Es gibt 100 gute Gründe, warum Sie dieses Buch kaufen sollten. Doch die verraten wir Ihnen hier nicht. Nur so viel: Wenn Sie die ABAP Workbench als Ihr zweites Wohnzimmer begreifen, ist dieses Buch genau das richtige für Sie! Die Mini-Tutorials in diesem Buch unterstützen Sie dabei, Software in ABAP effizienter zu entwickeln. Tipps und Tricks, wie Sie sich bei der Bearbeitung von Quelltext das Leben leichter machen, wie Sie häufig wiederkehrende Programmieraufgaben automatisieren oder umständliches Vorgehen früherer Tage endlich über Bord werfen. Sie werden die ABAP Workbench in einem ganz neuen Licht erleben. Eine klare Sprache, Klick-für-Klick-Anleitungen, Zusammenfassungen und Hervorhebungen sorgen dabei für einen schnellen und unkomplizierten Lernerfolg.
Bei ansehen →The package WAKT (Application development R/3 Promotions) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | WAKT |
Short Text | Application development R/3 Promotions |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package WAKT contains 17 function groups.
BAPIS1068 | BAPIs for retail promotions |
BAPIS1073 | BAPIs for Season Management |
SAIS | Season management |
WAK1 | Promotion maintenance |
WAK2 | Promotion announcement - message |
WAK3 | Storage location determination |
WAK4 | Promotion Workflow/Help Functions |
WAK5 | CHDO W_PROMO => Gen. by RSSCD000 |
WAK6 | Coupons |
WAK7 | Promo determination |
WAK8 | Special Offer Discounts |
WAK9 | Source of Supply Check in Alloc. Table |
WMF1 | Markdown planning |
WMF2 | Workflow Support Markdown Planning |
WMF3 | Parallel Processing, Markdown Planning |
WMF4 | BTE Interface Descriptions MD Plan |
WSA1 | Season Management R/3 Retail |
SAP Package WAKT contains 64 transactions.
AKAB | List purchasing arrangements |
AKKO | Promotion pur. pr. conditions |
AKVA | List sales arrangements |
AKVK | Promotion sales price conditions |
MNKR | Number range maintenance: W_EREIGNIS |
UNKR | Number range main.:W_AKTION |
WAK0 | Promotion management |
WAK1 | Create promotion |
WAK10 | Send reply f. promo. for each plant |
WAK11 | Display promotion for each plant |
WAK12 | Maintain promotion items |
WAK13 | Promotion Change Documents |
WAK14 | Report RWAKT310 (Promo for mat.) |
WAK15 | Report RWAKT320 (promos for plant) |
WAK16 | Price activation in background |
WAK17 | Batch Allocation Table Generation |
WAK18 | Batch Promotion Listing |
WAK19 | Batch Promotion Announcement |
WAK2 | Change promotion |
WAK20 | Batch Supply Source Determination |
WAK3 | Display promotion |
WAK4 | Delete promotion |
WAK5 | Initial screen - Subseq. processing |
WAK6 | Initial scr.: overv. prices margins |
WAK7 | List promotion materials for plant |
WAK8 | Plant - materials in promotion |
WAKC | Maintain promotion themes |
WAKN | Output bundling promotions |
WAKT_ARCHR | Read Promotion Archive |
WAKT_SARA | Promotion archiving |
WAKV | Promotion announcement preview |
WB/0 | Assignment partner / mess. promotion |
WB/1 | Sub. cond.,cr. tab, promo announ. |
WB/2 | Sub.cond.,change tbl, promo ann. |
WB/3 | Sub. cond., disp. tab, promo ann. |
WB/4 | Maintain sequence (mes.) promotion |
WB/5 | Maintain message types,promotion |
WB/6 | Maintain Message Deter.Schema,Promo. |
WB/7 | Assignment promotion type / schema |
WB/8 | Ass. mess.type/pr.proc. promotions |
WB/9 | Message requirements, promotion |
WB/A | Message deter. promo:create cond.rec |
WB/B | Mess.deter.Promo: chng conditon rec |
WB/C | display cond. rec. |
WB/D | Maintain output types promotion grp |
WB/E | Assmnt mess.type/ promo. |
WMF_ARCHR | Markdown Plan - Read Archive |
WMF_SARA | Markdown Plan Archiving |
WMF0 | Season management menu |
WMF1 | Create Markdown Plan |
WMF2 | Change Markdown Plan |
WMF3 | Display Markdown Plan |
WMF4 | Delete Markdown Plan |
WMF5 | Price Activation Markdown Plan |
WMF6 | Markdown Plan Price Calculation Test |
WMF7 | Markdown Plan Evaluation |
WMR1 | Create Markdown Rule |
WMR2 | Change Markdown Rule |
WMR3 | Display Markdown Rule |
WMR4 | Delete Markdown Rule |
WSC1 | Customizing season codes |
WSC2 | Customizing annual season |
WSC3 | Customizing markdown types |
WSC4 | Maintain data variants |
SAP Package WAKT contains 35 database tables.
