Das Standardwerk zum Änderungs- und Transportmanagement in der 4. Auflage! In diesem Buch finden Sie alle Informationen, die Sie zum Planen, Implementieren und Warten von Systemlandschaften benötigen. Sie lernen die Grundlagen und die Bedienung aller relevanten Werkzeuge und erhalten detaillierte Anleitungen zur Änderungs- und Transportverwaltung. Diese Neuauflage berücksichtigt Neuerungen in den Bereichen SAP NetWeaver AS Java und Development Infrastructure, CTS+, SAP Solution Manager und Enhancement Packages. Bringen Sie ihr Wissen auf den neuesten Stand!
Bei amazon.de ansehen →The package WPOS (IS-R: POS interface) is a standard package in SAP ERP. It belongs to the parent package APPL.
Package | WPOS |
Short Text | IS-R: POS interface |
Parent Package | APPL |
SAP Package WPOS contains 13 function groups.
WDISP_NEW | POS inbound dispatcher RFC clients |
WEDI | Tools for EDI processing |
WPAV | POS Interface: Worklist |
WPCU | Access routines for POS Customizing |
WPDA | POS download processing |
WPED | Functions Sales Audit Editor/Online POS |
WPO1 | Extended Table Maintenance (Generated) |
WPPA | POS interface IDOC parser |
WPRJ | Rack Jobber Processing Retail |
WPSA | FM for Sales Audit |
WPUE | POS interface, upload processing |
WPUS | POS interface: upload master data |
WV00 | Views (not Customizing) |
SAP Package WPOS contains 22 transactions.
FILAUF_WF_CUST | Store Order: Workflow Customizing |
RWPOS_PARA | POS Sales IDOC Enqueue Control |
SGR_OLDWORKFLOW_CUST | Store GR: Workflow Customizing |
SGR_WORKFLOW_CUST | Store GR: Workflow Customizing |
WDLS | Delete Error Messages |
WDSR | Reorg of download status tracking |
WDTS | Delete Status Information |
WPED | Sales Audit Editor |
WPER | POS interface monitor |
WPHF | Analysis report |
WPIA | Repeat upload POS IDOCs |
WPMA | POS Download: Manual Request |
WPMI | POS download: initialization |
WPMU | POS download: change message |
WPOS_MASTER | POS inbound master data |
WPUF | Simulation inb. proc. FI/CO document |
WPUK | POS simulation |
WPUS | Simulation: Inbound Processing |
WPUW | Goods movements simulation |
WRN1 | Number range maintenance: WFWFACTORS |
WVFB | Inbound store order processing |
WVFI | Simulation: Store Physical Inventory |
SAP Package WPOS contains 46 database tables.
A134 | Vendor |
C007 | Vendor |
T6WL4 | Check table - label form |
TWPBR | Definition of the Check Rules for POS Upload |
TWPDZ | Assignment of credit card institute to customer |
TWPEK | POS outbound: Condition types |
TWPFI | POS outbound profile |
TWPFIT | Communication profile store |
TWPIB | Transaction-type-based control of sales as per receipts POS |
TWPIE | POS Interface: Automatic EAN Creation Control |
TWPIF | Transaction type-dependent control of POS financial trans. |
TWPIR | General control of upload of sales as per receipts POS |
TWPIS | POS interface: profile for internal interfaces |
TWPIST | POS interface: text table for TWPIS |
TWPIV | General control of aggregated sales upload POS |
TWPIW | POS interface: default values for movement types/inv. man. |
TWPIZ | General control of payment list POS |
TWPPB | Transaction types for sales as per receipts |
TWPPBT | Transaction types for sales as per receipts / description |
TWPPF | Transaction types for financial transactions |
TWPPFT | Transaction types for financial transactions / description |
TWPPK | POS outbound: condition type group |
TWPPKT | POS interface: text table for table TWPPK |
TWPTY | POS interface: checking table for POS system types |
TWPTYT | POS interface: text table for table TWPTY |
TWPUB | POS interface: conversion of transaction types sales rcpts |
TWPUC | POS interface: currency code conversion |
TWPUE | POS interface: conversion of subsystem units of measure |
TWPUF | POS interface: conversion of store numbers |
TWPUK | POS interface: conversion of POS condition types |
TWPUL | POS interface: conversion of POS language codes |
TWPUM | POS interface: conversion of POS movements types |
TWPUP | POS interface: conversion parameters |
TWPUS | POS interface: conversion of POS tax codes |
TWPUT | POS interface: check table for conversion categories |
TWPUTT | POS interface: text table for table WPUT |
TWPUV | POS interface: conversion of POS transaction types FI |
TWPUW | POS interface: conversion of POS material groups |
TWPUX | POS interface: reassignment of mat. tax classification key |
TWPUZ | POS interface: conversion of POS payment methods |
TWPWB | General Processing Control for POS Goods Movements |
TWWAG | Scales group |
TWWAGT | Texts for tables TWWAG |
WPLST | POS interface: processing log |
WPTST | POS interface: restart log for upload processing |
WPXST | POS interface: status external subsystems (error messages) |
SAP Package WPOS contains 2 views.
