SAP Package WPOS

IS-R: POS interface

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The package WPOS (IS-R: POS interface) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.

Technical Information

Package WPOS
Short Text IS-R: POS interface
Parent Package APPL

Function Groups

SAP Package WPOS contains 13 function groups.

WDISP_NEW POS inbound dispatcher RFC clients
WEDI Tools for EDI processing
WPAV POS Interface: Worklist
WPCU Access routines for POS Customizing
WPDA POS download processing
WPED Functions Sales Audit Editor/Online POS
WPO1 Extended Table Maintenance (Generated)
WPPA POS interface IDOC parser
WPRJ Rack Jobber Processing Retail
WPSA FM for Sales Audit
WPUE POS interface, upload processing
WPUS POS interface: upload master data
WV00 Views (not Customizing)


SAP Package WPOS contains 22 transactions.

FILAUF_WF_CUST Store Order: Workflow Customizing
RWPOS_PARA POS Sales IDOC Enqueue Control
SGR_OLDWORKFLOW_CUST Store GR: Workflow Customizing
SGR_WORKFLOW_CUST Store GR: Workflow Customizing
WDLS Delete Error Messages
WDSR Reorg of download status tracking
WDTS Delete Status Information
WPED Sales Audit Editor
WPER POS interface monitor
WPHF Analysis report
WPIA Repeat upload POS IDOCs
WPMA POS Download: Manual Request
WPMI POS download: initialization
WPMU POS download: change message
WPOS_MASTER POS inbound master data
WPUF Simulation inb. proc. FI/CO document
WPUK POS simulation
WPUS Simulation: Inbound Processing
WPUW Goods movements simulation
WRN1 Number range maintenance: WFWFACTORS
WVFB Inbound store order processing
WVFI Simulation: Store Physical Inventory

Database Tables

SAP Package WPOS contains 46 database tables.

A134 Vendor
C007 Vendor
T6WL4 Check table - label form
TWPBR Definition of the Check Rules for POS Upload
TWPDZ Assignment of credit card institute to customer
TWPEK POS outbound: Condition types
TWPFI POS outbound profile
TWPFIT Communication profile store
TWPIB Transaction-type-based control of sales as per receipts POS
TWPIE POS Interface: Automatic EAN Creation Control
TWPIF Transaction type-dependent control of POS financial trans.
TWPIR General control of upload of sales as per receipts POS
TWPIS POS interface: profile for internal interfaces
TWPIST POS interface: text table for TWPIS
TWPIV General control of aggregated sales upload POS
TWPIW POS interface: default values for movement types/inv. man.
TWPIZ General control of payment list POS
TWPPB Transaction types for sales as per receipts
TWPPBT Transaction types for sales as per receipts / description
TWPPF Transaction types for financial transactions
TWPPFT Transaction types for financial transactions / description
TWPPK POS outbound: condition type group
TWPPKT POS interface: text table for table TWPPK
TWPTY POS interface: checking table for POS system types
TWPTYT POS interface: text table for table TWPTY
TWPUB POS interface: conversion of transaction types sales rcpts
TWPUC POS interface: currency code conversion
TWPUE POS interface: conversion of subsystem units of measure
TWPUF POS interface: conversion of store numbers
TWPUK POS interface: conversion of POS condition types
TWPUL POS interface: conversion of POS language codes
TWPUM POS interface: conversion of POS movements types
TWPUP POS interface: conversion parameters
TWPUS POS interface: conversion of POS tax codes
TWPUT POS interface: check table for conversion categories
TWPUTT POS interface: text table for table WPUT
TWPUV POS interface: conversion of POS transaction types FI
TWPUW POS interface: conversion of POS material groups
TWPUX POS interface: reassignment of mat. tax classification key
TWPUZ POS interface: conversion of POS payment methods
TWPWB General Processing Control for POS Goods Movements
TWWAG Scales group
TWWAGT Texts for tables TWWAG
WPLST POS interface: processing log
WPTST POS interface: restart log for upload processing
WPXST POS interface: status external subsystems (error messages)


SAP Package WPOS contains 2 views.