TMFA | Markdown Planning - Markdown type |
TMFAT | Markdown Planning - markdown plan, short text |
TWAA | Promotion type, IS-R |
TWAAT | Promotion type short text, IS-R |
TWAT | Promotion themes, IS-R |
TWATT | Promotion theme description |
TWCP | Coupons: Profile for Distributing Discounts in POS Inbound |
TWCPT | Coupon Distribution Profile: Short Text |
TWREB | Promotion Discount: Condition Creation Control |
TWTY | Promotion category, IS-R |
TWTYT | Promotion cat. short text, IS-R |
WAAL | Material-to-vendor assignment in price maintenance (promo.) |
WAGU | Validity of plant groups - IS-R |
WAKC | Assignment of Coupons to Promotion |
WAKH | Promotion header data, IS-R |
WAKHIND | Promotion header data IS-R: index table for conditions |
WAKP | Promotion item data |
WAKR | Special Offer Discounts |
WAKRW | Promotion discounts by plant |
WAKT | Promotion description short text, IS-R |
WALE | Material to store assignment to promotion |
WARNG | Saving of RANGES |
WAZB | Module plant-group assignment |
WAZT | Promotion/themes assignment |
WAZW | Promotion/advertising media assignment |
WMFF | Markdown Planning - Stores |
WMFH | Markdown Planning - header data |
WMFHT | Description of a markdown plan |
WMFL | Markdown Planning - Price Lists |
WMFP | Markdown Planning - item data (materials) |
WMFU | Markdown planning - price phases per material/un |
WMPK | Markdown rule header |
WMPR | Markdown rule item |
WMPRT | Text table for markdown rules |
WSAH | Worklist Season wind-up - header |
SAP Package WAKT contains 11 views.
M_AKABA | Generated view for matchcode ID AKAB -A |
M_WAKHA | Generated view for matchcode ID WAKH -A |
M_WAKHB | Generated view for matchcode ID WAKH -B |
M_WAKHC | Generated view for matchcode ID WAKH -C |
M_WAKHD | Generated view for matchcode ID WAKH -D |
V_TMFA | Markdown type |
V_TWAA_NAC | Assignment of schema to doc. type |
VV_T682_WB | Access Sequences (&1 &2) |
VV_T683_WB | Procedures (&1 &2) |
VV_TWAA_NAC_WB | Assignment of Schema to Doc. Type |
VVN_TNAPR_W1 | Processing Routines |
SAP Package WAKT contains 176 structures.
