
SAP Package VBWS

Batch Management Proportion/Product Units

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The package VBWS (Batch Management Proportion/Product Units) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package VBWS
Short Text Batch Management Proportion/Product Units
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package VBWS contains 9 function groups.

MWS1 Prop. unit: inventory correction factor
MWSA ===> Object AINPRICE , generated d
MWSB Prop./prod. units: valuation
MWSC Prop./prod units: classification
MWSD Prop./prod unit: Mainten. in background
MWSK Prop./prod. units: mat. master environm.
MWSM Prop./prod. units: material master
MWSO Prop./prod. units: gen. routines
MWSU Proportion/Product Units: Update


SAP Package VBWS contains 13 transactions.

MWB1 Creating Prop./Prod. Unit Valuation
MWB2 Changing Prop./Prod. Unit Valuation
MWB3 Displaying Prop/Prod Unit Valuation
MWBC Consistency Chck f. Prop./Prod. Unit
MWBE Purchase order history corr. PUR
MWBK Actv. ingr. management corr. factor
MWBQ Purchase order history corr. QM
OMWS Activate Proportion/Product Unit
S_ALR_87006916 IMG Activity: OCHA_BMAAM

Database Tables

SAP Package VBWS contains 2 database tables.

TCUWS Customizing: Batch Configuration for Rel.3.0
WBEW Active Ingredient Valuation


SAP Package VBWS contains 3 views.

H_LRMEI_WS Help view for proportion/product units for material
H_TCHW1 Help-view for table TCHW1
H_TCHW1_NODIM Help View for Prop./Product Units that have no Dimension


SAP Package VBWS contains 14 structures.

CDWBEW Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
CWBEW Change document structure, generated by RSSCD000
DWBEW Structure of table WBEW for change documents -> delete
MWS_CHAR Characts for prop./prod. units (with attributes and value)
MWS_MESS Messages for proportion/product units
MWS_UNITS Proportion Units/Product Units
SMEINH_WS Dialog structure for proportion / product units
SMEINH_WSSFN Transferring proportion/product units: special functions
SMEINH_WSSFNX Prop./prod. unit: special functions - checkbox structure -
SMEINH_WSUEB Transfer structure for proportion/product units
SMEINH_WSUEBX Prop./prod. unit data transfer - checkbox structure -
SMEINH_WSUNIT List of Alternative Units of Measure for a Material
SMEINH_WSUPD Transfer structure for proportion/product units
SMEINH_WSUPDX Prop./prod. unit data transfer - checkbox structure -


SAP Package VBWS contains 5 programs.

RVBWSCOR Determine inventory correction factors
RVBWSCPO Correcting Purch. Ord. Hist. in acc. with Purch. Ord. w/o Inspect. Lot
RVBWSCQM Correcting Purchase Order History in Accordance with Inspection Lot
RVBWSUOM Consistency check for proportion/product units
SAPMVBWB Maintenance Trans. for Assigning Values to Proptn Units/Product Units

Search Helps

SAP Package VBWS contains 6 search helps.

H_LRMEI_WS Search help for proportion/product units for material
H_LRMEI_WS_A Search help for prop./prod. units for material (XBEWW = 'X')
H_TCHW1 Help-view for table TCHW1
H_TCHW1_DIM Choose Units of Measure According to the Selection
H_TCHW1_MEINH Search Help for the Proportion/Product Unit in Table TCHW1
H_TCHW1_NODIM Choose Units of Measure W/o Dimension