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Bei ansehen →The package VZ (Application development R/3 RV central functions) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | VZ |
Short Text | Application development R/3 RV central functions |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package VZ contains 35 function groups.
080J | Generated View: Maintenance Pool |
ASH4 | ASH/Dorex: SD Views |
ASH5 | Integration of Maint./Service Orders |
ASH6 | Connection Shipments |
DYNS | Dynamic SQL Generation (->ADK) |
QUOT | Product Allocation |
SDRE | Archiving SD: Indices |
V00B | Next screen control: Maint. (generated) |
V03E | Blocking Mechanism: Availability |
V03R | Backorder Processing in SD |
V03S | Special Stocks |
V03V | RV Availability and Requirement |
V04C | Conversion Exit PUNKT |
V05B | RV Language Conversions |
V05G | SD Utilities: SQL Generation |
V05I | SD Index Update |
V05J | SD Delivery Views for Goods Issue |
V05K | SD Partner Processing |
V05N | SD Data Collection for Bill Doc Printing |
V05O | SD Data Collection for Dlv Note Printing |
V05Q | Reorganization of SD Document Indexes |
V05R | SD Doc View Collective Processing |
V05S | SD SD Document Status Information |
V05V | SD SD Document Partner Processing |
V05W | SD Delivery Note Views Reporting |
V05Y | SD Dictionary Accesses |
V06A | SD Document Flow and Status Display |
V06C | Merging Addresses |
V07A | RV Functions Order / Delivery Note |
V07B | SD Help - Functions for Copying |
V07D | Treating SD org. data |
V10D | Upodate Task for Change Doc SD_KNMT |
V50S | SD Deliveries Collective Processing |
VZAR | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
VZDI | VZDI - AS Models for Objects in SD |
SAP Package VZ contains 41 transactions.
ALO1 | Determine ASH/DOREX Relationships |
OVBE | Default Values for Display Variant |
OVBI | Maintain Billing Plan Type |
OVBJ | Maintain Date Category for BillPlan |
OVBK | Assign Bill Plan Type to Item Catgry |
OVBL | Date Category Proposal for Bill Plan |
OVBM | Maintain dates |
OVBN | Maintain Date IDs |
OVBO | Maintain milestone billing plan type |
OVBP | Assign billing plan type |
S_AL0_96000488 | Sales Document |
S_AL0_96000489 | Delivery |
S_AL0_96000490 | Billing Document |
S_AL0_96000491 | Sales activity |
V.07 | Periodic billing |
V.20 | Display Collective Delivery Process. |
V.21 | Log of Collective Run |
V_R2 | Display List of Backorders |
V-41 | Create Material Price |
V-42 | Create Material Price w/ref. |
V-43 | Change Material Price |
V-44 | Display Material Price |
V-45 | Create Price List |
V-46 | Create Price List w/ref. |
V-47 | Change Price List |
V-48 | Display Price List |
V-49 | Create Customer-Specific Price |
V-50 | Create Customer-spec. Price w/ref. |
VARC | SD: User Guide to Archiving |
VARK | Archiving |
VARR | Archiving |
VASK | Deleting Groups |
VAUN | Reload |
VFUN | Reload |
VKUN | Reload |
VOA3 | Configuration of Sched.Agreemt Info |
VOF0 | Configuration of Billing Information |
VOF1 | Configuration: Collective Billing |
VOL1 | Configuration: Collective Dlv.Proc. |
VOPA | Configuration: Partner |
VXKP | Configuration: Maintain Tables T180* |
SAP Package VZ contains 89 database tables.