BAPI1068E1 | Promotion interface structure: Header data |
BAPI1068E2 | Structure: Reply Containing Requested Quantities |
BAPI1068E2_OLD | Structure: Reply for Required Quantities (Comp. Values) |
BAPI1068E3 | Structure: Promotion Header Data (GetDetail-BAPI) |
BAPI1068I1 | Promotion interface structure selection criteria |
BAPI1068I2 | Create Promotion Interface Structure |
BAPI1068T1 | Table Parameters: List of Promotions for a Site |
BAPI1068T10 | Table Parameters: Promotion Themes |
BAPI1068T11 | Range Table for Promotion Number |
BAPI1068T12 | Range Table for Promotion Type |
BAPI1068T13 | Range Table for Promotion Description |
BAPI1068T14 | Range Table for Sales Organization in Promo. Header Data |
BAPI1068T15 | Range Table for Distr. Channel in Promo. Header Data |
BAPI1068T16 | Range Table for the Processing Status of the Promotion |
BAPI1068T17 | Table Parameters: List of Promotions |
BAPI1068T18 | Range Table for Promotion Themes |
BAPI1068T19 | Table Parameters: Item Data (GetDetail-BAPI) |
BAPI1068T2 | Table parameters: Item data |
BAPI1068T20 | Table Parameters: Promotion Themes (GetDetail-BAPI) |
BAPI1068T21 | Table Parameters: Plant/Customer Groups (GetDetail-BAPI) |
BAPI1068T22 | Promotion Header Data (Changeable) |
BAPI1068T23 | Table Parameters: Item Data (Changeable) |
BAPI1068T24 | Table Parameters: Plant Groups (Changeable) |
BAPI1068T26 | Table Parameter: Delivery Phases |
BAPI1068T27 | Table Parameter: Confirm Delivery Phases |
BAPI1068T28 | Table Parameter: Confirm Delivery Phases |
BAPI1068T3 | Range table for department |
BAPI1068T4 | Range table for material group |
BAPI1068T5 | Range Table for Material |
BAPI1068T6 | Table parameter for plants |
BAPI1068T7 | Structure for quantity and price changes |
BAPI1068T8 | Table Parameters: Promotion Items (Material) |
BAPI1068T9 | Table paramters: Plant/Customer Groups |
BAPI1073E1 | Interface Parameters Export Markdown Plan |
BAPI1073I1 | Interface Import Parameter Markdown Planning |
BAPI1073T1 | Interface Parameter Rough-Cut Planning Markdown Planning |
BAPI1073T10 | Structure with Markdown Plan Header Data |
BAPI1073T11 | Item Data of a Markdown Plan |
BAPI1073T12 | Phase Data of a Markdown Plan |
BAPI1073T13 | Plant Data of a Markdown Plan |
BAPI1073T14 | Changeable Markdown Plan Header Data |
BAPI1073T15 | Price List Data of a Markdown Plan |
BAPI1073T16 | Interface Parameter Price Lists Markdown Plan |
BAPI1073T2 | Interface Parameter Detailed Planning Markdown Planning |
BAPI1073T3 | Interface Parameter Plants Markdown Planning |
BAPI1073T4 | Range Table for the Document Numbers of Markdown Plans |
BAPI1073T5 | Range Table for the Starting Dates of Markdown Plans |
BAPI1073T6 | Range Table for the Markdown Rules of Markdown Plans |
BAPI1073T7 | Range Tables for the Markdown Types of Markdown Plans |
BAPI1073T8 | Range Table for the Descriptions of Markdown Plans |
BAPI1073T9 | Tables with Markdown Plan Header Data |
BEK_STATUS | Status of promotion announcement |
E1BP1068E2 | Structure: Reply Containing Requested Quantities |
E1BP1068E2_OLD | Structure: Reply for Required Quantities (Comp. Values) |
E1WPREB01 | POS Interface: Promotion Discount Header |
E1WPREB02 | POS Interface: Promotion Discount Item |
E1WPREB03 | POS Interface: Promotion Discount Condition |
E1WPREB04 | POS Interface: Promotion Discount Condition Value |
E1WPREBXX | Segment for Customer Enhancements to be used as Required |
LAYOUT_WWKP | Layout Structure for Including Articles from MBPC |
MARKDOWN | Help structure for markdown planning |
MDHEAD | BTE Markdown Planning: Header Data |
MDITEMS | BTE Markdown Planning: Item Data |
MDKEYFIG | Structure for Linking to Workflow |
MDPHASES | Markdown Planning: Phase Data for Planned/Actual Comparison |
MDPRICELISTS | BTE Markdown Planning: Price List Data |
MDSALESQTY | Quantities from Exception Analysis |
MDSALESVOL | Business Volumes from an Exception Analysis |
MDSITES | BTE Markdown Planning: Plant Data |
MDTREEITEM | Item Structure for a Simple Tree (Markdown Planning) |
MDTREENODE | Node Structure of a Simple Tree (Markdown Planning) |
MDVALUE | Structure for Linking to Workflow |
OUTTAB_WAKPD | Output Structure for Planned Sales |
PLM_ALV_120 | Output Structure for Report RWAKT302 |
PROMOTION_EXCEPTION | Structure for Displaying Results of Exception Analysis |
PROMOTION_TREE_UITE | Promotion - Structure to Update a Column Tree |
PROMOTION_TREEITEM | Promotion - Node Structure of a Column Tree |
PROMOTION_TREESNODE | Promotion - Node Structure of a Simple Tree |
RWAKA | Interface Table Promotion Processing <-> Screens |
TWATD | Screen field string promotion themes |
TWATTD | Screen field string for promotion theme text |
VWAGU | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VWAKC | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VWAKP | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VWAKR | Aenderungsbelegstruktur, generiert durch RSSCD000 |