V_EDIMAP EDI: table for IDoc and application field assignments
V_WRPL Replenishment: Mat./customer parameters via rqmnt groups


SAP Package WPOS contains 181 structures.

E1WPA09 POS interace, outbound article mast., free goods conditions
E1WPA10 POS interface, outbound article master, free goods scales
E1WPA11 POS interface, outbound art. master, art. condition scales
LINE_ITEM_INDEX Assignment Application Document Items to IDoc Data Segment
PARSER_APPLICATION_VARIABLES Variables That the Parser Receives from the Application
PARSER_INFO_ENTRY Information Provided by the Parser
POS_SHORT_EDIDD POS Outbound: Shortened EDIDD Structure for IDOC Data
POS_Z01 POS interface, upload sales docs header segment
POS_Z02 POS Interface, Upload Sales Documents Items
POS_Z03 POs interface, inbound processing sales docs conditions item
POS_Z04 POS interface, inbound processing sales docs tax item
POS_Z05 POS interface: inbound proc.sales docs, header, conditions
POS_Z06 POS interface: inbound processing sales docs, header totals
POS_Z07 POS interface: inbound sales, header segment
POS_Z08 POS interface, upload day-end closing, payment list
POS_Z09 POS interface, inbound sales, items
POS_Z10 POS interface, inbound sales, item taxes
POS_Z11 POS interface: inbound day-end closing, header segment
POS_Z12 POS interface, upload day-end closing
POS_Z13 POS interface: upload POS doc., header segment
POS_Z14 POS interface, upload POS document
POS_Z15 POS interface, inbound + outbound material master ID segment
POS_Z16 POS interface, upload + download material master data
POS_Z17 POS interface, inbound + outbound material master, texts
POS_Z18 POS interface, outbound material master, material conditions
POS_Z19 POS interface, outbound material master, condition values
POS_Z20 POS interface, outbound material master, free goods
POS_Z21 POS interface, inbound + outbound, material master, taxes
POS_Z22 POS interface, inbound + outbound, mat. master, add. mat. no
POS_Z23 POS interface, outbound material groups ID segment
POS_Z24 POS interface, outbound material groups master data
POS_Z25 POS interface, outbound material groups taxes
POS_Z26 POS interface, outbound proc. exchange rates ID segment
POS_Z27 POS interface, outbound proc. exchange rates master data
POS_Z28 POS interface, outbound taxes ID segment
POS_Z29 POS interface, outbound taxes master data
POS_Z30 POS interface: inbound & outbound EAN references, ID segment
POS_Z31 POS interface, inbound & outbound EAN references
POS_Z32 POS interface, outbound follow-on items ID segment
POS_Z33 POS interface, outbound follow-on items
POS_Z34 POS interface, outbound sets ID segment
POS_Z35 POS interface, outbound set components
POS_Z36 POS interface, outbound set conditions
POS_Z37 POS interface, inbound & outbound personal data ID segemnt
POS_Z38 POS interface, inbound & outbound personal data
POS_Z39 POS interface, inbound & outbound personal data addresses
POS_Z40 POS interface, outbound + inbound, people, conditions
POS_Z41 POS interface, upload + download people, payment types
POS_Z42 POS interface, outbound, people, classification
POS_Z43 POS interface, inbound, goods movements, header segment
POS_Z44 POS interface, upload goods movements
POS_Z45 POS interface, inbound price change
POS_Z46 POS interface, upload price change header segment
POS_Z47 POS interface, outbound material groups, conditions
POS_Z48 POS interface, outbound material groups condition values
POS_Z49 POS interface, inbound error messages
POS_Z50 POS interface, inbound sales discounts
POSDELIVERITEM Return Structure for Delivery Items in the Delivery Search
POSED2STATUS Sales Audit Editor: 2nd Level idoc segment status
POSEDBONHEADER Sales Receipt Header in Sales Audit Editor
POSEDBONLINEITEMS Sales Audit Editor: Sales Receipt Item
POSEDCALLERINTERFACE Caller Interface for Sales Audit Editor
POSEDCUSTENHACEINTERFACE Sales Audit Editor: Interface for Customer Segment
POSEDDISCOUNTINTERFACE Sales Audit Editor: Discount Interface
POSEDE1WPB05ENHANCEMENTS Sales Audit Editor: Enhancment to Structure E1wPB05
POSEDE1WPB06ENHANCEMENTS Sales Audit Editor: Enhancement of Structure E1wPB06
POSEDLITAXESINTERFACE Sales Audit Editor: Interface for Item Taxes
POSEDLOCKI Sales Audit Editor: Interface for Lock Method
POSEDOLIST Overview List for Sales Audit Editor
POSEDSEARCH Search Criteria Overview for Sales Audit Editor
POSEDTENDERS Sales Audit Editor: Means of Payment
POSEDUMSLICONDITIONINTERFACE Sales Audit Editor: Aggregated sales Line condition
POSEDUMSLITAXESINTERFACE Sales Audit Editor: Interface for Item Taxes wpuums
POSEDUMSLITAXVALUEINTERFACE Sales Audit Editor: Interface for Item Taxes value wpuums
POSPOITEM Return Structure for Purchase Order Items in the PO Search
POSPRSS POS-IDOC parser: description of segment groups
POSSAKEYS Selected documents
POSWPSA Structure for data elements for sales audit
POSWPSA_CH Structure for FUGR WPSA screen 910: Display field changes
POSWPSA_HI Structure for FUGR WPSA screen 900: Display status history
POSWPSA_RE Structure for FUGR WPSA screen 910: Display change reasons
WCONDINT2 Intervals for condition tables
WPAOT2 POS interface: object table no. 2 for material master
WPAOT2_ALT POS interface: Alternative object table no. 2
WPAOT3 POS interface: object table no. 3 for material master