AIC_VBRK | Archiving SD_VBRK: Customizing for Index (secondary) |
ARCID_CUST_VBRK | Archiving SD_VBRK: Customizing for Index (secondary) |
ARCID_P_VBRK | Archiving SD_VBRK: Index table (primary) |
ARCID_S_VBRK | Archiving SD_VBRK: Index table (secondary) |
ARCID_VBRK | Archiving SD_VBRK: Index Table |
FPLA | Billing Plan |
FPLAPO | Billing Plan |
FPLT | Billing Plan: Dates |
FPLTPO | Billing Plan: Dates |
QTCH | Product Allocation: Feature Directory |
QTVB | Product Allocation: Allocation used by Customer Order |
T180 | Screen Sequence Control: Transaction Default Values |
T190 | Product Allocation: Controlling |
T190H | Product Allocation: Planning Structure for this Step |
T190HT | Product Allocation: Text for Planning Hierarchy |
T190O | Product Allocation: Definition of Product Allocation Object |
T190OT | Product Allocation: Text for Product Allocation Object |
T190S | Product Allocation: Definition Procedure |
T190ST | Product Allocation: Definition |
T190V | Product allocations: Consumption period in an info structure |
T459T | Availability Check: Requirement and Planning Types: Texts |
TALLG | Help Structure for Pool MSTTALLG |
TFPLA | Billing Plan Type |
TFPLB | Billing Plan Type: Description |
TFPLT | Date Type for Billing Plan Type |
TFPLU | Date Type in Billing Plan: Description |
TINGU | Rules for updating the index in SD documents |
TNLS | Nielsen ID |
TNLST | Description of Nielsen Indicators |
TTBD | Directory of text module for documents |
TTBDT | Texts: Directory of function modules for documents |
TVARK | Archiving Control for Sales Activities in Sales Support |
TVARN | Selection parameters for archiving in sales and distribution |
TVBR | Contact Person: Frequency of Visits |
TVBRT | Contact person: Frequency of visits: Texts |
TVBST | SD Documents: Processing Status: Texts |
TVCPT | Sales docs: Texts for modules from TVCPA,TVCPF,TVCPL,TTXVR |
TVGMO | View Control: Exceptions for Move-Corresponding |
TVGMS | View Control: Error Messages |
TVGVI | View Control: View Definition |
TVGZU | View Control: Special Table Access |
TVKG | Sales Documents: Reasons for Cancellation |
TVKGT | Sales Documents: Reasons for Cancellation: Texts |
TVKWZ | Org.Unit: Allowed Plants per Sales Organization |
TVLZ | Validity Period Category |
TVLZT | Validity Period Category: Texts |
TVP0 | Contact Person: Attribute 10 |
TVP0T | Contact person attribute 10: Texts |
TVP2 | Contact Person: Attribute 2 |
TVP2T | Contact person attribute 2: Texts |
TVP3 | Contact Person: Attribute 3 |
TVP3T | Contact person attribute 3: Texts |
TVP4 | Contact Person: Attribute 4 |
TVP4T | Contact person attribute 4: Texts |
TVP5 | Contact Person: Attribute 5 |
TVP5T | Contact person attribute 5: Texts |
TVP6 | Contact Person: Attribute 6 |
TVP6T | Contact person attribute 6: Texts |
TVP7 | Contact Person: Attribute 7 |
TVP7T | Contact person attribute 7: Texts |
TVP8 | Contact Person: Attribute 8 |
TVP8T | Contact person attribute 8:Texts |
TVP9 | Contact Person: Attribute 9 |
TVP9T | Contact person attribute 9: Texts |
TVPG | Partner Function Groups |
TVSA | SD Documents: Processing Groups |
TVSAT | SD document processing groups: Texts |
TVSF | SD: Statistics Groups for Document Types and Item Categories |
TVSFT | SD: Statistics Groups for Doc Types/Item Categories: Texts |
TVTB | Billing Plan: Date Description |
TVTBT | Sales Documents: Order Reasons: Texts |
TVV1 | Customer Group 1 |
TVV1T | Customer group 1: Description |
TVV2 | Customer Group 2 |
TVV2T | Customer group 2: Description |
VBBE | Sales Requirements: Individual Records |
VBBS | Sales Requirement Totals Record |
VBFA | Sales Document Flow |
VBKOF | SD index: Open sales activities by partner function |
VBKPA | SD index: Sales activities by partner function |
VBPA | Sales Document: Partner |
VBPA3 | Tax Numbers for One-Time Customers |
VBSK | Collective Processing for a Sales Document Header |
VBSS | Collective Processing: Sales Documents |
VBUK | Sales Document: Header Status and Administrative Data |
VBUP | Sales Document: Item Status |
VEDAPO | Contract Data |
VFPLA | Billing Plan |
VFPLT | Billing Plan: Dates |
SAP Package VZ contains 49 views.
