Wenn der Standard nicht ausreicht: Mit diesem Buch lernen Sie, IDocs selbstständig zu programmieren und zu erweitern. Die Autorin beschreibt Customizing-Techniken, die Erweiterung der Standardbausteine und komplette Eigenentwicklungen. Ob Rückmeldungen von Statuswerten, E-Mail-Workflows oder Serialisierung – für alle Aufgaben finden Sie Anleitungen und Tipps aus der Programmierpraxis. Neu in dieser Auflage: Überwachung und Fehlerbehandlung mit dem SAP Application Interface Framework.
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package VACR (Add-On BAPIs Sales and Distribution) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | VACR |
Short Text | Add-On BAPIs Sales and Distribution |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package VACR contains 1 function groups.
VAC1 | Function group in development class VA |
SAP Package VACR contains 99 structures.
BAPE_VBAK | BAPI Interface for Customer Enhancements to Table VBAK |
BAPE_VBAKX | BAPI Checkbox for Customer Enhancments to Table VBAK |
BAPE_VBAP | BAPI Interface for Customer Enhancements to Table VBAP |
BAPE_VBAPX | BAPI Checkbox for Customer Enhancments to Table VBAP |
BAPE_VBEP | BAPI Checkbox for Customer Enhancements to Table VBEP |
BAPE_VBEPX | BAPI Checkbox for Customer Enhancements to Table VBEP |
BAPE_VBKD | BAPI Interface for Customer Enhancements to Table VBKD |
BAPE_VBKFZ | BAPI Interface for Customer Enhancements to Table VBKFZ |
BAPE_VBLB | BAPI Interface for customer enhancements to table VBLB |
BAPE_VBLBX | BAPI Checkbox for customer enhancements to table VBLB |
BAPIBTSEL | BAPI Transfer Structure Selection Data CRM -> R/3 |
BAPICC_EX | Payment Card Data |
BAPICCARD_EX | Payment Card Data |
BAPICCARDM | Communication Table: Means of Payment Order/Billing Document |
BAPICOND | Communication Fields for Maintaining Conditions in the Order |
BAPICONDHD | BAPI Structure of KONH with English Field Names |
BAPICONDIT | BAPI Structure of KONP with English Field Names |
BAPICONDITION | Communication Fields for Maintaining Conditions in the Order |
BAPICONDITIONX | Communication Fields for Maintaining Conditions in the Order |
BAPICONDQS | BAPI Structure of KONM with English Field Names |
BAPICONDVS | BAPI Structure of KONW with English Field Names |
BAPICONDX | Communication Fields for Maintaining Conditions in the Order |
BAPICONTRACT | Communciation Fields: SD Contract Data |
BAPICONTRACTX | Communication fields: SD Contract Data Checkbox |
BAPICSLTOK | BAPI Structure CSL Lock Request |
BAPICTR | Communciation Fields: SD Contract Data |
BAPICTRX | Communication fields: SD Contract Data Checkbox |
BAPICUBLBM | BLOB Internal Configuration Data (SCE) |
BAPICUCFGM | VAW: Configuration Data |
BAPICUINSM | Instances of Several Configurations |
BAPICUPRTM | Part_of Entries of Several Configurations |
BAPICUREFM | CU: Reference Order Item / Instance in Configuration |
BAPICUVALM | Characteristic Values of Several Configurations |
BAPICUVKM | Variant Condition Keys in Configurations |
BAPIFLDCHG | Send Information About Changed Fields to CRM |
BAPIINCOMP | Communication Fields: Incompletion |
BAPIPARNR | Communications Fields: SD Document Partner: WWW |
BAPIPARNR_DEL_SCHED | Communication fields: SD Doc. Partner - Release Maintenance |
BAPIRELTYPE | Object Relationship Service Binary Link Type |
BAPISCHDL | Communication Fields for Maintaining SD Doc. Schedule Lines |
BAPISCHDL_DEL_SCHED | Communication fields: SD Sched. Lines - Release Maintenance |
BAPISCHDL2 | Commun. fields for sales document sched. line (confirmation) |
BAPISCHDLX | Checkbox List for Maintaining Sales Document Schedule Line |
BAPISCHDLX_DEL_SCHED | Checkbox list: SD Schedule Lines - Release Maintenance |
