

Alert: Group Customizing data performance class

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The table ALGRPCUSPF (Alert: Group Customizing data performance class) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SMOI.

Technical Information

Short Text Alert: Group Customizing data performance class
Package SMOI
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table ALGRPCUSPF

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
CUSGRPNAME Alert: Customization: Name of Customization Group ALCUSGROUP CHAR 40
SETNAME Alert: Name of monitoring properties variant ALCUSSETNM CHAR 20
DBSTATUS Alert: Status Customizing Daten in der DB (perm/temp) ALCUSDBSTS CHAR 1
RELVALTYPE Alert: MT Performance specific Custom.: Relevant Value Type ALPRELVALT INT4 10
THRESHDIR Alert: MT Performance specific Custom.: - threshold direct. ALPERTHRDR INT4 10
THRESHG2Y Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold G 2 Y ALPACTHG2Y INT4 10
THRESHY2R Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold Y 2 R ALPACTHY2R INT4 10
THRESHY2G Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold Y 2 G ALPACTHY2G INT4 10
THRESHR2Y Alert: MT Performance Customization: Active Threshold R 2 Y ALPACTHR2Y INT4 10
MSGCLASS XMI logging: company name of external management tool XMILOGCOMP CHAR 16
MSGID Message ID for an XMI log entry XMILOGMID CHAR 30
VALUNIT ALert: Unit for Perfomance Values ALUNIT CHAR 4
DECIMALS ALert: Decimal part of Performance Values ALDECIMALS INT4 10
CRTBYASSI Alert: Name of Customization Assistant ALASSIST CHAR 40
CHG_USER Alert: Last Changed By ALCHGUSER CHAR 12
CHG_DATE Alert: Date of last change ALCHGDATE DATS 8
CHG_TIME Alert: Time of last change ALCHGTIME TIMS 6