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Bei ansehen →The package VB (Application Development R/3 Batches) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | VB |
Short Text | Application Development R/3 Batches |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package VB contains 17 function groups.
CHRG | Batch Master Record Transactions |
CHVW | Batch Where-Used List |
LOBM | LOBM: Expiration date |
MHD1 | Gener. MaintnceDialog f.Period Ind. SLED |
MHD2 | Gen. Maintenance Dialog f. Bch Fld Cntrl |
OCCV | Batch Number Conversion |
V01D | Batch Definition |
V01F | Batch Determination |
V01P | Central Buffer Routines for Batch |
V01S | Central Module f. Batches/Stock Selectn |
V01U | Batch Management Utilities |
V01Z | Create, change and check batches |
VBMD | SLED and Period Indicator for SLED |
VBSC | Standard Characteristics: Batches |
VBUW | Batch Worklist: Assignment |
VBWL | Batch Worklist |
VBWP | Update Modules: Batch Usage |
SAP Package VB contains 28 transactions.
BM00 | Batch Management |
BMAA | Batch Archiving Runs |
BMC1 | Create Class (Class Type 'BATCH') |
BMC2 | Change Class (Class type 'BATCH') |
BMC3 | Display Class (Class Type 'BATCH') |
BMCC | Integrity Check for Batch Classif. |
BMUW | Assign Worklist Folder |
BMUWT | Maintain Worklist Cat. f. Batches |
MB05 | Subseq. Adjustmt: Act.Ingredient Mat |
MB56 | Analyze batch where-used list |
MB57 | Compile Batch Where-Used List |
MBC1 | Create MM Batch Search Strategy |
MBC2 | Change MM Batch Determ. Strategy |
MBC3 | Display MM Batch Determ. Strategy |
MSC1N | Create Batch |
MSC2N | Change Batch |
MSC3N | Display Batch |
MSC4N | Display Change Documents for Batch |
MSC5N | Mass Processing for Batches |
MSC6N | Batch Worklist |
O02F | Screen Field Ctrl f. Bch Master Rec. |
O02G | Screen Field Ctrl f. Bch Master Rec. |
OCWT | Define Worklist Folder |
S_ALR_87006944 | IMG Activity: CFMENU_OCHA_FAF |
S_ALR_87006959 | IMG Activity: CFMENU_OCHA_FAL |
VKC1 | Create General Strategy |
VKC2 | Change General Strategy |
VKC3 | Display General Strategy |
SAP Package VB contains 19 database tables.
CHVW_ARC_1 | Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Order Number |
CHVW_ARC_2 | Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Purchasing Document |
CHVW_ARC_3 | Archive Index: Batch Where-Used Data by Plant, Mat., Batches |
CHVW_INC | Batch Where-Used List- N:M Assignment for Order |
CHVW_INC_PUR | Batch Where-Used List - N:M Assignment Table - Purch. Order |
MCHUWL | User-Specific Batch Worklist |
MCHUWT | Assignment of User to Batch Worklist Type |
MCHWT | Batch Worklist Types |
MCHWTT | Batch Worklist Type Texts |
PRDKZ | SLED Period Indicator |
PRDKZT | Language-dependent texts for SLED period indicator |
T148Z | Value table for domain ZUSCH (deactivated) |
T148ZT | Text table for value table T148Z (deactivated) |
T160MVAL | Message category restriction for T160M |
T685H | Conditions: Batches => Default Values |
TCB03_BM | Internal Characteristic Numbers for PP-PI Characteristics |
TCUBN | Customizing: Automatic Batch Number Assignment |
TCUCD | Customizing for Batch Documents for Rel. 4.6C |
TFSBD | Sequence of Procedure for Batch Determination |
SAP Package VB contains 22 views.
H_T148Z | Help view for table T148Z |
M_MCHXB | Generated View for Matchcode ID MCHX-B |
V_CF_MCHA | Stock View for Batch Determination |
V_CF_MCHB | Stock View for Batch Determination |
V_CF_MKOL | Stock view for batch determination special stock K |
V_CF_MSKA | Stock view for batch determination special stock E |
V_CF_MSKU | Stock view for batch determination - special stock V and W |
V_CF_MSLB | Stock view for batch determination special stock O |
V_CF_MSPR | Stock view for batch determination special stock Q |
V_CZV_0 | Restricted Batches for Batch at Plant Level |
V_CZV_1 | Restricted-Use Batches for Cross-Plant Batch |
V_CZV_MCHB | Batch Material - Batch Status Management |
V_CZV_MKOL | Consignment Material - Batch Status Management |
V_CZV_MSKA | Sales Order Stock - Status Management |
V_CZV_MSKU | Customer Special Stocks - Status Management |
V_CZV_MSLB | Material Provided to Vendor - Status Management |
V_CZV_MSPR | Project Stock - Status Management |
V_MCHUWT | Batch Worklist: Assign |
V_MCHUWT_PRIV | Batch Worklist: Assign Users |
V_MCHWT | Maintenance View for Batch Worklist Types |
V_T148F_BATCH | Batch Master Screen Field Cntrl: Assgmt Fields <-> Field Gr. |
V_T148G_BATCH | Field Selection Control for Batch Master Record Transactions |
SAP Package VB contains 38 structures.
