SAP Retail Store Core Objects

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The package WOST_CORE (SAP Retail Store Core Objects) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Short Text SAP Retail Store Core Objects
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package WOST_CORE contains 2 function groups.

WOSJ_CORE SAP Retail Store: Core Share FuGr WOSJ
WSSG_CORE SAP Retail Store: Core Share FuGr WSSG

Database Tables

SAP Package WOST_CORE contains 17 database tables.

TWIC0100 General Settings for SAP Retail Store Goods Receipt
TWIC0200 General Settings for SAP Retail Store Goods Movements
TWIC0250 General Business Transactions for SAP Retail Store GR
TWIC0500 Store Retail Store: Order Entry, Basic Data
TWIC0501 Store Retail Store: Order Entry, Allowed Order Types
TWIC0600 SAP Retail Store: Physical Inventory Basic Data
TWIC0800 SAP Retail Store: Basic Data for Sales Prices Screen
TWICOBJ IACs Retail: Customizing objects
TWICOBJT IACs Retail: Customizing objects, texts
TWICSCM IACs Retail: Customizing schemas
TWICSCMF SAP Retail Store: Assignment of Customizing Schemas to Site
TWICSCMT IACs Retail: Customizing Schema Texts
TWICSKEY SAP Retail Store: Key for Selection in Selection Boxes
TWICSKEYT SAP Retail Store: Selection Box Key Texts
WOSA SAP Retail Store, Store Orders: Entities Table
WOSAV SAP Retail Store, Store Orders: Document Links
WSAO_WORK_CTRL Retail Store Store Order: Worklist Control


SAP Package WOST_CORE contains 133 structures.