VWAKT | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VWALE | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VWAZB | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VWAZT | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
VWAZW | Structure for Change Documents, Generated by RSSCD000 |
WAALD | Structure: Mat. - vendor assignmnt in price main. Promotions |
WAAUFTVZ | Help structure for creating AUVZ and AUVW - alloc tbl gener. |
WABEK_AKPF | Form: Promotion Announcement - Promotion header data |
WABEK_APOS | Form: Promotion Announcement - Promotion Item Data |
WABEK_EMPF | Form: Promotion announcement - recipient plant / customer |
WABEK_KOPF | Form: Promotion announcement - title |
WABEK_LW | Form AllocTbl Notif.: Delivery Phases |
WABEK_PRODKAT | Promotion announcement: Product catalog |
WABEK_RABATTE | Output Structure for Sales Discount |
WABEK_SELE | Selection criteria for announcement processing |
WABEK_STEU | Form: alloc tbl notification - creation control |
WABSTARTNR | Assigment of material to promotion module |
WADRUCKER | Printer change for printing announcement |
WAFLGBEARB | Flags for subsequent processing |
WAFORM_AKT | Structure for form - promotion header |
WAFORM_POS | Structure for form - items |
WAFORM_THE | Structure for form - themes |
WAFORM_WGP | Structure for form - plant groups |
WAFORM_WRB | Structure for form - advertising media |
WAGP | Plant/customer group items |
WAGPD | Plant/customer group items |
WAGUD | Screen field string for plant group assignment |
WAHIBEK | Help Structure for Hierarchy Announcement Processing |
WAHIDISC | Administration of selection hierarchy for discon. via promo |
WAITEMCAT | Structure for item category selection in promotion |
WAKCD | Screen Structure for Coupons of a Promotion |
WAKHD | Screen field string for promotion header data |
WAKL1 | Structure for Report Promotion: Mat.-Customer (WAKH & WAKP) |
WAKL2 | Structure for Report Promotion: Material-Customer (WAGU) |
WAKL3 | Structure for Report Promotion: Material-Customer (WALE) |
WAKL4 | Structure for Report Promotion: Mat.-Customer (WAKH & WAGU) |
WAKPD | Screen field string for promotion item data |
WAKRD | Screen Field Structure for Promotion Discount |
WAKRWD | Promotion discounts by plant |
WAKT_WAELD | Structure for Promotion Delivery Phases in Package WAKT |
WAKTD | Screen field string for promotion texts |
WAKTION_VARIANTEN | Reference from variants to generic art. |
WAKW | IS-R Promotion - plant table |
WALED | Processing of records in WALE table |
WALISTUNG | Table for listing |
WAMONW1 | Screen structure for detailed display of group NAST record |
WANARI | Transfer area for output determination - IS-R Promotions |
WANAST | Keys for NAST records (IS-R Promotions) |
WANASTG | Creation of NAST-OBJKY for output deter. Promotions (group) |
WANORPRICE | Standard price of a promotional material |
WAPROMTREE | Display promotion in form of hierarchy |
WARTTAB | Structure for Material Table w. Matl No. and Unit of Meas. |
WARUECK | Alloc tbl replied to promotion |
WASORT2 | Structure of field SORT2 in NAST record - application WB |
WATREEINFO | Administration Data for Tree Control of Promo. Announcement |
WAVORLVZ | GR lead time for distribution center |
WAWERKART | Structure: plant/promotion item Assignments -> Display |
WAZBD | Screen field string for plant-groups module assignment |
WAZTD | Screen field string for promotion theme assignment |
WAZWD | Screen field string for promotion ad.-media assignment |
WERR | Error messages, price activation |
WKUNNR | Plant Table Customer No. |
WKUNNRVKORGVTWEG | Plant Table CusNr SalesOrg. Distr.Chl |
WMATNR | Material Table Mat. No. |
WMATNRMEBME | Article Table Mat. No. Mebme |
WMATNRVKORGVTWEG | Article Table MDPDocNr MatNr S.Org. Distr.Chnl |
WMDF_INFOSTR1 | Stock Data in Markdown Planning |
WMDF_INFOSTR2 | Movement Data in Markdown Planning |
WMFFD | Provisional structure for markdown forecasting, stores |
WMFHD | Dialog structure for WMFH |
WMFLD | Work Structure Markdown Planning Price Lists |
WMFPD | Screen string for markdown planning items |
WMFUD | Field string for markdown planning price phases |
WMPKD | Working structure markdown rule header |
WMPRD | Working structure for markdown rules |
WORK_ITEM_MD | Markdown Planning: Work Item for Parallel Processing |
WPPROMREB1 | POS Interface: Store-Dependent ObjectTable for PromoDiscnts |
WPPROMREB2 | POS Interface: Object Table No. 2 for Promotion Discounts |
WPPROMREB3 | POS Interface: Object Table No. 3 for Promotion Discounts |
WPROMO | Promotion Table PromoNo |
WPROMODEP | Store-Dependent Promotion Discount Data |
WPROMOINDEP | Store-Independent Promotion Discount Data |
WSELABTNR | Range table for department |
WSELKUNNR | Range Table for Customer Number |
WSELMATKL | Range table for material group |
WSELMATNR | Range Table for Material Number |
WSOHD | Dynpro field string for listing module header data |
WSOPD | Screen field string for module items |
WSOTD | Screen field string for module header texts |
SAP Package WAKT contains 32 programs.
