Alle Technologien in einem Band! Ob Sie zukunftssichere Erweiterungen programmieren oder mit den Modifikationen in Ihren SAP-Systemen aufräumen möchten – hier erhalten Sie das erforderliche Wissen. Jede Methode wird ausführlich und mit Codebeispielen erläutert: User-Exits, klassische und neue BAdIs, Business Transaction Events, implizite und explizite Erweiterungspunkte u. v. m.
Bei ansehen →The package VF (Application development R/3 invoice) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | VF |
Short Text | Application development R/3 invoice |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package VF contains 15 function groups.
081F | |
082A | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
V05H | SD Billing Index Views |
V05T | SD SD Document Accesses |
V05X | SD Billing Views Reporting |
V20C | ===> Object VCNUM , generated by |
V60A | Billing |
V60B | SD-FI Interface |
V60C | read linked objects for billing document |
V60D | ===> Object FAKTBELEG , generated by |
V60E | Billing Document Update |
V60F | Billing Plan |
V60P | Add. Functions for Delivery, Billing |
V60U | Billing Update |
V81F | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
SAP Package VF contains 32 transactions.
OVF6 | VAUK Dunning Areas |
OVG1 | Redetermine subtotal |
OVV8 | VSA |
OVV9 | C SD Table VSA |
OVVA | C SD Table VSA |
S_AL0_19000078 | Consistency Check: Bill.Docs - FI |
V.22 | Display Collective Runs |
VCAR | Archiving |
VCUN | Reload |
VF00 | 9Sales organization & is not defined |
VF01 | Create Billing Document |
VF02 | Change Billing Document |
VF03 | Display Billing Document |
VF04 | Maintain Billing Due List |
VF06 | Batch billing |
VF07 | Display bill. document from archive |
VF08 | Billing for ext. delivery |
VF11 | Cancel Billing Document |
VF21 | Create Invoice List |
VF22 | Change invoice list |
VF23 | Display Invoice List |
VF24 | Edit Work List for Invoice Lists |
VF26 | Cancellation invoice list |
VF27 | Display invoice list from archive |
VFBV | Reorganization of discount-rel. data |
VFLI | Log tax exemption |
VFP1 | Set Billing Date |
VFS3 | Adjusting info structure S060 |
VFSN | Reorganization info structure S060 |
VFX2 | Display Blocked Billing Documents |
VFX3 | List Blocked Billing Documents |
XEIP | Number range maintenance: EXPIMP |
SAP Package VF contains 25 database tables.
A144 | Sales Deal Basic Data |
A145 | Sales Deal - Customer/Material |
A146 | Customer Hierarchy |
A147 | Customer Hierarchy (Sales Deal) |
A148 | Product Hierarchy |
A149 | Customer-dependent data determination |
KNVI | Customer Master Tax Indicator |
KNVL | Customer Master Licenses |
S071 | Condition Update |
TSTE | Invalid will not be used anymore |
TSTL | Taxes: Valid Tax Categories for Each Country |
TVARR | Archiving Control for Billing |
TVCPF | Billing: Copying Control |
TVFKD | Billing Document: Billing Date by Number Range |
TVFS | Billing: Reasons for Blocking |
TVFSP | Billing: Blocking Reasons |
TVFST | Billing : Blocking Reason Texts |
TVKT | Customers: Account Assignment Groups |
TVKTT | Customers: Account Determination Groups: Texts |
VBRK | Billing Document: Header Data |
VBRL | Sales Document: Invoice List |
VBRP | Billing Document: Item Data |
VRKPA | Sales Index: Bills by Partner Functions |
VRPMA | SD Index: Billing Items per Material |
SAP Package VF contains 6 views.
KNMT_REF | Test - Search Help for KNMT |
V_TLIC | Logging Tax Exemption Licenses |
V_TVFK_BON | Billing: Document Types |
V_TVFKD | Billing Document: Billing Date by Number Range |
V_TVFM_01 | View of Requirements 01 |
V_VBUK_INVOICE | Display All Billing Documents |
SAP Package VF contains 101 structures.