STOREWB_EINSTIEG Fields on General Initial Screen
WISO_ADRPRT SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Print Formatting Address
WISO_BAIT SAP Ret.Store: IAC Cons. order as per fields BASKET and ITEM
WISO_BASK SAP Retail Store: IAC Consumer Order Subscreen, Item Data
WISO_BILLHD SAP Retail Store Consumer Order: Billing Document Header
WISO_BILLIT SAP Retail Store Consumer Order: Billing Document Items
WISO_BUTTON SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Buttons Aktive/Inactive
WISO_CCARD SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order: Credit Card
WISO_CDYN SAP Retail Store: Consumer order: Screen Container Control
WISO_CNDITM SAP Retail Store: Sales Order Condition Items
WISO_CNDSUM SAP Retail Store: Sales Order Condition Totals
WISO_COND SAP Retail Store: Sales Order Condition Data
WISO_COND_INP SAP Retail Store: Input Fields for Conditions
WISO_COND_INP_DATA SAP Retail Store: Input Fields for Conditions
WISO_COND_PRT SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Condition Printing
WISO_COND_SC SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Condition Ready for Input
WISO_COND_USE SAP Retail Store: Usage of Condition Types
WISO_CONDTYP_F4 SAP Retail Store: F4 Help for Condition Types
WISO_CSTKEY SAP Store: Key for IAC Customizing
WISO_CUSAREA SAP Retail Store: consumer order: sales area customer
WISO_CUST SAP Ret. Store : IAC Cons. Order.Subscreen, Cust Header Data
WISO_CUST_SC SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Custmr Ready for Input/Output
WISO_DEBI SAP Ret.Store: General Customer Structure
WISO_DLVHD SAP Retail Store Consumer Order:
WISO_DLVITM SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order, Delivery Items
WISO_DLVP IAC consumer order: supplying plant
WISO_ERRCC SAP Retail Store: Consumer order: Credit card error flag
WISO_ERRCU SAP Store order entry: Error flags for customer
WISO_ERRH SAP Retail Store Order Entry: Error Flag Header
WISO_ERRST SAP Retail Store: Consumer order: Dif. dlvy address error
WISO_F4BILTYP SAP Retail Store Consumer Order: Billing Types Texts
WISO_F4CCTYPE SAP Retail Store: Consumer order: F4 credit card types
WISO_F4CNTRY SAP Retail/OnLine Store: F4 help - Countries
WISO_F4DLVBLK SAP Retail Store: Sales Order F4 Delivery Blocks
WISO_F4DLVCHN SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order, F4 for Delivery Channels
WISO_F4DOCTYP SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order, F4 for Order Types
WISO_F4INCO SAP Retail Store Sales Order: F4 Incoterms
WISO_F4REAREJ SAP Retail Store: F4 Help Reasons for Rejection
WISO_F4SAREA SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order: Sales Area
WISO_HEAD SAP Retail Store: IAC Consumer Order Subscreen Header Data
WISO_HEAD_SC SAP Retail Store: Header Data Ready for Input
WISO_HEADST SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Header Status
WISO_HNDL SAP Retail Store Order Entry: Individual Screen Fields
WISO_ISUM SAP Retail Store: IAC Consumer Order, Subscreen Item Totals
WISO_ITEM SAP Retail Store: IAC Consumer Order. Subscr. Item Display
WISO_ITEM_SC SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Item Ready for Input
WISO_ITM SAP Retail Store: IAC Consumer Order, Key Fields Item
WISO_ITMNO SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Linking Between Items
WISO_PLADDR Plant number and address
WISO_RETURN SAP Retail Store: Sales Order: Return Structure
WISO_SAREA SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order: Sales Area
WISO_SCCU SAP Retail Store: Search Help, Customer Search Criteria
WISO_SCDL SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order, Delivery Items
WISO_SCDL_SC SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Schedule Lines Ready for Input
WISO_SCMA SAP Retail Store: Search Help for Materials
WISO_SHCU SAP Retail Store: Customer Search Help
WISO_SHCU1 SAP Retail Store: Results Table Customer Search Help
WISO_SHIP Store WB: Consumer Order, Shipping Header Data
WISO_SHIPTO SAP Retail Store: Consumer order: Different delivery address
WISO_SHIPTO_SC SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Field log diff. dlvy address
WISO_SHVE SAP Retail Store: Customer Search Help
WISO_SLCT SAP Retail Store: Selection Fields for Enhancements VW10
WISO_TAB1 SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Title Element Active/Inactive
