENT5824 Network confirmation - date
ENT5828 Status object - project
ENT5829 Standard network activity element
ENT5830 Standard network activity element - internal processing
ENT5831 Standard network activity element - external processing
ENT5832 Standard network activity element - costs
ENT5833 Status object - project task
ENT5834 Status object - network
ENT5836 Network activity element - internal processing
ENT5837 Network activity element - external processing
ENT5838 Network activity element - costs
ENT5840 Network activity - production resource/tool - assignment
ENT5842 Network confirmation
ENT5843 Material reservation - network activity
ENT5844 Project information
ENT5845 Network activity - project information - assignment
ENT5846 Network activity element - project information - assignment
ENT5847 Standard network activity - project information - assignment
ENT5848 Standard network activ. element - project inform. - assign.
ENT5850 Work center capacity requirement - network activity
ENT5851 Work center capacity requirement - network activity element
ENT5852 Status object type
ENT5854 Status - individual
ENT5855 Status
ENT5856 Task - subsequent status type
ENT5857 Task - subsequent status type - individual
ENT5858 Status object type - initial status type
ENT5859 Status object type - status type - indiv. - group - assig.
ENT5860 CAP Procedure
ENT5861 CAPP method
ENT5862 CAPP method parameter
ENT5863 CAPP process - work center - assignment
ENT5864 CAPP method - process - assignment
ENT5866 CAPP formula parameter
ENT5867 CAPP method parameter inspection requirement
ENT5868 CAPP method parameter - formula
ENT5869 CAPP formula parameter - formula
ENT5870 CAPP planner group
ENT5879 Document type - documentation object type - assignment
ENT5880 Document
ENT5881 Document Type
ENT5882 Document hierarchy
ENT5887 Documentation object - quality information - procurement
ENT5889 Documentation object - document - assignment
ENT5891 Documentation object - material
ENT5893 Documentation object - piece of equipment
ENT5895 Documentation object - work breakdown structure element
ENT5896 Documentation object - document
ENT5899 Documentation object type
ENT5937 Assortment module
ENT5938 Assortment module - promotion
ENT5939 Assortment module - profile
ENT5940 Assortment module - standard
ENT5942 Assortment module - exclusion
ENT5950 Assortment grade
ENT5951 Assortment grade reference
ENT5952 Assortment priority
ENT5953 Assortment listing procedure
ENT6001 Customer
ENT6006 Shipping conditions
ENT6008 Sales and distribution area - sales office - assignment
ENT6009 Sales Office-Sales Group Assignment
ENT6013 Partner role hierarchy
ENT6015 Customer Grouping - General
ENT6016 Sales group
ENT6017 Distribution channel
ENT6019 Customer sales area
ENT6020 Division
ENT6021 Sales organization
ENT6023 Sales office
ENT6025 Department type
ENT6027 Customer delivery type
ENT6030 Customer delivery - business partner - assignment
ENT6031 Shipping point
ENT6032 Customer delivery
ENT6033 Customer delivery item
ENT6035 Customer delivery - employee - assignment
ENT6036 Customer delivery - customer employee - assignment
ENT6037 CustIndivBillingDoc
ENT6038 Customer billing document
ENT6041 Itemized customer billing document item
ENT6042 Itemized customer billing document item hierarchy
ENT6043 Customer billing document list item
ENT6044 Shipping point - plant - assignment
ENT6045 Item. customer billing document item - scheduling agreement
ENT6046 Itemized customer billing document item - billing document
ENT6063 Distribution chain - plant - assignment
ENT6064 Customer delivery item hierarchy
ENT6066 Sales material
ENT6070 Condition type grouping - exclusion
ENT6071 Condition type group. - exclusion - condition type - assign.
