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Bei ansehen →The package VMSD (SD internal) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | VMSD |
Short Text | SD internal |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package VMSD contains 3 function groups.
BMSD | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
V01A | SD application monitor |
V01B | SD Application Monitor: Log Output |
SAP Package VMSD contains 4 database tables.
SDPROTCAL | SD Monitor: Value Table for Protocol Callers |
SDPROTCALT | SD Monitor: Value Table for Protocol Callers |
SDPROTTYP | Value Table for SD Log Types |
SDPROTTYPT | Value table for SD protocol types: Texts |
SAP Package VMSD contains 3 views.
V_SDPROTCA | SD Monitor: SD Log Initiator |
V_SDPROTTY | SD Monitor: Log types |
V_T681COMP | Maintain T681COMP |
SAP Package VMSD contains 34 structures.
BASDKONV_C | SD Monitor: Details for KONV Analysis of Customizing Info |
BASDLIKP01 | SD Monitor: Customizing Data Set For Structure BASDLIKP |
BASDLIPS | Structure for the LIPS Application Monitor |
BASDLIPS01 | SD Monitor: Customizing Data Set For Structure BASKLIPS |
BASDVBAK01 | SD Monitor: Customizing Data Set For Structure BASDVBAK |
BASDVBAP01 | SD Monitor: Customizing Data Set For Structure BASDVBAP |
BASDVBRK01 | SD Monitor: Customizing Data Set For Structure BASDVBRK |
LA00065611 | SD Monitor: Components 0006561 1st Structure: KALSM_USAGE |
LA00065612 | SD Monitor: Components 0006561 2nd Structure: KALSM |
LA00065613 | SD Monitor: Components 0006561 3rd Structure: KOZGF |
LA00065614 | SD Monitor: Components 0006561 4th Structure: Prestep |
LA00065661 | SD Monitor: Components 0006566 1st Structure: Text Det. Res. |
LA00065711 | SD Monitor: Evaluation VBFS (Collective Delivery Log) |
MONIENVSD | SD Monitor: Analysis Area SD Specific |
MONIENVSD1 | SD Monitor: Analysis Area in SD - Specifically Pricing |
MONITORENV | Application Monitor: General Analysis Area |
RPROTYP | SD Monitor: Range Table for SD Log Types |
RSDPAPPL | SD Monitor: Range Table for SD Protocol Caller |
RUSRPROTYP | SD Monitor: Range Table for User Log Types |
RVBELN | Range table for document no. |
SDAPPL | Range Structure for Application |
SDCTRLFLAG | Control flags for SD application monitor |
SDMONICVAL | SD Monitor: Indicator Evaluation |
SDPROTDATA | SD Monitor: Log Data |
SDPROTHEAD | SD Monitor: Log Header Data |
SDPROTMKEY | SD Monitor: Key for Export/Import Log in MONI |
SDPROTOCOL | SD Monitor: Log Structure |
SDREPIDS | Range structure for program names |
SDREPNAMES | Report Name |
SDSAMANA | Structure for Program SDSAMANA |
SDSRCLINE | Structure for hit table of SD scanner |
SDTOKEN | Structure for transferring ABAP/4 keywords |
STR_SDSAMANA | Structure for Program SDSAMANA |
TNAPRCOMP | Depiction of Output in Component Hierarchy |
SAP Package VMSD contains 3 programs.
SDMONI01 | SD Monitor: Reset All Monitor Memory Flags |
SDMONIPR | SD Monitor - Logs |
SDSAMANA | Hit List: Notes in Collective Processing Logs |
SAP Package VMSD contains 1 message classes.
1A | Nachrichten des SD-Anwendungsmonitors |