ALV_TREE_CHVW | Field Catalog for Display of Batch Where-Used List |
BATCHDELFLG | Batch Deletion Indicator |
BDBATCH | Results Table for Batch Determination |
BDCOM | Batch Determination Communication Structure |
BDCOMZ | Batch Determination: Communication Block (Dialog) |
BDINCCO | Additional Fields SUBSCREEN Batch Determination CO |
BDINCME | Additional Fields SUBSCREEN Batch Determination MM |
BDINCV | Additional Fields SUBSCREEN Batch Determination SD |
BDINCWM | Additional Fields SUBSCREEN Batch Determination WM |
BDPRT | Log for Batch Determination |
BDSEL_OBJECT | Object for selection criteria in batch determination |
BFCOMZ | Stock Determination: Communication Block (Dialog) |
BNCOM | Batch Number Allocation: Communication Block (Dialog) |
BNCOM1 | Batch number assignment: communication block |
BNCOMZ | Batch Mgmt Communication Record: Customer Modifications |
CDCOM | Batch / Stock Determination Communication Structure |
CDSTOCK | Results Table for Batch Determination / Stock Determination |
CHCDOBJ | Batch object for change documents |
CHVW_ALL | All Fields in the Tables CHVW and CHVW_PRE |
CHVW_ARC_IDX | Archive Key and Offset for Batch Where-Used Data |
CHVW_EXT | Table Structure for External Batch Usage |
CHVWSHADOW | Transfer Structure for Batch Where-Used List Display |
CHVWSHADOW_Z | Additional Fields for BWUL When Displaying With ALV |
CLBATCH | Classification interface for batches |
DFBATCH | Screen fields for batch master data transactions |
DFCHVW | Screen Fields for Batch Where-Used List Transactions |
IWRKZ | Plants With Status Management |
MAKT_EXT | Structure for Transferring Material Short Texts |
MCHA_KEY | Key Fields of Table MCHA |
MCHA_WL_KEY | Key Fields for Batch Worklist |
MCHA_WL_WTASK | Batch Worklist - Work Tasks |
MCHB_KEY | Key for Table MCHB |
MKOL_KEY | Key for Table MCHB |
RV01F | Dialog Structure for Batch Determination |
RV13H | Work Fields for SAPMV13H |
UPDMCHA | Change indicator for batches |
V01FDK | Dialog Structure for Batch Determination Header/Footer Info |
V01FDP | Dialog Structure for Batch Determination Item Information |
SAP Package VB contains 28 programs.
R0048460 | Check if CONVERSION EXIT Would Work for Batch Number |
RM07MCHS | Pick-Up List for Batch Where-Used List |
RM07MCHW | Compile batch where-used file |
RM07MMHD | Shelf Life List |
RV13HAAA | Batches: Display Search Strategy Records |
RVBARCHA | Breaking down of archive indices or batch where-used data |
RVBARCHB | Reloading of archived batch where-used records into the database |
RVBARCHD | Deletion of archived batch where-used records in the database |
RVBARCHG | Example program for reading a data object from an archive file |
RVBARCHI | Compilation of archive indices for batch where-used records |
RVBARCHR | List display of archived batch where-used records |
RVBARCHW | Creation of archive files for batch where-used records |
RVBBTREE | Mass Processing of Batches |
RVBBWULS | Display Batch Where-Used List |
RVBCOR07 | Copy Standard Characteristics LOBM_* from Client 000 |
RVBCOR08 | Maintaining Standard Characteristics with Object Dependencies |
RVBCOR09 | Maintain Standard Feature LOMB_* |
RVBCOR16 | Correcting Customizing for batch classification |
RVBCOR17 | Maintain Customizing tables for SLED period indicator in all clients |
RVBCUOBJ | Integrity Check for Batch Classification |
RVBCWORK | Correction report for batch worklist |
RVBDEACT | Deactivation of batches that are no longer needed |
RVBFB001 | Deletion of batch where-used records that cannot be evaluated |
RVBM00LT | Transaction called from batch management menu |
RVBSTMRK | Maintain Standard Features |
RVBUCCHA | Create Table Entries TCB03 for Standard Characteristics Orig. Batch |
RVBXPRA99A1 | XPRA for development class VB for Release 99 (Rel. 4.6) |
RVBXPRA99A2 | XPRA(2) for development class VB for Release 99 (Rel. 4.6) |
SAP Package VB contains 6 search helps.
EXT_DATE | Date in external format (10 char.) |
H_PERDKZ | Period indicator |
MCH1U | Batch Worklist |
MCHAU | Batch Worklist |
MCHS | Batches (valuation types) of material |
MCHUWT | Worklist folder for user |
SAP Package VB contains 2 message classes.
12 | Herstelldatum/Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum/Chargen |
LB | Logistik: Batch - Management |
SAP Package VB contains 1 authorization objects.
M_MATE_BWT | Material master: Change of valuation type for batch |