ENT6072 Calculation schema item - condition exclusion
ENT6077 Itemized customer billing document item - delivery
ENT6087 Loading Point
ENT6093 Customer-Material-Information
ENT6095 Prospect
ENT6096 Sales partners
ENT6099 Transportation connection point
ENT6100 Condition type
ENT6101 Sales district
ENT6102 Customer Grouping-Condition
ENT6103 Material grouping - condition
ENT6104 Material grouping - statistics
ENT6109 Incoterm
ENT6112 Tax exemption license
ENT6113 Tax Classification-Customer Determination
ENT6116 Customer Grouping-Price List
ENT6121 Business partner employee - management hierarchy
ENT6122 Selling transaction type
ENT6123 Sales Promotion Type
ENT6127 Customer Grouping - Calculation Schema Determination
ENT6128 SD transaction type grouping - calcul. schema determination
ENT6129 Calculation schema determination - sales and distribution
ENT6130 Rebate agreement
ENT6131 Rebate agreement - sales
ENT6135 Material grouping - rebate
ENT6137 Rebate agreement - purchasing
ENT6138 Costing sheet
ENT6141 Sales promotion
ENT6142 Rebate agreement type
ENT6143 Condition type grouping - business agreement
ENT6147 Cond. type grouping - business agree. - cond. type - assign.
ENT6148 Sales deal
ENT6155 Sold-To Party
ENT6156 Ship-to party
ENT6157 Bill-to party
ENT6159 Customer - business partner - assignment
ENT6160 Customer - employee - assignment
ENT6161 Customer - customer employee - assignment
ENT6163 Tax Classification-Customer
ENT6164 Tax classification - material
ENT6177 Customer Unloading Point
ENT6180 Customer Grouping-Statistics
ENT6209 Itemized customer billing document - debit memo
ENT6210 Itemized customer billing document - credit memo
ENT6211 Itemized customer billing document - pro forma invoice
ENT6216 Customer billing document list
ENT6217 Itemized customer billing document - invoice
ENT6218 Itemized customer billing document - cancellation
ENT6220 Customer Grouping - Account Determination
ENT6221 Material grouping - account determination
ENT6222 Material Grouping - Product Type Hierarchy
ENT6223 Material grouping-packing
ENT6230 Shipping material type
ENT6231 Material grouping-packing-shipping material type-assignment
ENT6233 Shipping material
ENT6234 Handling Unit
ENT6235 Shipping unit item
ENT6236 Shipping unit item - customer delivery
ENT6237 Shipping unit item - shipping unit
ENT6238 Shipping unit item - customer delivery item
ENT6321 Dispatch Type
ENT6340 Mode of Transport
ENT6342 Leg
ENT6343 Route
ENT6344 Route-Leg Assignment
ENT6347 Weight group
ENT6349 Proposed Route Determination
ENT6350 Actual Route Determination
ENT6351 Transportation zone
ENT6400 Competitor
ENT6404 Business partner contact type
ENT6417 Letter Contact
ENT6418 Business partner contact - employee - assignment
ENT6419 Business partner contact - customer employee - assignment
ENT6420 Business partner contact
ENT6421 Contact through visit
ENT6422 Telephone contact
ENT6423 Business partner contact - business partner - assignment
ENT6424 Business partner contact - flow
ENT6425 Direct mailing campaign - employee - assignment
ENT6426 Mailing campaign
ENT6427 Direct mailing campaign - business partner - assignment
ENT6428 Direct mailing campaign - customer employee - assignment
ENT6437 Customer billing document type
ENT6449 Reason for order
ENT6466 Customer outline agreement - business partner - assignment
ENT6467 Customer outline agreement - employee - assignment
ENT6468 Customer outline agreement - customer employee - assignment
ENT6480 Tax district - county
ENT6760 Vendor Evaluation
ENT6761 Vendor evaluation item
ENT6762 Vendor evaluation - material-specific
ENT6763 Vendor evaluation main criterion
ENT6764 Vendor evaluation subcriterion
ENT6765 Purchasing organization - main criterion
ENT6766 Purchasing organization - subcriterion
ENT6800 Retail site
ENT6900 Customer department
ENT6902 Customer receiving point
ENT6903 Business partner hier. type - business partner type - assig.
ENT6909 Business partner hierarchy type
ENT6911 Business partner hier. type - sales and distr. area - assig.