V_EDIMAP | EDI: table for IDoc and application field assignments |
V_WRPL | Replenishment: Mat./customer parameters via rqmnt groups |
SAP Package WPOS contains 181 structures.
E1WPA09 | POS interace, outbound article mast., free goods conditions |
E1WPA10 | POS interface, outbound article master, free goods scales |
E1WPA11 | POS interface, outbound art. master, art. condition scales |
IDOCEXTDOC | Structure for BUR object IDOCEXTDOC |
LINE_ITEM_INDEX | Assignment Application Document Items to IDoc Data Segment |
PARSER_APPLICATION_VARIABLES | Variables That the Parser Receives from the Application |
PARSER_INFO_ENTRY | Information Provided by the Parser |
POS_SHORT_EDIDD | POS Outbound: Shortened EDIDD Structure for IDOC Data |
POS_Z01 | POS interface, upload sales docs header segment |
POS_Z02 | POS Interface, Upload Sales Documents Items |
POS_Z03 | POs interface, inbound processing sales docs conditions item |
POS_Z04 | POS interface, inbound processing sales docs tax item |
POS_Z05 | POS interface: inbound proc.sales docs, header, conditions |
POS_Z06 | POS interface: inbound processing sales docs, header totals |
POS_Z07 | POS interface: inbound sales, header segment |
POS_Z08 | POS interface, upload day-end closing, payment list |
POS_Z09 | POS interface, inbound sales, items |
POS_Z10 | POS interface, inbound sales, item taxes |
POS_Z11 | POS interface: inbound day-end closing, header segment |
POS_Z12 | POS interface, upload day-end closing |
POS_Z13 | POS interface: upload POS doc., header segment |
POS_Z14 | POS interface, upload POS document |
POS_Z15 | POS interface, inbound + outbound material master ID segment |
POS_Z16 | POS interface, upload + download material master data |
POS_Z17 | POS interface, inbound + outbound material master, texts |
POS_Z18 | POS interface, outbound material master, material conditions |
POS_Z19 | POS interface, outbound material master, condition values |
POS_Z20 | POS interface, outbound material master, free goods |
POS_Z21 | POS interface, inbound + outbound, material master, taxes |
POS_Z22 | POS interface, inbound + outbound, mat. master, add. mat. no |
POS_Z23 | POS interface, outbound material groups ID segment |
POS_Z24 | POS interface, outbound material groups master data |
POS_Z25 | POS interface, outbound material groups taxes |
POS_Z26 | POS interface, outbound proc. exchange rates ID segment |
POS_Z27 | POS interface, outbound proc. exchange rates master data |
POS_Z28 | POS interface, outbound taxes ID segment |
POS_Z29 | POS interface, outbound taxes master data |
POS_Z30 | POS interface: inbound & outbound EAN references, ID segment |
POS_Z31 | POS interface, inbound & outbound EAN references |
POS_Z32 | POS interface, outbound follow-on items ID segment |
POS_Z33 | POS interface, outbound follow-on items |
POS_Z34 | POS interface, outbound sets ID segment |
POS_Z35 | POS interface, outbound set components |
POS_Z36 | POS interface, outbound set conditions |
POS_Z37 | POS interface, inbound & outbound personal data ID segemnt |
POS_Z38 | POS interface, inbound & outbound personal data |
POS_Z39 | POS interface, inbound & outbound personal data addresses |
POS_Z40 | POS interface, outbound + inbound, people, conditions |
POS_Z41 | POS interface, upload + download people, payment types |
POS_Z42 | POS interface, outbound, people, classification |
POS_Z43 | POS interface, inbound, goods movements, header segment |
POS_Z44 | POS interface, upload goods movements |
POS_Z45 | POS interface, inbound price change |
POS_Z46 | POS interface, upload price change header segment |
POS_Z47 | POS interface, outbound material groups, conditions |
POS_Z48 | POS interface, outbound material groups condition values |
POS_Z49 | POS interface, inbound error messages |
POS_Z50 | POS interface, inbound sales discounts |
POSDELIVERITEM | Return Structure for Delivery Items in the Delivery Search |
POSED2STATUS | Sales Audit Editor: 2nd Level idoc segment status |
POSEDBONHEADER | Sales Receipt Header in Sales Audit Editor |
POSEDBONLINEITEMS | Sales Audit Editor: Sales Receipt Item |
POSEDCALLERINTERFACE | Caller Interface for Sales Audit Editor |
POSEDCUSTENHACEINTERFACE | Sales Audit Editor: Interface for Customer Segment |
POSEDDISCOUNTINTERFACE | Sales Audit Editor: Discount Interface |