WISO_TAB2 SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Title Element Active/Inactive
WISO_TASK SAP Retail Store: Consumer Order: Program Tasks
WISO_TEXT SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Texts
WISO_TEXT_INP SAP Retail Store: Sales Order: Texts Input Fields
WISO_TEXT_SC SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Texts Ready for Input
WISO_UNIT_F4 SAP Retail Store Sales Order: F4 Units of Measure
WISO_XLINE SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Selection Bar
WOSA_ATP SAP Retail Store: Store Order, ATP Request
WOSB_ALLOCLIST SAP Retail Store: Alloc.Table Output Struct. Alloc. Tbl.List
WOSB_POSDET SAP Retail Store: Alloc. Tbl OutpStructure Detail Alloc.Itm
WOSB_POSLIST StoreWb Alloc tbl output structure - item + del. phase list
WOSB_SELECTION IAC Alloc tbl fields on initial screen
WOSC_POSDET Store WB Promotion Output Structure, Item Details
WOSC_POSLIST Store WB Promotion Output Structure, Promotion Items
WOSC_PROMDET Store WB Promotions: Output Structure, Promotion Details
WOSC_PROMLIST Store WB Promotion Output Structure, Promotion List
WOSC_SELECTION IAC Promotion, Initial Screen Fields
WOSE_BKPF_SEARCHLIST SAP Retail Store Document List
WOSE_IMKPF StoreWB: Goods receipt header data
WOSE_ITEMS StoreWB: Goods receipt item data
WOSE_MDE StoreWB: Goods receipt item data
WOSE_SHIPP_UNIT StoreWB: Item Data Shipping Unit
WOSE_SHN_SEARCH SAP Retail Store Hit List
WOSI_BELEGE Structure for Displaying Physical Inv. Docs. (SAP Ret.Store)
WOSI_BUTTONS Structure to control visible buttons, IAC phys. inventory
WOSI_COMMAND_TAB Structure for Commands for Screen 900
WOSI_CONTROL Control Information IAC Store WB Physical Inventory
WOSI_CUST IAC Settings for Physical Inventory
WOSI_FIELDS Structure for Table Layout Definition
WOSI_FUNCTIONS Possible/Allowed Transactions or Functions IAC Phys. Invent.
WOSI_HEAD Structure for Header Information, Store WB Physical Inv.
WOSI_HEADER_FIELDS Header info, Store WB phys. invent. w/o IKPF and selections
WOSI_ISEG Physical Inventory Document Items
WOSI_MDE_HEAD Header Record of a PDC File SAP Retail Store Phys. Inventory
WOSI_MDE_ITEM Item Record of a PDC File SAP Retail Store Phys. Inventory
WOSI_MEINH Structure for Units of Measure (Int. and Ext. Display)
WOSI_POS_ERFA Structure for Item Screens, Store WB, Physical Inventory
WOSI_SELECTION Selection Fields for SAP Retail Store Physical Inventory
WOSI_UMB_CNT_ITM_SEND Item for Entry for BAPI CHANGE_STATUS (Revaluation)
WOSI_UMB_ITEM Item in SAP Store Revaluation
WOSI_UMB_OVERVIEW SAP Store Revaluation: Overview of Material Groups
WOSI_UMB_SELECTION Selection Fields SAP Store Revaluation
WOSI_VALUES_FROM_ITS Structure for Screen Fields filled via ITS
WOST_ASSORT_POSITION SAP Retail Store: Prepared Item Line
WSAO_ALST_GINDEX Assortment List Group Index
WSAO_ALST_GROUP SAP Store Store Order Assortment List Groups
WSAO_ALST_NAVIGATE SAP Store Store Order Navigation List
WSAO_DISP_EX_CONTENT_ITEM Content Line for Customer Fields
WSAO_DISP_EX_HEADER_ITEM Heading Line for Customer Fields
WSAO_DISP_GROUP_ITEM Table Line for Material Grouping
WSAO_DISP_ITEM Item in Planning List Store Order
WSAO_DISP_ITEM_X Item of the MRP List Store Order (for BADI)
WSAO_DYNP_QTY_ITEM Table Line for Unprocessed Schedule Lines
WSAO_DYNP_RAW_ITEM Table Line for Unprocessed Context
WSAO_NAV_OBJECT Navigation Object
WSAO_ORDR_ITEM SAP Retail Store: Store Order Item
WSAO_ORDR_QTY_ITEM Structure of Table wsao_ordr_qty_tab
WSAO_PDC_DOWNLOAD_ITEM_X Table Line for Data on PDC (for BADI)
WSAO_PDC_HEADER SAP Store: Store Order PDC Header Data (Prepared)
WSAO_PDC_HEADER_RAW SAP Store: Store Order PDC File Structure Header
WSAO_PDC_ITEM SAP Retail Store: Store Order PDC Order Items (Prepared)
WSAO_PDC_ITEM_RAW SAP Retail Store: Store Order PDC File Structure for Items
WSAO_PDC_UPLOAD_ITEM Table Line for Data from PDC
WSTP_BUTTONS Structure for Buttons in SAP Store Sales Prices
WSTP_EA_FIELDS Structure for EA Fields in SAP Store Sales Prices
WSTP_FIELD Structure for Field Table SAP Store Sales Prices
WSTP_ITEM Structure with Material Info for SAP Retail Store SalesPrice
WSTP_PRICES Structure for Prices of a Line of the Price History
WSTP_UNITS Structure for Headings Price History SAP Retail Store

Search Helps

SAP Package WOST_CORE contains 1 search helps.

SRS_BETR Plants, General