ENT6913 Vendor sub-range
ENT6914 Sales and distribution area customer hierarchy
ENT7461 Cost Center Manager
ENT9029 Exchange rate type
ENT9031 Currency
ENT9032 Exchange rate
U_11008 Supply area
U_11016 Maintenance planning plant
U_11017 Maintenance site plant
U_11024 Retail Material
U_11025 Single material
U_11040 Service category
U_11052 Service
U_11053 Service hierarchy
U_12033 Dunning Area
U_12556 Company - company code - assignment
U_14002 Operating concern
U_14020 Functional area
U_14404 Material Reservation - Posting Specification
U_14406 Purchase requis. item - service line - account assignment
U_14407 Purchase order item - service line - account assignment
U_14408 Purchase contract item - service line - account assignment
U_14409 Maintenance object - posting specification
U_14411 Purch. req. item - service value limit - account assignment
U_14412 Purch. order item - service value limit - account assignment
U_14461 Network activity - ext. proc. - serv. spec. outl. level
U_14462 Network activity - ext. proc. - service line
U_14463 Network activity - ext. proc. - serv. spec. outl. lev. hier.
U_14464 Network activity - ext. proc. - service value limit
U_14465 Network activity - ext. proc. - pur. contr. serv. val. limit
U_14471 Std. network act. - ext. proc. - serv. spec. outline level
U_14472 Std. network act. - ext. proc. - service line
U_14473 Std. network act. - ext. proc. - serv. spec. outl. lev. h.
U_14474 Std. network act. - ext. proc. - service value limit
U_14475 Std. network act. - ext. proc. - pur. contr. serv. val. lim.
U_15015 Purchase order - business partner - assignment
U_15036 Purchasing organization vendor information
U_15058 Purchasing organization - structure
U_15060 Outline purchase agreement - business partner - assignment
U_15078 Purchase scheduling agreement release order
U_15079 Purchase scheduling agreement release order - schedule line
U_15110 Goods movement type
U_15121 Material stock - plant storage area - project
U_15161 Long-term planning scenario
U_15162 Long-term planning scenario - indep.req.version - assignm.
U_15170 Run schedule header - run schedule quantity
U_15171 Independent requirement type
U_15174 Independent requirement version
U_15175 Long-term planning scenario - plant - assignment
U_15178 Maintenance order operation - material component
U_15179 Process order operation - material component
U_15193 Purch. sched. agreement - schedule line - material component
U_15197 Run schedule header
U_15229 Routing - material - assignment
U_15255 Process order phase - capacity requirement
U_15283 Material reservation
U_15318 Change - change object - assignment
U_15330 Functional location BOM
U_15331 Variant bill of material
U_15332 Multiple bill of material
U_15334 BOM Usage
U_15336 Material type - BOM usage - allocation
U_15338 Standard BOM
U_15355 Transportation service agent
U_15397 Storage unit type
U_15412 Stock movement type grouping
U_15443 Aggregate State
U_15444 Stock movement type
U_15534 Classification object - service
U_15576 Kanban control cycle
U_15577 KANBAN
U_15607 Measuring point object - functional location
U_15618 Measuring point object - piece of equipment
U_15619 Measuring point hierarchy
U_15620 Measuring point category
U_15621 Measuring point
U_15622 Measuring point - counter
U_15624 Measurement
U_15625 Measurement reading transfer
U_15626 Maintenance permit model
U_15627 Maintenance permit type
U_15628 Maintenance permit request
U_15629 Maintenance permit
U_15631 Classification object - reference functional location
U_15632 Classification object - piece of equipment - cross-linkage
U_15633 Classification object - equipment
U_15634 Classification object - functional location
U_15638 Classification object - maintenance notification item
U_15639 Classification object - functional location - cross-linkage
U_15645 Maintenance task list operation
U_15646 Maintenance task list operation - relationship
U_15649 Maintenance task list sub-operation
U_15650 Maintenance Notification
U_15651 Malfunction report
U_15652 Maintenance request
U_15653 Activity report
U_15660 Maintenance order
U_15661 Classification object - measuring point
U_15663 Maintenance order - Maintenance object - Assignment