FPLA_PS | View for Search Help to PS Invoice Plans as Reference |
H_T681Z | Helpview T681Z |
H_T685B | Helpview T685B |
H_TMVF | Helpview Generated for Check Table TMVF |
H_TNLS | Helpview Generated for Check Table TNLS |
H_TPRG | Tool for Entering Date Indicator |
H_TSKD | Helpview Generated for Check Table TSKD |
H_TSKM | Helpview Generated for Check Table TSKM |
H_TTGR | Helpview Generated for Check Table TTGR |
H_TVBR | Helpview Generated for Check Table TVBR |
H_TVCPT | Helpview TVCPT |
H_TVSF | Helpview Generated for Check Table TVSF |
H_TVSR | Helpview TVSR |
H_TVST | Helpview shipping points |
H_TVUVS | Helpview TVUVS |
H_TVWA | Helpview generated for check table TVWA |
LIKPUK | View: Delivery Header and Status Data |
M_VBSGA | Generated View for Matchcode ID VBSG -A |
M_VBSGB | Generated View for Matchcode ID VBSG -B |
M_VMCFA | Selection Method for Search Help VMCFA |
M_VMCFB | Selection Method for Search Help VMCFB |
M_VMCFC | Selection Method of Search Help VMCFC |
M_VMCFE | Selection Method for Search Help VMCFE |
M_VMCRA | Invoice Lists to be Forwarded to Financial Accounting |
MAPOV | Material view RL-VAS |
V_AIC_VBRK | Maintain View for Index (secondary): Object SD_VBRK |
V_T180 | Next screen processing T180: Proposals per transaction |
V_T180V | Maintain Default Values for Display Variants |
V_TFPLA | Maintain Billing Plan Types for Periodic Billing |
V_TFPLA_MU | Date Proposal Maintenance for Billing Plan Type |
V_TFPLA_MU_TRANS | Maintain date proposal for billing plan type without RFPLN |
V_TFPLA_T | Maintaining Billing Plan Types for Milestone Billing |
V_TFPLA_T_TRANS | Maintain Billing Plan Types Partial Billing w/o RFPLN |
V_TFPLA_TY | Assign Date Category Proposal for Billing Plan |
V_TFPLT | Maintain Date Category for Billing Plan Type |
V_TVAK_FPL | Maintain Assignment of Billing Plan Type to Sales Doc.Type |
V_TVAK_VUV | Error Logs for Sales Document Header |
V_TVAP_FPL | Maintain Assignment of Billing Plan Type to Item Category |
V_TVBST | SD Documents: Processing Status: Texts |
V_TVKG | Sales documents: Contract data: Reasons for termination |
V_TVKK_PAR | Partner Procedures for Sales Activity Types |
V_TVTB | Date Description Maintenance |
VBAKUK | Sales Document Header and Status Data |
VBKOFKA | CAS: Open Sales Act.: Data Base View using VBKOF and VBKA |
VBKPAKA | CAS Sales Activities: Data Base View using VBKPA and VBKA |
VBREVK_VBELN | View for Search Help VBREVK_VBELN |
VBRKUK | Billing Document Header and Status Data |
VBSSSK | Data Base View Using VBSS and VBSK |
VBSSUK | w |
SAP Package VZ contains 128 structures.