ACCIT_DEB | Item fields for creating customer lines |
ARSTR | Structure for Analysis Report |
BAPIVBRK_APPEND | Append Structure to BAPIVBRK for Foreign Key |
BTCKOMFKGN | Batch Input Structure of General Billing Interface |
BTCKOMV | Batch Input Structure KOMV |
BTCVBSK | Batch Input Structure VBSK |
FACOM | Communication Work Area for Billing Doc.Access |
FAMTV | View: Billing Items by Material |
KOMCV | Allowed Fields for Account Determination |
KOMFK | Billing Communications Table |
KOMFKGN | Billing Interface: Communication Table |
KOMFKTX | Communication Structure: General Billing Interface Texts |
KOMFKZZ | Customer Modification for Commun.Table KOMFKGN |
KOMK1 | FI Document Header Communication Table |
KOMK2 | FI Open Item Communication Table |
KOMK3 | Communications Table in FI - G/L Account Line Items |
KOMK4 | FI Tax Line Items Communication Table |
KOMKAIS | Pricing communication header: IS-H fields |
KOMKAJ0 | Pricing Communication Header: IS-P Fields |
KOMKAJ1 | IS-PAM: Pricing Communications Header: Fields |
KOMKCV | Account Determination Communication Header |
KOMKCV_KEY_UC | Account Determination Communication Header: Unicode Enabled |
KOMKHIE | Customer Hierarchy Levels |
KOMPAIS | Pricing communication item: IS-H fields |
KOMPAJ0 | Pricing Communication Position: IS-P Fields |
KOMPAJ1 | IS-PAM: Pricing Communications Item: Fields |
KOMPCV | Account Determination Communication Item |
KOMVD | Price Determination Communication-Cond.Record for Printing |
KUKON | Customer Master View for Condition Maintenance |
REFCP | References to conditions from preceding documents |
RV60A | Help Fields for SAPMV60A |
RV60S | Structure for Document Search in the Billing Document |
RV60SBAT_ALV | Struktur zu Listausgabe Programm RV60SBAT |
S3VBRK_DEF | Ausgabestruktur Fakturenarchivierung |
SDACCDPC | Payments to be cleared |
SDBEL | Billing document header and items |
SDBONT021_ALV | Structure for Program SDBONT02 |
SDBONT022_ALV | Structure for Program SDBONT02 |
SDCOR011_ALV | Struktur 1(Für Liste 1,2,3,4,6) für SDCORR01 |
SDCOR012_ALV | Structur 2 (für Liste 5, 11) für das Programm SDCORR01 |
SDCOR013_ALV | Structur 2 (für Liste 7) für das Programm SDCORR01 |
SDCOR014_ALV | Struktur 4 (für Liste 8, 9, 13, 15, 16) für Prog. SDCORR01 |
SDCOR015_ALV | Struktur 5 (für Liste 10,10H, 17, 18,18H) für prg SDCORR01 |
SDCOR016_ALV | Struktur 6 (für Liste 12, 14) für das Programm SDCORR01 |
SDFI_S_DIFFERENCE | Consistency Check Billing Document - FI: Difference Amount |
SDFI_S_TOTAL | Consistency Check Billing Document - FI: Difference Amount |
SDSDFI01 | Structure for Compare Report SD - FI |
SDVPRSUPDATE | Output Structure for SD_VPRS_UPDATE |
SDVPRSUPDATE2 | Output Structure for Report SDVPRSUPDATE |
SELBUKRS | Select Options Company Code |
SELPRCTR | Select Options Profit Center |
SELSPART | Select Options Column |
SELVKORG | Select Options Sales Organization |
SELVTWEG | Select Options Distribution Channel |
SELWADAT | Select Options Goods Issue Date |
SUCCESSLOG | Billing Document: Log of Successfully Processed Items |
VBAPFZZ | Customer Modification: Update of Consolidated Flow VBAPF |
VBDRE | Sales Document View for printing POR |
VBRK_KNUMV | Key Fields Bill. Doc + Doc. Item Number + Condition Number |
VBRKD | Billing Header: Dynamic Part |
VBRKVB | Reference Structure for XVBRK/YVBRP |
VBRLD | Invoice List Item Dynamic Division |
VBRLVB | Reference Structure for XVBRL/YVBRL |
VBRP_COMP | Article Cumulation: Agreed Fields |
VBRPD | Billing Item: Dynamic Part |
VBRPVB | Reference Structure for XVBRP/YVBRP |
VBRPVBW | Field Catalog For ALV (Document Simulation) |
VBSKD | Collective Run Dynamic Part |
VBSKF | SD Document Collective Run Header - Billing Document |
VBSKFO | VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'F' |
VBSKG | SD Document Collective Run Revenue Recognition |
VBSKGO | VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'G' |
VBSKL | SD Document Collective Run Header - Deliveries |