RWAKT002 | Selection of theme and material intervals |
RWAKT003 | Report for Promotion Announcement |
RWAKT005 | Selection Screen for Promotion Items |
RWAKT006 | Selection Screen, Subsequent Processing |
RWAKT009 | Preview of promo. announcement for promo./customer |
RWAKT100 | Conversion of promotion advertising media to product catalogs |
RWAKT200 | Promotion Price Activation |
RWAKT210 | Promotion Allocation Table Generation |
RWAKT220 | Promotion Listing |
RWAKT230 | Promotion Announcement |
RWAKT240 | Promotion supply source determination |
RWAKT301 | Report Margins and markup for a promotion |
RWAKT302 | Report Plants and Promotions for a Material |
RWAKT303 | Report Materials and promotions for a plant |
RWAKT310 | Promotions for a material |
RWAKT320 | Promotions for a plant |
RWAKT400 | Promotion change documents |
RWAKT601 | Promotion: Price List Standard/Promotion (SP only) |
RWMFA003 | MDP Maintaining Customizing data from season menu |
RWMFA200 | Price Activation Markdown Plan |
RWMFA210 | Markdown Plan Price Calculation Test |
RWMFA300 | Markdown Plan Evaluation |
RWMFAAD1 | Archiving-Deletion Program for Archiving Object W_MARKDOWN |
RWMFAAR1 | Archive Read Program for Archiving Object W_MARKDOWN |
RWMFAAW1 | Archive Write Program for Archiving Object W_MARKDOWN |
RWNASTBK | Promotion Announcement Output |
RWNASTVP | Promotion announcement |
W_PROMO_ARCH_DELETE | Archive deletion program for archiving object W_PROMO |
W_PROMO_ARCH_READ | Archive read program for archiving object W_PROMO |
W_PROMO_ARCH_WRITE | Archive write program for archiving object W_PROMO |
SAP Package WAKT contains 15 search helps.
AKAB | Arrangements for promotions |
AKABA | Matchcodes for promotion arrangements |
WAKH | Matchcodes for promotions |
WAKHA | Promotions by promotion description |
WAKHB | Promotions by organization levels |
WAKHC | Promotions by plant groups |
WAKHD | Promotions by themes |
WAKHE | Promotions by sales period |
WMFH | Search help for markdown planning no. |
WMFH_A | Search help for markdown plan using description |
WMFH_B | Search help for markdown plan using markdown no. and type |
WMFHA | Markdown planning by description |
WMFHB | Matchcode by markdown plan no. and markdown type |
WMPK | Search help for markdown rules |
WMPKA | Matchcode by description |
SAP Package WAKT contains 2 message classes.
W/ | Nachrichten Abschriftenplanung |
WU | Nachrichten Aktionsabwicklung |
SAP Package WAKT contains 5 authorization objects.
W_MARKDOWN | IS-R Markdown Planning Authorization:MTYP, MATCL, SOrg, DChl |
W_WAKH_EKO | IS-R Auth. promotion: Purchasing Organization / Purch. Group |
W_WAKH_MAT | IS-R Authorization Promotion: Material Number |
W_WAKH_THE | IS-R Auth. Promotion: Theme |
W_WAKH_VKO | IS-R Auth. Promotion: Sales Organization / Distrib. Channel |