ADMIX | Help structure for reading via ADK in LDB(SD) |
ARCID_S_VALUES_VBRK | Archiving SD_VBRK: Values for search for index (secondary) |
ASH_TABFIELDS | Info Structure Field Check |
AV03R | Structure of Input Table for Backlog Functions |
AV03VZ | Check Table for User-exit Availability Check |
BV03R | Transfer Table for SD Backorder List |
BV03V | Structure of Indiv/Collective Requirements |
CV03R | Interface for Updating Backorders |
CV03V | Availability Check: Previously Confirmed Quantities/Dates |
DSQL5COL | Structure for Function Group DYNS |
DV02P1 | Help Fields for SAPDV02P Screen 5555 CAS |
DV02P2 | Help Fields for SAPDV02P Screen 5555 CAS |
DV02P3 | Help Fields for SAPDV02P Screen 5555 CAS |
ERROR_TAB_RESCHED | Output Structure / Rescheduling Messages |
EV03V | Enquee table for availability check |
EV03V_I | Include structure for quantity block |
FPLAA | Application data for the billing plan |
FPLAD | Dynamic Part of the Billing Plan |
FPLAVB | Reference Structure for XFPLA/YFPLA |
FPLTD | Dynamic Part of Billing Plan Dates |
FPLTDR | Printing View of Billing Plan Dates |
FPLTNP | Temporary/New Order Numbers, PSP-Elemente for FPlan |
FPLTS | Dates in the Billing Plan already Billed. |
FPLTSPLIT | Structure for date split |
FPLTVB | Reference Structure for XFPLT/YFPLT |
GRPP | Structure for Group Check of Items |
HV03VZ | Header Field for User-exit Availability Check |
IKEYFDS | Product Allocations: Texts for Features |
IKEYFTS | Product Allocations: Texts for Features |
IV03V | Product Allocation: Index for QV03V |
KOMPAX | Pricing: Cost Split in SD Document |
KOMPAXA | Pricing: Cost Split in SD Document, Fields Able to be Added |
KOMPAXM | Pricing: Cost Split in SD Document, Character Field |
KUAGV | Sold-to Party View of the Customer Master Record |
KUPAV | Cust.Master View: Partners (Data from TKNVP w/Address) |
KUWEV | Ship-to Party's View of the Customer Master Record |
KV03V | Availability check work areas: Construction correction |
LESHP_DELIVERY_EXTEND_RV | Data for Enhancement of Deliveries in RV_DELIVERY_CREATE |
LV03V | GI Availability: Stock Transport Order |
LV05E | Work Area for Function Module SAPLV05E |
LV05K | Work Area for Function Module SAPLV05K |
LV07B | Work Area for Function Module SAPLV07B |
MATS | Structure for Material Number List |
MATS_AVAIL | Material List with Availability Data (Display) |
MATS_CS_OV | Material List for Cross Selling Materials |
MCFPLTADD | Sales doc. : Add. Bill. Plan , |
MV03V | GI Availability: Construction (-->ORDPAR) |
PRKO | Pricing Relevant Data in Billing Plan |
QTCHD | Contingent: Feature Directory, Dynamic |
QTPERMIT | Contingent: Confirmation, Results Display |
QTSTEP | Contingent: Product Allocation Step, Results Display |
QTSUPPLY | Contingent: Quotation Situation, Results Display |
QTSYS | Product Allocation: Physical System |
QTVBD | Contingent: Contingent Reservation through SO, Dynamic |
QUOT_I | Product Allocation: INCLUDE for Interface Structures |
QUOT_KEY_STRUC | Product Allocations: Key Elements of the Info Structure |
QUOT_OBJ | Product Allocation: Directory of Objects |
QUOT_OBJECT | Product Allocations: COMMIT Objects for ATP with Prod. Allcn |
QUOT03 | Product Allocation: Availability |
QUOT04 | Product Allocation: Communication Structure for DB Changes |
QUOT05 | Product Allocation: Transfer Structure for Prod. Allocations |
QUOTCOR | Product Allocations: Corr. quantities, already conf. qty |
QUOTP3D | Product Allocations: Structure for Product Alloc. Subtotal |
