
SAP Package VN0C

Customizing R/3 output control

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The package VN0C (Customizing R/3 output control) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package VN0C
Short Text Customizing R/3 output control
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package VN0C contains 1 function groups.

080P Output customizing


SAP Package VN0C contains 51 transactions.

OVK5 V Table VKM Material Acct Grp
OVK8 C SD Tab. TVKT Customer Acct Grp
OVL1 C SD Tab. VRO Transportat.Planning
OVNA C SD Table T685B
OVNB C SD Tab. TVST Shipping Point Info
OVNC C SD Tab. TNAPR Layouts
OVND C SD Tab TNAPN Output/Part.Function
OVNE C SD Tab. TVKO Sales Org.Information
OVNF C SD Table T685B
OVNG C SD Tab. TVAK Assign Ouput
OVNI C SD Tab. TVLK Assign Output
OVNJ C SD Tab. TVFK Assign Output
OVNK C SD Table 077D Higher-level Output
OVNL C SD Table T685B
OVNM C SD Background job messages
OVNN C SD Output Variants
OVNO C SD Table TVKO Form for Sales Off.
OVR3 C SD Tab. Customer Calendar
OVR4 C SD Tab. Billing Schedules
OVXZ C SD Table NLS 'Nielsen ID
V/27 Conditions for Output Determination
V/83 View V_TNAPR Appl V3
V/86 Conditions: V_T681F for B V1
V/87 Conitions: V_T681F for B V2
V/88 Conditions: V_T681F for B V3
V/89 Conditions: V_T681F for B V5
V/90 Conditions: V_T681F for B V6
V/91 Conditions: V_T681F for B V7
V/92 Conditions: V_T681F for B K1
V/93 Output -CondTable- Create Packaging
V/94 Output -CondTable- Change Packaging
V/95 Output -CondTable- Display Packaging
V/96 Access Sequence (Packaging)
V/97 Output Type Packaging
V/99 Output Determntn Procedure Packaging
VNE1 Output: Create Cond.Tbl-Ship.Notif.
VNE2 Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif.
VNE4 Access Sequences (Ship.Notification)
VNE5 View V_TNAPN Appl. E1
VNE6 Output Determ.Procedure-Ship.Notif.
VNE9 Conditions: V_T681F for B E1
VNEA Output: Create Cond.Table - Rough GR
VNEB Output-Cond.Table-Change Ship.Notif.
VNEC Output Types (Rough Goods Receipt)
VNED Access Sequences (Rough GR)
VNEE View V_TNAPN Appl. M1
VNEF Output Determin.Proced. - Rough GR
VNEG Conditions: V_T681F for B M1
VNEH View V_TNAPR Appl. E1
VNEI View V_TNAPR Appl. M1

Database Tables

SAP Package VN0C contains 5 database tables.

TNAD1 Output Control: Printers by Sales Organization
TNAD2 Output Control: Printers for Sales Org/Dist.Chan/Division
TNAD3 Output Control: Printers by Sales Office
TNAD4 Output Control: Printers by Sales Group
TNAD5 Output Control: Printers by Shipping Point


SAP Package VN0C contains 22 views.

V_TVAK_OPA Document Types for Late Entry Using Barcode
V_TVLK_NLA Inbound Delivery - Output Determination Procedure
VN_T685B_E1 Output Types Inbound Delivery
VV_T681F_K1 Field Catalog (&1 &2)
VV_T681F_M1 Field Catalog (&1 &2)
VV_T681F_V1 Field Catalog (&1 &2)
VV_T681F_V2 Field Catalog (&1 &2)
VV_T681F_V3 Field Catalog (&1 &2)
VV_T681F_V5 Field Catalog (&1 &2)
VV_T681F_V6 Field Catalog (&1 &2)
VV_T681F_V7 Field Catalog (&1 &2)
VV_T682_E1 Access Sequences (&1 &2)
VV_T682_M1 Access Sequences (&1 &2)
VV_T682_V6 Access Sequences (&1 &2)
VV_T683_XX_E1 Procedures (&1 &2)
VV_T683_XX_M1 Procedures (&1 &2)
VV_T683_XX_V6 Procedures (&1 &2)
VV_TNAPN_E1 Output Control: Output By Partner Function
VV_TNAPN_M1 Output Control: Output By Partner Function
VVN_TNAPR_E1 Processing Routines
VVN_TNAPR_M1 Processing Routines
VVN_TNAPR_V3 Processing Routines