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Bei ansehen →The package VREP (Application development RV reporting) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | VREP |
Short Text | Application development RV reporting |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package VREP contains 3 function groups.
V06F | Reporting Functions |
V06G | Generate Document Lists |
V77I | SD Report Interpreter |
SAP Package VREP contains 10 transactions.
EWUO | Transaction data for EMU conversion |
VA26 | Collective Processing for Quotations |
VA46 | Coll.Subseq.Processing f.Contracts |
VA55 | List of Item Proposals |
VF05 | List Billing Documents |
VF25 | List of Invoice Lists |
VFRB | Retro-billing |
VOD5 | Configuration Cust.Indeped.Reqs.Info |
VOF2 | Configuration Invoice List Info |
VOF3 | Edit Work List for Invoice Lists |
SAP Package VREP contains 15 database tables.
T180M | Customizing List: Modification |
T181D | Customizing List: Assign Work Structure |
T181F | Customizing Lists: Inactive Functions |
T181G | Generation Specifications |
T181O | Customizing Lists: Assign Transaction and Report |
T181S | Customizing List: Possible Display Groups |
T181V | Customizing List: Default Values |
T181Z | Customizing Lists: Reasonable Accesses |
T182A | Allocate Reporting Edit Routines to SAPscript Elements |
T182B | Structure of Info View in SD Reporting |
T182BT | Structure of an Info View in Reporting |
T182C | Allocate Report > (User, View) |
T182D | Allocate Report > (View, Form) |
T182E | Control Table for Customer Statistics |
VETVG | Delivery Due Index for Stock Transfer |
SAP Package VREP contains 1 views.
V_T180A | Possible Fields for Reporting |
SAP Package VREP contains 38 structures.
CAS_VIS | Proposal Fields for Statistics in Sales Support |
FAMT2 | Invoice List Items by Customer |
FAMT2Z | Customer Reserves for FAMT2 |
RVKUSTA1_CUST | Sales Summary: Structure Collects All Customer Data |
RVKUSTA1_S_ADDRESS | Sales Summary: Structure for Address |
RVKUSTA1_S_BACKORDERS | Sales Summary: Structure for 'Backorders' |
RVKUSTA1_S_BILLING | Sales Summary: Structure for Billing Document |
RVKUSTA1_S_CLASSIFICATION | Sales Summary: Structure for Classification |
RVKUSTA1_S_CONTACT_PERSON | Sales Summary: Structure for Contact Person |
RVKUSTA1_S_CREDIT_INFO | Sales Summary: Structure for Credit-Relevant Information |
RVKUSTA1_S_KEY_FIGURES | Sales Summary: Structure for Key Figures |
RVKUSTA1_S_LAST_SD_DOC_HEAD | Sales Summary: Structure for 'Last Sales Documents' (Header) |
RVKUSTA1_S_LAST_SD_DOC_ITEM | Sales Summary: Structure for 'Last Sales Documents' (Item) |
RVKUSTA1_S_ORDER | Sales Summary: Structure for Orders |
RVKUSTA1_S_PART_DELIVERIES | Sales Summary: Structure for Partial Deliveries |
RVKUSTA1_S_PARTNERS | Sales Summary: Structure for Partners |
RVKUSTA1_S_PAY_DEL_TERMS | Sales Summary: Structure for Terms of Delivery and Payment |
RVKUSTA1_S_PAYMENT_CARDS | Sales Summary: Structure for Payment Cards |
RVKUSTA1_S_PRICING | Sales Summary: Structure for Pricing |
RVKUSTA1_S_PROMOTIONS | Sales Summary: Structure for 'Agreements' |
RVKUSTA1_S_Q_NOTIFICATIONS | Sales Summary: Structure for Quality Notifications |
RVKUSTA1_S_QUICKINFO | Sales Summary: Structure for Quick Info Text |
RVKUSTA1_S_S_NOTIFICATIONS | Sales Summary: Structure for Service Notifications |
RVKUSTA1_S_SHIPPING | Sales Summary: Structure for Shipping |
RVKUSTA1_S_STATISTICS | Sales Summary: Structure for Sales Statistics |
RVKUSTA1_S_STATISTICS_MEASURES | Sales Summary: Structure for Statistics Key Figures |
RVKUSTA1_S_TRANSP_DATA | Sales Summary: Structure for General Transport Data |
RVSCDCOM_ALV_SD | Structure for Include RVSCDCOM |
SDCAS_CC_PANEL_STYLE_ATTRIB | Attributes for Style of a Panel Object in Customer Cockpit |
SDCAS_CC_TREESTRUCTURE | Tree Structure of the Object Tree in the Customer Cockpit |
SDCAS_CC_TREESTRUCTURECHANGE | Change-Table for Object Tree in Customer Cockpit |
STATISTIK_ALV_SD | Anzeige der Statistik für Programm RVSCDCOM |
SVBMTV_TRVOG | View: Order Items for Material + Transaction Operation |
TECHN_INFO_ALV | Technical Information |
V77KOMLST1 | CGI Communication LST1 SD Interpreter Reports > SAPscript |
VBKONZ | Customer Reserves for VBKON |
VBVFIZ | Customer Reserves for VBVFIZ |
VKDFIZ | Customer Reserves for VKDFI |
SAP Package VREP contains 22 programs.
RV50SBT1 | Sales orders/purchase orders worklist: Selection |
RV75FGR0 | ?... |
RV77IEXP | Sales Summary |
RVKUSTA1 | Sales Summary |
RVSCD100 | Display Document Changes |
RVSCD200 | Display Document Changes |
RVSCD300 | Display Document Changes |
RVSDCATF | CATT conversion for sales transactions |
SAPMV62S | Collective Processing of Deliveries (Delivery Due List) |
SAPMV65B | ?... |
SAPMV75A | ?... |
SAPMV75C | ?... |
SAPRV77I | Pool for SD-Report-Interpreter |
SAPRV77S | Carrier Program for LST1 SAP Standard Routines (SD-Report-Edit-Inter.) |
SAPRV77U | Carrier Program for LST1 User Routines (SD-Report-Edit-Interpreter) |
SD_SALES_CONTRACTS_VIEW | List of Contracts |
SD_SALES_ORDERS_VIEW | List of Sales Orders |
SD_SALES_QUOTATIONS_VIEW | List of Quotations |
SD_SALES_SCHED_AGREEMNTS_VIEW | List of Scheduling Agreements |
SD3ECOR1 | Correction Report |
SDEWUORD | Mass change of document currency in all open sales orders |
SAP Package VREP contains 1 message classes.
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