
SAP Package VBW

BAPI Processing in Batch Management

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The package VBW (BAPI Processing in Batch Management) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package VBW
Short Text BAPI Processing in Batch Management
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package VBW contains 5 function groups.

VBWA ALE batch distribution
VBWB BAPIs for Batch
VBWC Batch Distr.: Cross-System Gds Movement
VBWT ALE Batch-Specific Unit of Measure
VBWU BAPIs Batch-Specific Unit of Measure

Database Tables

SAP Package VBW contains 5 database tables.

ALE_BATCHES_RECP Received Batches
ALE_DWM_EXCL_USR USER to be excluded in connection with dec. WM
ALE_MCHA_OBJECT Batches to be distributed from dec. WM
BATCH_LOC_CHAR Distribution of Batch Data - Local Characteristics


SAP Package VBW contains 45 structures.

BAPI_BMUOM_ALT_UOM Proportion/Product Unit: Alternative Units of Measure
BAPI_BMUOM_ALT_UOMX Proportion/Product Unit: Alternative Un - Change Parameter -
BAPI_BMUOM_ATTRIBUTES Attributes of Proportion Units and Product Units
BAPI_BMUOM_ATTRIBUTESX Attributes of Prop. and Product Units - Change Parameter -
BAPI_BMUOM_DATA Help Fields for the Batch-Specific Unit of Measure Parameter
BAPI_BMUOM_KEY Transfer Structure f. Proportion/Product Un - Key Fields -
BAPI_BMUOM_MATERIAL_DATA Material Data Relevant to Batch-Specific Units of Measure
BAPI_BMUOM_MATERIAL_DATAX Material Data for Batch-Specific UnM - Change Parameter -
BAPI_BMUOM_MATERIAL_RANGE Selection Parameters for the Materials to be Replicated
BAPI_BMUOM_RECIPIENTS Receiving Systems (Logical Systems)
BAPI_BMUOM_REPL_OBJECTS Matls f. Which Batch-Specific Units of Meas. Were Replicated
BAPI_BMUOM_SPEC_FUNCTION Proportion Units and Product Units: Special Functions
BAPI_BMUOM_SPEC_FUNCTIONX Proportion/Product Un: Special Functions - Change Parameter
BAPI_BMUOM_UOMUSAGE_RANGE Selection Parameters for the Type of UnM to be Replicated
BAPIBATCHATT BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Attribute
BAPIBATCHATTX BAPI Checkbox Structure Batch Attribute
BAPIBATCHCTRL BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Check Parameters
BAPIBATCHKEY BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Key Field
BAPIBATCHSTATUS BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Status
BAPIBATCHSTATUSX BAPI Checkbox Structure Batch Status
BAPIBATCHSTOLOC BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Storage Location
BAPIBNCOM BAPI Batch Number Assignment Communication Record SAP Area
BAPIBNCOMZ BAPI Batch No. Assignment Communication Record Customer Area
BDEX_LIPS External Object for Selection Criteria in Vendor Environment
E1BATMAS Header segment
E1BMUMAS Header Segment
E1BP_BMUOM_ALT_UOM Proportion/Product Unit: Alternative Units of Measure
E1BP_BMUOM_ALT_UOMX Proportion/Product Unit: Alternative Un - Change Parameter -
E1BP_BMUOM_ATTRIBUTES Attributes of Proportion Units and Product Units
E1BP_BMUOM_ATTRIBUTESX Attributes of Prop. and Product Units - Change Parameter -
E1BP_BMUOM_MATERIAL_DATA Material Data Relevant to Batch-Specific Units of Measure
E1BP_BMUOM_MATERIAL_DATAX Material Data for Batch-Specific UnM - Change Parameter -
E1BP_BMUOM_SPEC_FUNCTION Proportion Units and Product Units: Special Functions
E1BP_BMUOM_SPEC_FUNCTIONX Proportion/Product Un: Special Functions - Change Parameter
E1BPBATCHATT BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Attribute
E1BPBATCHATTX BAPI Checkbox Structure Batch Attribute
E1BPBATCHCTRL BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Check Parameters
E1BPBATCHSTATUS BAPI Transfer Structure Batch Status
E1BPBATCHSTATUSX BAPI Checkbox Structure Batch Status
E1BPBNCOM BAPI Batch Number Assignment Communication Record SAP Area
E1BPBNCOMZ BAPI Batch No. Assignment Communication Record Customer Area
FOMCHA ALE Filter objects for batch
MCHA_DIST_RELEVANT Batch Master Fields Relevant for Distribution and Decoupling
VBW_BATCHES_DIST Batch Distribution into Logical Systems
VBW_BATCHES_RECV Batch Distribution into a Logical System


SAP Package VBW contains 1 programs.

RVBWBALE Distribution of batch classification in connection with decent. WM

Message Classes

SAP Package VBW contains 1 message classes.

VBW Verteilung von Chargen entlang dem Warenfluss

Authorization Objects

SAP Package VBW contains 1 authorization objects.

M_MATE_DCP Batch Distribution - Decouple Batch