U_15664 Maintenance order - maintenance notification - assignment
U_15665 Maintenance order operation
U_15666 Maintenance order sub-operation
U_15667 Maintenance order operation - Internal service
U_15668 Maintenance order operation - External service
U_15669 Maintenance order sub-operation - Internal service
U_15670 Maintenance order sub-operation - External service
U_15671 Maintenance Order Operation - Succession
U_15672 Maintenance order operation - production resource/tool
U_15673 Maintenance order confirmation
U_15674 Maintenance order hierarchy
U_15675 Work center capacity req. - maintenance order operation
U_15676 Work center capacity req. - maintenance order sub-operation
U_15679 Maintenance task list operation - internal service
U_15680 Maintenance task list operation - External service
U_15681 Maintenance task list sub-operation - Internal service
U_15682 Maintenance task list sub-operation - external service
U_15683 Maintenance task list operation - BOM component - assignment
U_15684 Maintenance task list operation - production resource/tool
U_15705 Quality notification
U_15706 Quality notification item
U_15707 Quality notification item cause
U_15708 Quality notification action
U_15709 Quality notification measure
U_15726 Measuring point object - reference functional location
U_15740 Partial lot
U_15745 Partial lot usage decision
U_15764 Measuring point object - material
U_15765 Quality certificate type
U_15767 Quality Certificate Model
U_15768 Classification object - reference measuring point
U_15770 Quality Certificate Model Characteristic
U_15801 Standard work breakdown structure element
U_15865 CAPP formula
U_15873 Functional location - maintenance permit model - assignment
U_15876 Piece of equipment - maintenance permit model - assignment
U_15894 Documentation object - functional location
U_15901 Incoming invoice
U_15902 Incoming invoice item
U_15936 Assortment module - rack jobber
U_15941 Material group
U_15944 Sales pricing type
U_15946 Sales price calculation item
U_15956 Promotion
U_15958 Retail promotion type
U_15959 Promotion theme
U_15970 Material allocation table item - ordering via distr. center
U_16002 Sales order
U_16003 Sales order item
U_16022 Sales order item hierarchy
U_16024 Sales order - business partner - assignment
U_16026 Sales order - customer employee - assignment
U_16028 Sales order item - schedule line
U_16040 Sales order - employee - assignment
U_16053 Customer contingency order
U_16054 Customer Complaint Order Item
U_16055 Customer contingency order item-schedule line
U_16056 Cust. Complaint Order - Subsequent Delivery Free of Charge
U_16059 Customer Complaint Order Item Hierarchy
U_16060 Customer Complaint Order - Business Partner Assignment
U_16061 Customer Complaint Order - Customer Employee Assignment
U_16062 Customer Complaint Order - Employee Assignment
U_16065 Customer inquiry - employee - assignment
U_16075 Itemized customer billing document item - order
U_16076 Itemized customer billing document item - complaint order
U_16081 Customer quotation item hierarchy
U_16082 Customer quotation - business partner - assignment
U_16083 Customer quotation - customer employee - assignment
U_16084 Customer quotation - employee - assignment
U_16090 Customer inquiry item hierarchy
U_16091 Customer inquiry - business partner - assignment
U_16097 Nielsen ID
U_16098 Customer inquiry - customer employee - assignment
U_16124 Customer quotation - pricing customer
U_16146 Rebate agreement - extension
U_16175 Customer Complaint Order - Credit Memo Request
U_16185 Customer Complaint Order - Debit Memo Request
U_16189 Sales order - pricing customer
U_16190 Customer Complaint Order - Pricing Customer
U_16193 Customer Complaint Order - Returns
U_16199 Customer quotation
U_16200 Customer quotation item
U_16201 Customer quotation item-schedule line
U_16202 Customer inquiry
U_16203 Customer inquiry item
U_16204 Customer inquiry item - schedule line
U_16214 Sales promotion measure
U_16224 Material grouping - sales status
U_16239 Customer delivery group type
U_16242 Customer delivery group
U_16243 Customer delivery group - customer delivery - assignment
U_16250 Transportation planning point
U_16251 Transport Type
U_16252 Transport
U_16253 Outbound shipment item