QUOTP4 | Product Allocation: Communication Structure for DB Changes |
QUOTP6 | Product Allocations: Allocation and Usage |
QUOTSB | ATP server: 'shared buffer' table for product allocations |
QV03V | Availability Check: Interface Product Allocation |
QV04V | Availability check: Interface for prod. allocation data |
QV05V | Availability check: Interface for prod. allocation object |
QVP2V | Prod. allocation: Items and corresponding prod.alloc.proc. |
QVP3V | Availability Check: Interface Product Allocation |
QVP5V | Availability check: Interface for prod. allocation object |
RF02D | Screen and work fields for maintaining customer master data |
RTEXT | Help Table for Text Processing |
RV02P | Screen Fields for Partner Dialog Modules in SAPDV02P |
RV03R | Structure with Rescheduling Fields (Selection etc.) |
RV03V | Help Fields for Availability Check (SAPLV03V) |
RV60F | Data Fields for SAPLV60F: Billing Plan |
RVDBVAV0_ALV | Structure for Program RVDBVAV0 / RVDBVLV0 |
RVDBVAV0_STR | Output Structure for Report RVDBVAV0 |
RVLDB | Dummy segment for parameters in log.DB AAV (SD-archiving) |
RVLIKP_DEF | Output Structure: Delivery Archiving |
RVSEL | Work Area Selection Indicator for Reporting |
RVTRACE0_ALV | Structure for Program RVTRACE0 |
RVVBSKDL_ALV | Structure for the Program RVVBSKDL |
SDFPLC_ALV | Structure for Program SDFPLAC1 and SDFPLAC2 |
SDMVSST01 | Structure for Program MV50SST0 |
SDRVDBAV0 | Structure for Program SDRVDBV0 |
SDRVFPL02 | Structure for Program RVFPLA02 |
SDRVPLA1 | Structure for Program RVFPLA01 |
SDSTAT0102 | Structure for Programs SDSTA01 and SDSTA02 |
SDSTAT02 | Structure 2 for Program SDSTAT02 |
SDV03V10 | Structure for SDV03V10 |
SDVBKARL_ALV | ALV Structure for Program SDVBKARL |
SDVBKRD1_ALV | Structure for Program SDVBKRD1 |
SI_TVKOS | Organizational Unit: Divisions per Sales Organization |
SI_TVKOV | Org. Unit: Distribution Channels per Sales Organization |
SI_TVTA | Organizational Unit: Sales Area(s) |
STRUCT_SDV03V01_ERRORTAB | Error Messages in Report SDV03V01 |
STRUCT_SDV03V01_MSGTX | Messages in Report SDV03V01 |
TVCOM | Text Communications Block for Copying |
UPDKZ | Table for Update Indicators |
V03RB | Work Area for Updating Backorders in SD |
VBADR | Address work area |
VBADRPO | Address Work Area |
VBBED | Sales Requirement: Dynamic Individual Record |
VBBSD | Sales Requirement: Dynamic Totals Record |
VBCO2 | Sales Doc.Access Methods Key Fields: Shipping-Related |
VBCO3 | Sales Doc.Access Methods: Key Fields: Document Printing |
VBCO7 | Sales.Doc.Access Methods: Key Fields: Billing Index |
VBDKA | Document Header View for Inquiry,Quotation,Order |
VBDKL | Document Header View for Delivery Note |
VBDKR | Document Header View for Billing |
VBDPR | Document Item View for Billing |
VBFAD | Document Flow: Dynamic Part |
VBFAL | Sales Document Flow |
VBFAVB | Reference Structure for XVBFA/YVBFA |
VBFAVG | SD Document: Flow Records |
VBKDPO | SD Document: Business Item Data (item no. > 0) |
VBPA2KOM | Communication Fields for Maintaining Partners in Doc.Header |
VBPAD | Sales Document Partner: Dynamic Part |
VBPAPO | Item Partner in SD Document (for logical DB) |
VBPAV | Sales Document: Partner: Updating Structure |
VBPAVB | Reference structure for XVBPA/YVBPA |
VBPOS | Sales Document Item Fields for Work Area V75 |
VBSTT | Sales Document Status Texts |
VTCOM | Communications Work Area for Cust.Master Accesses |
SAP Package VZ contains 87 programs.
