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Bei ansehen →The package WC00 (IS-R: General customizing) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | WC00 |
Short Text | IS-R: General customizing |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package WC00 contains 5 function groups.
0WC10 | Merchandise Distribution Customizing |
0WC11 | Customizing for generic materials |
0WC18 | Product Catalog Customizing |
0WCR | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
0WCR1 | Online Store Customizing |
SAP Package WC00 contains 36 transactions.
OWNA1 | Change Doc. Item for Message Categ. |
OWNA2 | Change Doc. Item for Message Categ. |
OWNA3 | Change Doc. Item for Message Categ. |
OWNA4 | Change Doc. Item for Message Categ. |
OWNA5 | Change Doc. Item for Message Categ. |
OWVKP1 | Selection Variant |
S_ALR_87005958 | IMG Activity: W_GE_BE_0100 |
S_ALR_87005960 | IMG Activity: W_GE_0200 |
S_ALR_87005968 | IMG Activity: W_OE_EG_WL_0101 |
S_ALR_87005974 | IMG Activity: W_GE_0100 |
WC08 | Number ranges layout promo/plant |
WC10 | Batch Worklist for Pricing |
WC11 | Batch Changes, Assortments |
WC12 | Batch Settlement for Arrangements |
WC13 | Batch List Output for Arrangements |
WC14 | Batch Vendor Bus. Volume for Arrngmt |
WC15 | Batch Detailed Stmnt for Arrangement |
WC16 | Batch Extension Val. Period/Arrngmnt |
WC17 | Batch Update Vendor Business Volume |
WC18 | Batch Check Open GR Qty for Arrngmnt |
WC19 | Batch Stat. Recomp. Vendor Bus. Vol. |
WC20 | Batch Stat. Recom. on Individ. Lev. |
WC21 | Batch Reorg Data in LIS |
WC22 | Batch List Rtl Changes for Material |
WC23 | Batch IV, Immediate Cyclic Check |
WC24 | Batch POS Outbound |
WC25 | Batch Assortment List/Shelf-Edge Lab |
WC26 | Batch Forecast |
WC27 | Batch Requirements Planning per Plnt |
WC28 | Batch Set Central Block |
WC29 | Batch, Alloc Tbl Message Bundling |
WC30 | Batch, Promotion Message Bundling |
WC41 | Batch worklist for doc. index |
WON1 | General Settings for Replenishment |
WOO1 | Layout Number Ranges for ALE Inbound |
WORO1 | Call Shelf Management Profile View |
SAP Package WC00 contains 30 views.
V_EDMMS | Assignment of Vendor/Customer to POrg. Data and Plant |
V_T161W_W | Configure stock transfer orders |
V_T30B | Doors |
V_T30C | Material Staging Areas |
V_TFMA | Adjustment profiles per processing method |
V_TMFPF | Distribution Profile of Material in DC |
V_TVEP_W | Define schedule line categories |
V_TWFPF | Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution |
V_TWFPFG | Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution - Bus. Processes |
V_TWGVALE | Layout Number Ranges for ALE Inbound |
V_TWIC0200 | Customizing Schema with Basis Settings (Goods Mov/Transfer) |
V_TWIC8000 | Profiles for product presentation |
V_TWIC8001 | Customer administration profiles |
V_TWIC8002 | Profiles for quotation and order control |
V_TWIC8003 | Assign countries |
V_TWICOSTORE | Online Stores |
V_TWICSCM8003 | Maintain country schemas |
V_TWICSCM8003KA | Define Grouping for Countries |
V_TWICSCMF0260 | Assign Business Transaction Grouping to Plants (Stock Trans) |
V_TWICSCMF8003 | Assign Country Grouping to Plants |
V_TWMWQ | Valid quota scale per plant/material group |
V_TWORD | Characteristic Sequence |
V_TWPCDCOPY | Adoption of Document Links at Creation |
V_TWPCTYPE | Product Catalog Type |
V_TWRPP | Maintain Requirement Groups |
V_TWVMO | Profiles for sending stock/sales data |
V_TWVMOP | Stock types per profile |
V_TWVMOQ | Sales Data Access |
VV_TBD62_PH | Change Document Items for Message Category |
VV_TBD62_PI | Change Document Items for Message Category |
SAP Package WC00 contains 4 programs.
RUPTSYAT | T9SYAT update after note 42346 (IMG structure, display partially in D) |
RWCUST01 | Control parameters for replenishment |
RWSORT10 | Retail Master Data - General Control |