U_16254 Stage of Shipment
U_16255 Shipment item - shipment stage - assignment
U_16257 Milestone type - transport
U_16258 Shipment stage - leg
U_16259 Shipment stage - border crossing point
U_16260 Shipment stage - load transfer point
U_16261 Inbound shipment
U_16263 Outbound shipment
U_16264 Inbound shipment item
U_16270 Customer rental contract
U_16274 Contract validity period category
U_16275 Contract cancellation rule
U_16276 Contract cancellation schema
U_16277 Contract cancellation schema item
U_16278 Date determination rule
U_16280 Customer outline agreement item - billing plan date
U_16281 Billing plan type
U_16282 Billing plan type - date type
U_16285 Contract activity
U_16291 Material grouping - export product classification
U_16293 Importing country grouping
U_16298 Foreign trade customs area
U_16299 Border customs office
U_16303 Material grouping - commodity code
U_16304 Material grouping - export/import
U_16305 Material grouping - export control
U_16345 Alternative route - assignment
U_16370 Product proposal - sales and distribution
U_16402 Competitor Material
U_16481 Tax district - city
U_16611 Main. order oper. - external - service specif. outline level
U_16612 Maintenance order operation - external - service line
U_16613 Main. order oper. - ext. - serv. spec. outl. level hierarchy
U_16614 Maint. order operation - external - service value limit
U_16615 PM order op.-Ext.-Purchasing contract service value limit
U_16621 Service order oper. - exter. - service spec. outline level
U_16622 Service order operation - external - service line
U_16623 Service order op. - ext. - serv. spec. outl. level hierarchy
U_16624 Service order operation - external - service value limit
U_16625 Service order op.-Ext.Purch. contract service value limit
U_16631 PM task list oper. - External - service spec. outline level
U_16632 Maintenance task list operation - External - Service line
U_16633 PM task list op. - ext. - ser. spec. outline level hierarchy
U_16634 PM task list operation - External - service value limit
U_16635 PM task list op.-Ext.-Purch. contract service value limit
U_16671 Release group
U_16672 Release strategy
U_16673 Release type
U_16674 Release strategy point
U_16675 Release prerequisite
U_16677 Release status
U_16678 Processor determination
U_16700 Quality control chart type
U_16701 Quality Control Chart
U_16702 Sampling result - evaluation structure - diagram
U_16703 Sampling result - evaluation structure - diagram - type
U_16704 Sampling result - evaluation object type
U_16705 Inspection operation - planned activity
U_16714 Inspection operation inspection point
U_16719 In. req. - in. lot - mat. - single unit - p. of e. - assign.
U_16721 Vendor quot. request item - service specif. outline level
U_16722 Item of RFQ issued to vendor-service line
U_16723 Vend. quot. req. item - serv. spec. outline level hierarchy
U_16724 Vendor quotation item - service specification outline level
U_16725 Vendor quotation item - service line
U_16726 Vendor quot. item - service spec. outline level hierarchy
U_16727 Purchase contract item - service specific. outline level
U_16728 Purchase contract item - service line
U_16729 Purch. contract item - service spec. outline level hierarchy
U_16730 Entry of services performed - posting specification
U_16731 Purchase requis. item - service specification outline level
U_16732 Purchase requisition item - service line
U_16733 Purch. req. item - service specs. outline levels - hierarchy
U_16734 Purchase order item - service specification outline level
U_16735 Purchase order item - service line
U_16736 Pur. order item - service specs. outline levels - hierarchy
U_16738 Purchase order item - service value limit
U_16739 Purchase order item - purchase contract service value limit
U_16740 Service entry sheet line - posting specification
U_16741 Performed Service Recording
U_16742 Service entry sheet line
U_16743 Service entry sheet outline level
U_16746 Purchase requisition item - service value limit
U_16747 Purch. requisn. item - purchase contract service value limit
U_16748 Vendor quotation item - service value limit
U_16749 Vendor quotation item - purch. contract service value limit
U_16750 Hazardous material regulation validity area