WPART POS interface: material numbers
WPARTSTM POS interface: store-related object table for material
WPARTSTM2 AL: results table for POS condition analysis
WPBANKDATA POS interface: person-related data, bank details
WPBBYKONDZ POS Interface: Target Conditions for Bonus Buys
WPBBYKONH POS Interface: Header Conditions for Bonus Buys
WPBBYKONS POS Interace: Bonus Buys Condition Scales
WPBBYKONZ POS Interface: Target Conditions for Bonus Buys
WPBBYKOPF POS Interface: Bonus Buy Header
WPBBYPRQ POS Interface: Bonus Buys Prerequisites
WPBBYSTXT POS Interface: Bonus Buy Short Text
WPBOBUY POS Interface: Bonus Buys
WPCREDCARD POS interface: person-related data, credit card information
WPDATE POS interface: table for change times
WPDEL POS interface: materials to be deleted
WPDTEXT POS Interface-Outbound: Text with Lenght 25
WPEANCHG POS interface: Collection of changes to additional EANs
WPERROR_RS POS interface: possible errors at restart
WPEXCHG POS interface: exchange rates
WPFILCONST POS interface: General store constants for download
WPFILIA POS interface: stores
WPFILIA_COND POS Outbound: Store Filter Table for Condition Analysis
WPFILIAGRP POS interface: Structure for store groups
WPFILIASO POS interface: select option structure for stores
WPFILKOPRO POS interface: stores with relevant comm. profiles
WPFTAB POS interface: POS-relevant table fields
WPINDEPEND POS interface: table for field independency check
WPKARTFLAG POS Interface: Table for Condition Types with Addit. Flag
WPKARTFLAG_V POS interface: Cond. type table w/ additional flag and usage
WPKONDART POS interface: POS-relevant conditon types per store
WPKSCHL POS interface: table for condition types
WPKSCHL2 Table for Condition Types/Condition Tables
WPLISTDATA POS interface: Structure for data for list preparation
WPMAKT Extended MAKT structure (eng. change man)
WPMAMT Extended MAMT structur for POS interface
WPMARA Extended MARA structure (eng. chang man)
WPMARM Extended MARM structure (eng. change man.)
WPMASTERIDOC POS interface: Structure for IDoc copy
WPMATNR Structure as reference for itabs which only contain mat. no.
WPMEAN Extended MEAN structure (eng. change man)
WPMGOT3 POS interface: object table no. 3 for material groups
WPMSGTYPE POS interface: message categories
WPMVKE Extended MVKE structure (eng. change man)
WPOLDEAN POS interface: For temporary storage of main EANs
WPOS_CONDSCALE POS Outbound: Shortened CONDSCALE Structure for Buffering
WPOS_PRICES POS Outbound: Shortened SACO Structure for Buffering, Price
WPOS_SHORT_MARM POS Outbound: Shortened MARM Structure for Buffering
WPOS_SHORT_WRF6 POS Outbound: Shortened WRF6 Structure for Buffering
WPOS_TAXES POS Outbound: Structure for Buffering (Control Indicator)
WPPDAT POS interface: personal data
WPPDATA POS interface: personal data
WPPDOT1 POS Interface: Object Table 1 for Personal Data
WPPDOT3 POS interface: object table no. 3 for personal data
WPPERIOD POS interface: intervals for condition tables
WPPERS_OT1 POS interface: Cred.-contr.-dep. object table f. pers. data
WPPOSFILIA POS interface: assignment: store < > distrib. chain
WPRFCDEST POS interface: Structure for holding faulty tasks
WPSCB01 POS interface, upload sales docs header data
WPSCB02 POS Interface, Upload Sales Documents Items
WPSCB03 POs interface, inbound processing sales docs conditions item
WPSCB05 POS interface: inbound proc.sales docs, header, conditions
WPSCB06 POS interface: inbound processing sales docs, header totals
WPSCK02 POS interface: upload cashier data, items
WPSCU01 POS interface: inbound sales, header segment
WPSCU03 POS interface, inbound sales discounts
WPSCZ02 POS interface: inbound payment list item
WPSTATCNT POS interface: Structure for statistical evaluation
WPSTATWDLSP POS interface: Structure for WDLSP data (for list output)
WPSTRUC POS interface: general field descriptions for download
WPTAX POS interface: tax master data
WPUBON_DOCUMENT_INDEX POS Inbound: Index Area for POS Operation
WPUEX050 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_050
WPUEX102 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_102 + 110
WPUEX105 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_105
WPUEX106 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_106
WPUEX113 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_113
WPUEX120 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_120
WPUEX122 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_122
WPUEX130 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_130
WPUEX131 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_131
WPUEX140 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_140
WPUEX141 User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_141
WPUEXPOS User structure for function exits for POS post-processing
WPUEXPRE User structure for function exits for POS pre-processing
WPUKSTRUKT DD structure for program SAPMWPUK
WPWDLSOPAR POS interface: Structure for WDLSO records in parallel proc.
WPWLK1 Extended WLK1 structure for POS interface
WPWLK2 Extended WLK2 structure for POS interface
WPWORKDAYS POS interface: table of workdays
WPWRGP POS interface: material groups
WPWRGP_OT1 POS interface: Store-depend. object table for mat. groups
WPWRGP_OT2 POS interface: Store-independ. object table for mat. groups