VBSKLO | VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'L' |
VBSKR | SD Document Collective Run Header - Invoice List |
VBSKRO | VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'R' |
VBSKS | SD Document Collective Run Header - Cancellation |
VBSKSO | VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'S' |
VBSKVB | Reference Structure for XVBSK |
VBSKW | SD Document Collective Run Header - Collective Run Type = W |
VBSKWO | VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'W' |
VBSSF | SD Documents for Billing Document Collective Run |
VBSSFO | VBSS-Display for Collective Run Type 'F' |
VBSSO | VBSS-Display for Collective Run Types not 'F' |
VCONDTEXT | Description/Text for a variant condition |
VDICS | Structure for Item Select of SD Documents |
VFFVS | Structure for Determining Field Values in the Billing Doc. |
VKDFI | Selected Billing Indices |
VKDFIF | Billing Index |
VKDFIFGN | Billing Index |
VKDFP | Items to be Billed |
VKONVC | Change Document Structure: Generated by RSSCD000 |
VLEX | Table of Goods Issued Deliveries |
VMCFAO | Output Data for Blocked Billing Documents |
VRQS | Referenced Quantity per SD Document Item |
VTOPIS | Information Structure for Installment Payment Terms |
VVBRP | Change Document Structure: Generated by RSSCD000 |
VVCKUN | Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
VVCNUM | Change Document Structure, generated by RSSCD000 |
SAP Package VF contains 40 programs.
GNBILLDL | Maintain Billing Due List |
MENUVF00 | Billing menu |
RV60SBAT | Creating Background Jobs for Billing |
RV60SBT1 | Creating Billing Documents Collectively |
RVAFSS00 | Invoicing External Transactions |
RVAFSS02 | Test data AFSS |
RVAKR001 | Accrued Income. Create Accrual Billing Docs. |
RVAKR002 | Accrued Income. Cancel accrual billing documents |
RVAKR003 | Accrued Income. Convert Status After Accrual Has Been Effected |
RVALIN02 | Intercompany billing from SD billing |
RVIVAUFT | Intercompany invoices with orderpurchase |
RVSDBILL | RVSDBILL: Sample Report for Billing Interface |
SAPMV60A | Processing Billing Documents |
SAPMV60C | Maintain Billing Due List |
SAPMV60S | Collective Processing of Deliveries (Delivery Due List) |
SAPMV61A | ?... |
SAPMV65A | ?... |
SD_VPRS_UPDATE | vprs update |
SDBILLDL | Maintain Billing Due List |
SDBLBDDL | Release Billing Documents for Accounting |
SDBONTO2 | Program for updating the new KONV fields |
SDBONTO3 | Program for scheduling a batch job with predecessor |
SDBONTO4 | Update for rebate-relevant data fro release 4.x |
SDBONTO5 | Program for scheduling a batch job with predecessor |
SDCORR01 | Analysis report |
SDFI_CONSISTENCY_CHECK | Consistency Check: Billing Documents - FI |
SDINVLDL | Edit Work List for Invoice Lists |
SDKURS01 | Corr. prog. for SD docs due to inconsistency in for. curr. translation |
SDLICFR1 | Usage Rate of Tax Exemption Licenses |
SDMFSTRP | Monitoring of quantity flow in third-party business transactions |
SDNETPR0 | Create net price list |
SDS060RA | Reorganizing statistics for info structure S060 |
SDS060RB | Reorganizing rebate-relevant data from billing documents |
SDS060RC | Settling rebate-relevant data in billing documents and S060 |
SDSAMPRO | Log of Collective Run |
SDSDFI01 | Compare report SD - FI |
SDVBRKDL | Delete Sales Documents |
SDVBRKRL | Reload Sales Documents |
SDVBRKWR | Archive Billing Documents |
SDVPRSUPDATE | Correction Report VPRS and Transfer Prices |
SAP Package VF contains 5 search helps.
F4_VBRK | Display All Billing Documents |
VF_BKPF | Search help for billing documents via FI data |
VMCR | Invoice lists |
VMCV | Sales information matchcode |
VMCVA | Sales information - customer material |
SAP Package VF contains 3 message classes.
SDFI | Konsistenzprüfung Faktura Finanzbuchhaltung |
VE | Message-ID fuer Konditionsanalyse |
VF | Billing |
SAP Package VF contains 2 authorization objects.
V_VBRK_VKO | Billing: Authorization for Sales Organizations |
V_VBSK_STO | Billing: Authorization for Cancellation Collective Runs |