U_16753 Quality notification type
U_16755 Service entry sheet outline levels - hierarchy
U_16757 Service entry sheet line - purchase order
U_16758 Service entry sheet line - purchase contract
U_16759 Service entry sheet line - service
U_16767 Quality information - shipping
U_16768 Performed services acceptance
U_16801 Assortment
U_16807 Seasonal material
U_16810 Material allocation table sub-item - plant
U_16811 Material allocation table sub-item - plant - schedule line
U_16818 Material Allocation Subitem - Distribution Center
U_16819 Mat. allocat. table sub-item - distr. center - schedule line
U_16821 Material allocation table type
U_16822 Season category
U_16823 Purchasing area
U_16827 Generic material
U_16828 Generic material - variant
U_16829 Value-only material
U_16832 Material grouping - labeling
U_16833 Prepack
U_16834 Display
U_16835 Sales set
U_16836 Full product
U_16838_1 Promotion item - additional - assignment
U_16839 Promotion item - hierarchy
U_16844 Promotion item
U_16845 Promotion product catalog
U_16901 Purchasing Organization Vendor - Business Partner Assignment
U_16906 Retail site layout section
U_16907 Product catalog layout area
U_16915 Assortment list type
U_16952 Layout module
U_16953 Layout section - area share
U_16954 Layout area schema
U_16957 Store
U_16958 Distribution center
U_16989 Assortment list item
U_16990 Supplying plant
U_16991 Receiving plant
U_16995 Rebate agreement - business partner employee - assignment
U_16996 Rebate agreement - employee - assignment
U_16998 Purchasing organization vendor - employee - assignment
U_16999 Purchasing Organization Vendor-Vendor Employee-Assignment
U_17771 Business partner employee
U_19035 Unit of measurement
U_19036 Country
U_25600 Maintenance notification type
U_25603 Service notification
U_25604 Master warranty
U_25605 Service activity report
U_25606 Master warranty - service item
U_25607 Service notification item
U_25608 Service notification item cause
U_25610 Service notification action
U_25611 Service notification measure
U_25612 Master warranty counter
U_25613 Service order
U_25614 Service order operation
U_25615 Service order operation - internal
U_25616 Service order operation - external
U_25617 Service order - Service notification assignment
U_25618 Service order - Maintenance object assignment
U_25619 Service order sub-operation
U_25620 Service order operation - Production resource/tool
U_25621 Service order operation - Material component
U_25624 Classification object - Master warranty
U_25625 Maintenance plan - Measuring point - counter assignment
U_25626 Functional location - Maintenance task list
U_25627 Maintenance task list operation - material - assignment
U_25628 Maintenance notification - maintenance partner - assignment
U_25629 Maintenance order - maintenance partner - assignment
U_25630 Maint. notification - organiz. structure unit - assignment
U_25631 Maintenance notification - post - assignment
U_25636 Service order confirmation
U_25637 Service notification - maintenance partner - assignment
U_25638 Service notification - employee - assignment
U_25639 Service notification - organiz. structure unit - assignment
U_25640 Service notification - post - assignment
U_25641 Warranty type
U_25644 Problem notification
U_25645 Service request
U_25646 Service notification - vendor - assignment
U_25647 Serv.notif. - bus. partner - contact person - assignment
U_25648 Classification object - service notification item
U_25649 Status object - service notification task
U_25650 Service order hierarchy
U_25651 Service order operation - succession
U_25652 Service order - maintenance partner - assignment
U_25653 Service order - employee - assignment
U_25654 Service order - organizational unit - assignment
U_25655 Service order - position - assignment
U_25656 Service order - vendor - assignment
U_25657 Service Order Sub-Operation - Internal
U_25658 Service Order Sub-Operation - External
U_25659 Maintenance notification - vendor - assignment
U_25660 Status object - maintenance notification
U_25661 Status object - piece of equipment
U_25662 Status object - maintenance notification task
U_25663 Status object - service notification
U_25664 Status object - maintenance order