POSEDE1WPB05ENHANCEMENTS | Sales Audit Editor: Enhancment to Structure E1wPB05 |
POSEDE1WPB06ENHANCEMENTS | Sales Audit Editor: Enhancement of Structure E1wPB06 |
POSEDLITAXESINTERFACE | Sales Audit Editor: Interface for Item Taxes |
POSEDLOCKI | Sales Audit Editor: Interface for Lock Method |
POSEDOLIST | Overview List for Sales Audit Editor |
POSEDSEARCH | Search Criteria Overview for Sales Audit Editor |
POSEDTENDERS | Sales Audit Editor: Means of Payment |
POSEDUMSLICONDITIONINTERFACE | Sales Audit Editor: Aggregated sales Line condition |
POSEDUMSLITAXESINTERFACE | Sales Audit Editor: Interface for Item Taxes wpuums |
POSEDUMSLITAXVALUEINTERFACE | Sales Audit Editor: Interface for Item Taxes value wpuums |
POSPOITEM | Return Structure for Purchase Order Items in the PO Search |
POSPRSS | POS-IDOC parser: description of segment groups |
POSSAKEYS | Selected documents |
POSWPSA | Structure for data elements for sales audit |
POSWPSA_CH | Structure for FUGR WPSA screen 910: Display field changes |
POSWPSA_HI | Structure for FUGR WPSA screen 900: Display status history |
POSWPSA_RE | Structure for FUGR WPSA screen 910: Display change reasons |
WCONDINT2 | Intervals for condition tables |
WPAOT2 | POS interface: object table no. 2 for material master |
WPAOT2_ALT | POS interface: Alternative object table no. 2 |
WPAOT3 | POS interface: object table no. 3 for material master |
WPART | POS interface: material numbers |
WPARTSTM | POS interface: store-related object table for material |
WPARTSTM2 | AL: results table for POS condition analysis |
WPBANKDATA | POS interface: person-related data, bank details |
WPBBYKONDZ | POS Interface: Target Conditions for Bonus Buys |
WPBBYKONH | POS Interface: Header Conditions for Bonus Buys |
WPBBYKONS | POS Interace: Bonus Buys Condition Scales |
WPBBYKONZ | POS Interface: Target Conditions for Bonus Buys |
WPBBYKOPF | POS Interface: Bonus Buy Header |
WPBBYPRQ | POS Interface: Bonus Buys Prerequisites |
WPBBYSTXT | POS Interface: Bonus Buy Short Text |
WPBOBUY | POS Interface: Bonus Buys |
WPCREDCARD | POS interface: person-related data, credit card information |
WPDATE | POS interface: table for change times |
WPDEL | POS interface: materials to be deleted |
WPDTEXT | POS Interface-Outbound: Text with Lenght 25 |
WPEANCHG | POS interface: Collection of changes to additional EANs |
WPERROR_RS | POS interface: possible errors at restart |
WPEXCHG | POS interface: exchange rates |
WPFILCONST | POS interface: General store constants for download |
WPFILIA | POS interface: stores |
WPFILIA_COND | POS Outbound: Store Filter Table for Condition Analysis |
WPFILIAGRP | POS interface: Structure for store groups |
WPFILIASO | POS interface: select option structure for stores |
WPFILKOPRO | POS interface: stores with relevant comm. profiles |
WPFTAB | POS interface: POS-relevant table fields |
WPINDEPEND | POS interface: table for field independency check |
WPKARTFLAG | POS Interface: Table for Condition Types with Addit. Flag |
WPKARTFLAG_V | POS interface: Cond. type table w/ additional flag and usage |
WPKONDART | POS interface: POS-relevant conditon types per store |
WPKSCHL | POS interface: table for condition types |
WPKSCHL2 | Table for Condition Types/Condition Tables |
WPLISTDATA | POS interface: Structure for data for list preparation |
WPMAKT | Extended MAKT structure (eng. change man) |
WPMAMT | Extended MAMT structur for POS interface |
WPMARA | Extended MARA structure (eng. chang man) |
WPMARM | Extended MARM structure (eng. change man.) |
WPMASTERIDOC | POS interface: Structure for IDoc copy |
WPMATNR | Structure as reference for itabs which only contain mat. no. |
WPMEAN | Extended MEAN structure (eng. change man) |
WPMGOT3 | POS interface: object table no. 3 for material groups |
WPMSGTYPE | POS interface: message categories |
WPMVKE | Extended MVKE structure (eng. change man) |
WPOLDEAN | POS interface: For temporary storage of main EANs |
WPOS_CONDSCALE | POS Outbound: Shortened CONDSCALE Structure for Buffering |
WPOS_PRICES | POS Outbound: Shortened SACO Structure for Buffering, Price |
WPOS_SHORT_MARM | POS Outbound: Shortened MARM Structure for Buffering |
WPOS_SHORT_WRF6 | POS Outbound: Shortened WRF6 Structure for Buffering |