SAP Package WPOS contains 25 programs.

RPOSCOMP Completeness check on POS inbound
RWDPOSAN Direct request for POS outbound
RWDPOSCK POS Outbound Analysis Program
RWDPOSCK2 POS Outbound: Performance Analysis: Search for Stores Not Supplied
RWDPOSDU POS Outbound: Dummy Initialization
RWDPOSIN POS Outbound: Initialization
RWDPOSRS Reorganization of Status Entries for POS and Assortment List
RWDPOSSI POS Interface Outbound: Change Message Simulatn (No Database Changes)
RWDPOSTG Create trigger files for all open status records in WDLS
RWDPOSUP POS Interface - Outbound: Change Message
RWPINPAG POS interface: Repeat upload POS IDOCs
RWPOS_SERVER_GROUP_CONFIG aRFC Server Groups Test Programm
RWPUDLST Deletion of POS inbound error messages (table WPLST)
RWPUDTST Deletion of POS inbound error status (table WPTST)
RWUPGRD1 GR update
SAPMWPED Sales audit editor user interface
SAPMWPER POS Interface Monitor
SAPMWPUK POS upload simulation

Message Classes

SAP Package WPOS contains 3 message classes.

W9 WWS: Externe Meldungen POS-System
WC POS-Interface-Ausgang bzw. Tickets & Additionals
WP Nachrichten der POS-Schnittstelle