BAPISCHEDULE | Communication Fields for Maintaining SD Doc. Schedule Lines |
BAPISCHEDULEX | Checkbox List for Maintaining Sales Document Schedule Line |
BAPISDBPL | BAPI Structure of FPLA with English Field Names |
BAPISDBPLD | BAPI Structure of FPLT with English Field Names |
BAPISDBUSI | BAPI Structure of VBKD with English Field Names |
BAPISDCNTR | BAPI Structure of VEDA with English Field Names |
BAPISDCOAD | BAPI Structure of SADRVB with English Field Names |
BAPISDCOND | BAPI Structure of KOMV with English Field Names |
BAPISDDELSCHD_EX_CORRCQ | Communication Fields: SD Call - Corr. Cumulated Qty (VBKFZ) |
BAPISDDELSCHD_IN_CORRCQ | Communication Fields: SD Call - Corr. Cumulated Quantities |
BAPISDDELSCHD_IN_DEL_SCHED | Communication fields: SD Release - Release Maintenance |
BAPISDDELSCHD_INX_CORRCQ | Communication Fields: SD Call - Corr. Cum. Qty (Mark List) |
BAPISDDELSCHD_INX_DEL_SCHED | Checkbox list: SD Release - Release Maintenance |
BAPISDDELSCHED_EX | BAPI Structure of VBLB with english field names |
BAPISDDELSCHED_IN | Communication fields: SD Release |
BAPISDDELSCHED_INX | Checkbox for SD Release Maintenance. |
BAPISDFLOW | BAPI Structure of VBFA with English Field Names |
BAPISDH1 | Communication Fields: SD Order Header |
BAPISDH1_DEL_SCHED | Communication fields: SD Order Header - Release Maintenance |
BAPISDH1X | Checkbox List: SD Order Header |
BAPISDH1X_DEL_SCHED | Checkbox list: SD Order Header - Release Maintenance |
BAPISDHD | BAPI Structure of VBAK with English Field Names |
BAPISDHD1 | Communication Fields: Sales and Distribution Document Header |
BAPISDHD1X | Checkbox Fields for Sales and Distribution Document Header |
BAPISDHDST | BAPI Structure of VBUK with English Field Names |
BAPISDHEAD1 | Communication Fields: Sales and Distribution Document Header |
BAPISDHEAD1X | Checkbox Fields for Sales and Distribution Document Header |
BAPISDHEDU | Struture of VBEP with English Field Names |
BAPISDINCO | Communication Fields: Incompletion |
BAPISDIT | Structure of VBAP with English Field Names |
BAPISDITEM | Communication Fields: Sales and Distribution Document Item |
BAPISDITEMX | Communication Fields: Sales and Distribution Document Item |
BAPISDITM | Communication Fields: Sales and Distribution Document Item |
BAPISDITM_DEL_SCHED | Communication fields: SD Order Item - Release Maintenance. |
BAPISDITMX | Communication Fields: Sales and Distribution Document Item |
BAPISDITMX_DEL_SCHED | Checkbox list: SD Order Item - Release Maintenance |
BAPISDITST | BAPI Structure of VBUP with English Field Names |
BAPISDKEY | Key in Sales and Distribution Document |
BAPISDLS | SD Checkbox for the Logic Switch |
BAPISDPART | BAPI Structure of VBPA with English Field Names |
BAPISDTEHD | BAPI Structure of THEAD with English Field Names |
BAPISDTEXT_DEL_SCHED | Communication fields: SD Texts - Release Maintenance |
BAPISHDL | Communication Fields for Maintaining SD Doc. Schedule Lines |
BAPISHDLX | Checkbox List for Maintaining Sales Document Schedule Line |
BAPISHEDULE | Communication Fields for Maintaining SD Doc. Schedule Lines |
BAPITEXTLI | BAPI Structure for STX_LINES Structure |
ORDER_READ | Access Type for Access to Sales Document Puffer |
ORDER_VIEW | View for Mass Selection of Sales Orders |
SALES_KEY | Structure for Mass Accesses to SD Documents |
SDBILL_KEY | Structure for Mass Accesses to SD Billing Plans |
SDCOND_KEY | Structure for Mass Accesses to SD Conditions |
SDCONKNUMH | Condition Record Number |
SELTAB_SD | Transfer Structure for Dynamic Selection Parameters |
VBAKOM_REF | Reference Object Data |
VBAPKOMX | Checkbox List for Maintaining a Sales Document Item |