U_25665 Status object - maintenance order
U_25666 Status object - service order
U_25667 Status object - service order operation
U_25669 Maintenance partner - customer
U_25670 Maintenance partner - vendor
U_25671 Maintenance partner - contact person
U_25672 Maintenance partner - organization structure unit
U_25673 Maintenance partner - position
U_25675 Functional location - maintenance partner - assignment
U_25676 Piece of equipment - maintenance partner - assignment
U_25677 Standard trigger point
U_25678 Standard trigger point group
U_25679 Trigger point usage
U_25680 Routing operation - trigger point
U_25681 Production order operation - trigger point
U_25684 Status object - production order
U_25685 Status object - manufacturing order operation
U_25686 Work center - overall hierarchy
U_25687 Repetitive manufacturing profile
U_25688 Repetitive manufacture planning grouping
U_25689 Production version linking
U_25690 REM planning grouping - production version
U_25695 Production series - reference
U_25696 PPC planning calendar
U_25699 Requirements planning file entry
U_25700 Planned independent requirement version
U_25701 Planning scenario
U_25702 Planning scenario - plant - assignment
U_25703 Plan. scenario - planned ind. require. version - assignment
U_25704 Long-term planning file entry
U_25705 Planning strategy
U_25706 Planning strategy group
U_25707 Planning strategy group - additional strategy
U_25708 Material requirements planning group
U_25800 Customer requirement
U_25801 Customer requirements item
U_25802 Customer requirements item - schedule line
U_25804 Summarized customer requirements
U_25805 Material availability check group
U_25806 Business transaction - material availability check
U_25807 Material availability check scope
U_25811 Kanban - replenishment strategy - in-house production
U_25812 Kanban - replenishment strategy - external procurement
U_25813 Kanban - replenishment strategy - stock transfer
U_25814 Purch. sched. agreement item - kanban control cycle - assgt.
U_25816 Purchase contract item - kanban control cycle - assignment
U_26100 Plant layout
U_26101 Product catalog
U_26102 Layout section position
U_26104 Prod. catalog layout
U_26105 Product Catalog Variant
U_26107 Layout section hierarchy
U_26108 Product catalog - layout section item - hierarchy
U_26110 Retail Revaluation
U_26111 Sales value change item
U_26114 Documentation object - site layout module
U_26116 Unit of measurement grouping - allowability
U_26118 Unit of measurement - rounding rule
U_26119 Unit of measurement - rounding rule item
U_26125 Assortment module - value contract
U_26136_1 Purchase order-based load building rule
U_26137_1 Purchase order-based load building type
U_26138_1 Purchase order-based load building dimension
U_26141_1 Rough goods receipt item - hierarchy
U_26148 Rough goods receipt
U_26149 Rough goods receipt item
U_26150 Picking area
U_26152 Warehouse complex - Staging area
U_26153 Warehouse complex door - Staging area - Assignment
U_26154 Warehouse complex - placement zone - gate - assignment
U_26160 Material grouping - requirement
U_26165 Payment card type
U_26176 Incoming invoice item - claim
U_26177 Purchase order item - return
U_26181 Material forecast weighting factor
U_26183 Purchase order item - quantity issued
U_26192 Free goods
U_26193 Free goods type
U_26197 Inclusive
U_26200 Price markdown plan
U_26201 Markdown plan item
U_26207 Markdown plan item - hierarchy
U_26220 Additionals
U_26222 Additional -
U_26223 Additional - material group
U_26230 Currency conversion plan
U_26231 Currency conversion plan - promotion
U_26232 Currency conversion plan - markdown plan
U_26233 Currency conversion plan - pricing
U_26240 Picking wave type
U_26241 Picking time slot
U_26243 Wave pick
U_26250 Material grouping - logistics expenditure
U_26252 Unit of measurement grouping - logistics costs
U_26253 Storage area operation
U_26255 Logistics process type
U_26260 Vendor billing document type
U_26262 Settlement request
U_26263 Vendor billing document type grouping
U_26264 Vendor billing document list
U_26274 Vendor individual billing document - cancellation
U_26280 Empties Material
U_26282 Characteristic values table
U_26284 Characteristic quota scale