WPOS_TAXES | POS Outbound: Structure for Buffering (Control Indicator) |
WPPDAT | POS interface: personal data |
WPPDATA | POS interface: personal data |
WPPDOT1 | POS Interface: Object Table 1 for Personal Data |
WPPDOT3 | POS interface: object table no. 3 for personal data |
WPPERIOD | POS interface: intervals for condition tables |
WPPERS_OT1 | POS interface: Cred.-contr.-dep. object table f. pers. data |
WPPOSFILIA | POS interface: assignment: store < > distrib. chain |
WPRFCDEST | POS interface: Structure for holding faulty tasks |
WPSCB01 | POS interface, upload sales docs header data |
WPSCB02 | POS Interface, Upload Sales Documents Items |
WPSCB03 | POs interface, inbound processing sales docs conditions item |
WPSCB05 | POS interface: inbound proc.sales docs, header, conditions |
WPSCB06 | POS interface: inbound processing sales docs, header totals |
WPSCK02 | POS interface: upload cashier data, items |
WPSCU01 | POS interface: inbound sales, header segment |
WPSCU03 | POS interface, inbound sales discounts |
WPSCZ02 | POS interface: inbound payment list item |
WPSTATCNT | POS interface: Structure for statistical evaluation |
WPSTATWDLSP | POS interface: Structure for WDLSP data (for list output) |
WPSTRUC | POS interface: general field descriptions for download |
WPTAX | POS interface: tax master data |
WPUBON_COMPRESS_INDEX | POS Inbound: Index Compression IMSEG_2 -> IMSEG |
WPUBON_DOCUMENT_INDEX | POS Inbound: Index Area for POS Operation |
WPUBON_PARSER_INFO_ENTRY | POS Inbound: POS Parser Structure |
WPUEX050 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_050 |
WPUEX102 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_102 + 110 |
WPUEX105 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_105 |
WPUEX106 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_106 |
WPUEX113 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_113 |
WPUEX120 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_120 |
WPUEX122 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_122 |
WPUEX130 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_130 |
WPUEX131 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_131 |
WPUEX140 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_140 |
WPUEX141 | User structure for function exit EXIT_SAPLWPUE_141 |
WPUEXPOS | User structure for function exits for POS post-processing |
WPUEXPRE | User structure for function exits for POS pre-processing |
WPUKSTRUKT | DD structure for program SAPMWPUK |
WPWDLSOPAR | POS interface: Structure for WDLSO records in parallel proc. |
WPWLK1 | Extended WLK1 structure for POS interface |
WPWLK2 | Extended WLK2 structure for POS interface |
WPWORKDAYS | POS interface: table of workdays |
WPWRGP | POS interface: material groups |
WPWRGP_OT1 | POS interface: Store-depend. object table for mat. groups |
WPWRGP_OT2 | POS interface: Store-independ. object table for mat. groups |
SAP Package WPOS contains 25 programs.
RPOSCOMP | Completeness check on POS inbound |
RWDPOSAN | Direct request for POS outbound |
RWDPOSCK | POS Outbound Analysis Program |
RWDPOSCK2 | POS Outbound: Performance Analysis: Search for Stores Not Supplied |
RWDPOSDU | POS Outbound: Dummy Initialization |
RWDPOSIN | POS Outbound: Initialization |
RWDPOSRS | Reorganization of Status Entries for POS and Assortment List |
RWDPOSSI | POS Interface Outbound: Change Message Simulatn (No Database Changes) |
RWDPOSTG | Create trigger files for all open status records in WDLS |
RWDPOSUP | POS Interface - Outbound: Change Message |
RWPINPAG | POS interface: Repeat upload POS IDOCs |
RWPOS_PARA_ENQUEUE | POS Inbound IDOC Dispatcher |
RWPOS_SERVER_GROUP_CONFIG | aRFC Server Groups Test Programm |
RWPUDLST | Deletion of POS inbound error messages (table WPLST) |
RWPUDTST | Deletion of POS inbound error status (table WPTST) |
RWUPARSH | Display material (IDOCPART WP_PLU) |
RWUPEASH | Display EAN reference (IDOCEANREF) |
RWUPGRD1 | GR update |
RWUPGRDS | GR update |
SAPMWPED | Sales audit editor user interface |
SAPMWPER | POS Interface Monitor |
SAPMWPUK | POS upload simulation |
SAP Package WPOS contains 3 message classes.
W9 | WWS: Externe Meldungen POS-System |
WC | POS-Interface-Ausgang bzw. Tickets & Additionals |
WP | Nachrichten der POS-Schnittstelle |