Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The package VBDRV (Batch Derivation) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | VBDRV |
Short Text | Batch Derivation |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package VBDRV contains 10 function groups.
DRVA | Derivtn: Check whether active for time |
DRVC | Derivation: Main Storage CHVW_PRE |
DRVE | Derivation: Assign Strategies to Event |
DRVG | Derivation: Generated Dialog Boxes |
DRVL | Conversion Exits for CHVW Level |
DRVN | Derivation: Execution, Logistics, Check |
DRVT | Deriv.: TEMPORARY! Call Ups from Exits |
DRVU | Derivation from Usage Decision |
V13R | Derivation: Update Condition Records |
V61R | Deriv.: Access Routines f. Cond. Records |
SAP Package VBDRV contains 31 transactions.
DRC1 | Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient |
DRC2 | Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient |
DRC3 | Create Cond. Table: Deriv. Recipient |
DRC4 | Conditions: V_T681F for R DR |
DRC5 | Access Sequences: Deriv. Recipient |
DRC6 | Strategy Types: Derivation Recipient |
DRC7 | Search Proc.: Derivation Recipient |
DSC1 | Create CondTables: Derivation Sender |
DSC2 | Create CondTables: Derivation Sender |
DSC3 | Create CondTables: Derivation Sender |
DSC4 | Conditions: V_T681F for R DS |
DSC5 | Access Sequences: Derivation Sender |
DSC6 | Strategy Types: Derivation Sender |
DSC7 | Search Procedures: Derivation Sender |
DVC1 | Derivation: No. Range f. Deriv. No. |
DVC2 | Derivation: No. Range f. Cond. Recds |
DVC8 | Assignmt of Search Procedure to Evnt |
DVCO | Condition Records Via Bill of Mat. |
DVDC | Delete Extended Batch Where-Used Lst |
DVDL | Delete Derivation Log |
DVMAN | Perform Manual Derivation |
DVMO | Monitor |
DVR1 | Create Derivation Recipient Record |
DVR2 | Change Derivation Recipient Record |
DVR3 | Display Derivation Recipient Record |
DVS1 | Create Derivation Sender Record |
DVS2 | Change Derivation Sender Record |
DVS3 | Display Derivation Sender Record |
DVSA | Shipping Approval |
DVSP | Set Up Derivation |
ODRV | Customizing for Derivation |
SAP Package VBDRV contains 19 database tables.
CHVW_PRE | Preliminary Batch Where-used List According to Order/PO |
DRV_FAVORITES | Derivation: Favorites for Condition Record Maintenance |
DRVLOG_FIELDVAL | Derivation: Attributes and values (log file) |
DRVLOG_HEADER | Derivation: Header table for log file |
DRVLOG_ITEM | Derivation: Item table for log file |
DRVLOG_TRAIL | Derivation: Orders / purchase orders in derivation path |
KONDR | Conditions: Derivation strategy - data part |
KONDRPR | Conditions: Derivation strategy - recipient item data |
KONDRPS | Conditions: Derivation strategy - sender item data |
KOTR001 | Rec.MatNo. |
KOTR002 | Rec.matType |
KOTR010 | Send.matNo. |
KOTR011 | Send.matType |
KOTR012 | Receiving Material + Sending Material |
KOTR013 | Receiving Material Type + Sending Material Type |
R000 | Condition table for derivation strategy R |
T685R | Conditions: Derivation => default values |
TCUDRV | Customizing: Batch Derivation |
TDRVEV | Search Procedures per Derivation Time Point |
SAP Package VBDRV contains 2 views.
V_148ZT | Derivation: Status Key for Batches |
V_TDRVEV | Assignment of Search Procedures to Derivation Events |
SAP Package VBDRV contains 19 structures.
DRV_COND_TREE | Derivation: ALV Tree in Condition Record Maintenance w. BOM |
DRV_FAVORITES_GRID | Derivation: ALV Grid in Condition Record Maintenance w. BOM |
DRVN_BALCONTEXT_FIELD | Derivation: Application Log Context for Attribute Key |
DRVN_DATUM_RANGE | Line of Range Table for Date |
DRVN_HDR | Derivation: Derivation Log Header Information |
DRVN_MON | Shipping Approval: Structure of Global Table GT_MONITOR |
DRVN_MSG | Derivation: Messages with ref. to derivation / charact. |
DRVN_SA | Shipping/Monitor: Communication Structure for DB Selection |
DRVN_SA_SPECIAL_STOCK | Batch Derivation, Overall Release: ID 'Read Special Stock' |
DRVN_TREE | Derivation: Structure for ALV TREE columns |
DRVNO_RANGE | Derivation: Range Structure for Data Element DRVNO |
ICUDRV | Derivation: Customizing Screen Fields |
KOMGR | Derivation: Communication block (dialog) |
KOMKR | Derivation communication block header |
KOMPR | Derivation communication record item |
KONDRPRVB | Conditions: Derivation - update data part, item recipient |
KONDRPSVB | Conditions: Derivation - update data part, item sender |
KONDRVB | Conditions: Derivation - update data part |
RV13R | Help fields for SAPMV13R |
SAP Package VBDRV contains 11 programs.
RMIMGDIRECTODRV | Derivation: Call up Customizing branch |
RV13R012 | Select Condition Records |
RV13RAAA | Derivation: Display condition records |
RV13RAAB | Derivation: Display condition records |
RV13RAAC | Derivation: Display condition records |
RVBDRVDC | Delete Extended Batch Where-Used List for Archived Batches |
RVBDRVDL | Delete Derivation Data from Archived Batches |
RVBDRVMO | Derivation: Monitor |
RVBDRVSA | Derivation: Shipping Approval |
SAPMV13R | Derivation: Maintain Condition Records |
SAP Package VBDRV contains 1 message classes.
VBDRV | Ableitung Chargenmerkmale |
SAP Package VBDRV contains 1 authorization objects.
M_MATE_DRV | Batch Derivation: Overall Release/Monitor |