ARCHTEXT | Reads text from the archive |
MV50SST0 | List level overview |
RASHLO00 | Search for Documents with Relationships (Incl. Archive) |
RASHSD04 | Sales activities |
RASHSD11 | Sales Documents |
RASHSD12 | Deliveries |
RASHSD13 | Billing Documents |
RASHSD14 | Sales activities |
RMQUOT99 | Product allocations: Reset table changes |
RVDBVAV0 | Sample Report - Logical Data Base - Sales Documents VAV |
RVDBVFV0 | Sample Report - Logical Data Base - Billing Documents VFV |
RVDBVLV0 | Sample Report - Logical Data Base - Deliveries VLV |
RVFPLA01 | Sales Documents with Periodic Billing: Add dates |
RVFPLA02 | Sales documents with periodic billing: Update dates |
RVGNLE00 | Generate Calls for View Function Modules |
RVGNZU00 | Generate Accesses for View Function Modules |
RVKVBFA1 | Correction Program VBFA: Delete Incorrect Delivery Flow Records |
RVKVBFA2 | Correction Program VBFA: Delete Incorrect Delivery Flow Records |
RVTRACE0 | Partner Trace Evaluation |
RVV05ICA | New Structure of Indices for Sales Activities |
RVV05IVB | Reorganization of SD Document Indices |
RVV05IVC | Reconstruction of SD Document Indices |
RVV05IVD | Delete delivery due indices without order status |
RVVBPA00 | Note 213778 (Correcting Conversion Errors, Manual Addresses) |
RVVBSKDL | Delete Groups and Logs |
S3LIKPAU | Archiving deliveries: Read program |
S3LIKPDL | Archiving deliveries: Deletion program |
S3LIKPDLS | Archiving deliveries: Deletion program |
S3LIKPPT | Archiving deliveries: Analysis |
S3LIKPPTS | Archiving Deliveries: Analysis Program |
S3LIKPRL | Archiving deliveries: Reload program |
S3LIKPWR | Archiving deliveries: Write program |
S3LIKPWRS | Archiving Deliveries: Write Program |
S3VBAKAU | Archiving orders: Read program |
S3VBAKDL | Archiving orders: Deletion program |
S3VBAKDLS | Archiving orders: Deletion program |
S3VBAKPT | Archiving orders: Analysis |
S3VBAKPTS | Archiving orders: Analysis |
S3VBAKRL | Archiving orders: Reload program |
S3VBAKWR | Archiving orders: Write program |
S3VBAKWRS | Archiving Orders: Write Program |
S3VBREVDLS | Archiving Revenue Recognition Tables: Delete Program |
S3VBREVPTS | Archiving Revenue Recognition Tables: Analysis |
S3VBREVRL | Archiving Revenue Recognition Tables: Reload Program |
S3VBREVWRS | Archiving Revenue Recognition Tables: Write Program |
S3VBRKAU | Archiving billing documents: Read program |
S3VBRKDL | Archiving billing documents: Deletion program |
S3VBRKDLS | Archiving Billing Documents: Deletion Program |
S3VBRKPT | Archiving billing documents: Analysis |
S3VBRKPTS | Archiving billing documents: Analysis |
S3VBRKRL | Archiving billing documents: Reload program |
S3VBRKWR | Archiving Billng Documents: Write Program |
S3VBRKWRS | Archiving Billng Documents: Write Program |
S4LIKPAU | Archiving deliveries: Read program |
S4LIKPDL | Archiving deliveries: Deletion program |
S4LIKPPT | Archiving deliveries: Analysis |
S4LIKPRL | Archiving deliveries: Reload program |
S4LIKPWR | Archiving deliveries: Write program |
S4VBRKPT | Archiving billing documents: Analysis |
S4VBRKWR | Archiving billng documents: Write program |
SAPMV75F | ?... |
SD_CHANGEDOCUMENT_REORG | Deleting change documents for deleted sales documents |
SDCOOB01 | Correction Program for SD Documents Due to Inconsistencies in RVVBUK00 |
SDDELDUB | Deletes duplicated VBBE records with same document, item, sched. line |
SDFPLA02 | Sales Documents with Billing Plan: Store Data FPLA etc. |
SDFPLAC1 | Billing Plan Correction: Creating Deadlines |
SDFPLAC2 | Billing Plan Correction: Creating Deadlines |
SDGEN | SD Program Generation |
SDRQCHCK | Analysis tool for availability and transfer of requirements |
SDRQCR21 | Regeneration of Sales and Delivery Requirements |
SDSTAT01 | SIS Transfer from V2 to V1 |
SDSTAT02 | SIS Update for Infostructure: V1, V2, Online |
SDV03R01 | List backorders in sales |
SDV03R02 | Rescheduling of sales and stock transfer documents: Evaluation |
SDV03V01 | Updating backorders in Sales: Unconfirmed Documents |
SDV03V02 | Rescheduling sales and stock transfer documents: by material |
SDV03V10 | Prod. compl. for sales order make-to-order production and assembly |
SDVBAKDL | Delete Sales Documents |
SDVBAKRL | Reload Sales Documents |
SDVBAKWR | Archive Sales Documents |
SDVBKADL | Delete Sales Activities |
SDVBKARL | Reload Sales Activities |
SDVBKAWR | Archiving Sales Activities |
SAP Package VZ contains 53 search helps.
A_KUNNR | Append Search Help for Customers |
A_SPART | Append Search Help for Division |
A_VKORG | Append Sales Organizations |
A_VTWEG | Append Search Help for Distribution Channel |
ASH_VMVA | Sales document match code |
COBL_EX_VMVA_APPEND | Append for sales documents from the account assign. block |
FPLA | Matchcode for billing plan |
FPLA_PS | PS invoice plans as reference |
FPLAA | Billing Plans for Search Term |
H_T681Z | Helpview T681Z |
H_T685B | Helpview T685B |
H_TMVF | Helpview Generated for Check Table TMVF |
H_TNLS | Helpview Generated for Check Table TNLS |
H_TPRG | Tool for Entering Date Indicator |
H_TSKD | Helpview Generated for Check Table TSKD |
H_TSKM | Helpview Generated for Check Table TSKM |
H_TTGR | Helpview Generated for Check Table TTGR |
H_TVBR | Helpview Generated for Check Table TVBR |
H_TVCPT | Helpview TVCPT |
H_TVSF | Helpview Generated for Check Table TVSF |
H_TVSR | Helpview TVSR |
H_TVST | Helpview shipping points |
H_TVUVS | Helpview TVUVS |
H_TVWA | Helpview generated for check table TVWA |
H_V_AKKP_TXT | Search Help for AKKP Text Determination Procedure |
H_V_EMBK_TXT | Search Help for EMBK Text Determination Procedure |
H_V_TVAK_TXT | Search Help for TVAK Text Determination Procedure |
H_V_TVAP_TXT | Search Help for TVAP Text Determination Procedure |
H_V_TVFK_TXT | Search Help for TVFK Text Determination Procedure |
H_V_TVFP_TXT | Search Help for TVFP Text Determination Procedure |
H_V_TVLK_TXT | Search Help for TVLK Text Determination Procedure |
H_V_TVLP_TXT | Search Help for TVLP Text Determination Procedure |
H_V_VTTK_TXT | Search Help for VTTK Text Determination Procedure |
SD_DEBI | Customers: SD collective search help |
SD_MAT1 | Material number SD collective search help |
VBREVK_VBELN | Search Help for Field Work VBELN in Table VBREVK |
VBSG | Sales document groups |
VBSGA | Sales document types according to description |
VBSGB | Sales document groups by shipping point/type/description |
VMCF | Billing matchcodes |
VMCFA | Billing documents still to be passed on to accounting |
VMCFC | Transferred to accounting: Accrual not yet complete |
VMCRA | Invoice lists to be forwarded to financial accounting |
VMPAA | WBS element account assignment |
VMVA_ROOT | Sales documents: collective search helps |
VMVA0 | Sales documents (orders) |
VMVA1 | Sales documents (inquiries) |
VMVA2 | Sales documents (quotations) |
VMVA3 | Sales documents (scheduling agreements) |
VMVA4 | Sales documents (contracts) |
VMVA5 | Sales documents (item proposals) |
VMVAB | Sales documents by description |
VMVAD | Orders/scheduling agreements blocked for billing |
SAP Package VZ contains 6 message classes.
LV09A | Meldungen zur Funktionsgruppe lv09a |
VB | Verkaufsbelege Logische Datenbanken und Views |
VI | Vertriebsbelegindices |
VP | Vertriebsbelegpartner |
VQ | Vertrieb: Archivierung und Kontingentierung |
VZAR | Nachrichten der Archivierungsprogramme SD |