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Bei ansehen →The table BP001 (Treasury Attributes Organization) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FSBP.
Table | BP001 |
Short Text | Treasury Attributes Organization |
Package | FSBP |
Table Type | Transparent Table |
Field Name | Key | Description | Data Element | Type | Length | Check Table |
CLIENT | ✔ | Client | MANDT | CLNT | 3 | T000 |
PARTNER | ✔ | Business Partner Number | BU_PARTNER | CHAR | 10 | * |
TITLE_LET | Salutation | BP_TITL_LT | NUMC | 2 | TP02 | |
GROUP_D | Target Group | BP_GROUP_D | CHAR | 4 | TP13 | |
PAR_REL | Business Partner Released | BP_PAR_REL | CHAR | 1 | ||
VIP | Business Partner Is VIP | BP_VIP_PARTNER | CHAR | 1 | * | |
BP_SORT | Phonetic Search Term | BP_PHONSTRING | CHAR | 80 | ||
SORT_PHON | Sort Field for Phonetic Search; Obsolete | BP_SORT_PH | CHAR | 20 | ||
VBUND | Company ID of trading partner | RASSC | CHAR | 6 | T880 | |
COUNTRY_REP | Country for Reporting | BP_CNTR_REP | CHAR | 3 | T005 | |
CALENDARID | Factory calendar | BP_CAL_ID | CHAR | 2 | TFACD | |
CNTRY_COMP | Country of Organization's Registered Office | BP_CNTR_HD | CHAR | 3 | T005 | |
REGIO | Region of Registered Office | BP_REGIO_HD | CHAR | 3 | T005S | |
COMP_HEAD | Registered Office | BP_COMP_HD | CHAR | 35 | ||
MIN_RESERV | Bank Subject to Minimum Reserve Requirement | BP_MIN_RSV | CHAR | 1 | ||
BAL_SH_CUR | Balance Sheet Currency | BP_BAL_CUR | CUKY | 5 | TCURC | |
CAP_INCR_A | Amount of last capital increase | BP_CA_IN_A | CURR | 15 | ||
CAP_INCR_Y | Year of Last Capital Increase | BP_CA_IN_Y | NUMC | 4 | ||
BALANCE_FL | Balance Sheet Display | BP_BAL_FLG | CHAR | 1 | ||
BANKL | Bank Keys | BANKK | CHAR | 15 | ||
BANKS | Bank country key | BANKS | CHAR | 3 | T005 | |
STATE | Citizenship | BP_CNTR_ST | CHAR | 3 | T005 | |
PROPRTY_ST | Marital property regime | BP_PROPRTY_OLD | NUMC | 2 | TP04 | |
INCOME_CUR | Currency of Net Income | BP_INC_CUR | CUKY | 5 | TCURC | |
CHILDREN | Number of Children Belonging to the Business Partner | BP_CHILDRN | DEC | 2 | ||
MEM_HOUSE | Number of People Living in the Household | BP_MEM_HOU | DEC | 2 | ||
NET_INCOME | Net Annual Income | BP_NET_INC | CURR | 15 | ||
MO_NET_INC | Monthly Net Income of Business Partner | BP_MO_INC | CURR | 15 | ||
NET_INC_Y | Year of Net Annual Income | BP_N_INC_Y | NUMC | 4 | ||
MO_INC_M | Calendar Month of Monthly Net Income | BP_M_INC_M | NUMC | 2 | ||
MO_INC_Y | Year of Monthly Net Income | BP_M_INC_Y | NUMC | 4 | ||
PERS_NR | Personnel Number | BP_PERS_NR | CHAR | 15 | ||
STAFF_GRP | Employee Group | BP_STAFF_G | CHAR | 4 | TP05 | |
HR_ORG_REF | HR Org. Link | HR_ORG_REF | CHAR | 1 | ||
XUBNAME | User Name in User Master Record | BP_XUBNAME | CHAR | 12 | USR02 | |
STAFF_REF | Employee | BP_STAFF_R | CHAR | 1 | ||
DYING_PLACE | Name of Place of Death of Natural Person | BP_DYING_PLACE | CHAR | 40 | ||
BANK_DEL_D | Termination Date for Business Relations with the Bank | BP_BANK_DEL_D | DATS | 8 | ||
UNW_CUSTOMER | Undesirable Customer | BP_UNW_CUSTOMER | CHAR | 1 | ||
UNW_REASON | Reason for Undesirability | BP_UNW_REASON | CHAR | 2 | TP18 | |
UNW_REMARK | Comment on Undesirability | BP_UNW_REMARK | CHAR | 35 | ||
ADRKIND | Address Type | BU_ADRKIND | CHAR | 10 | * | |
Include Structure: BPI001_LCC | ||||||
LAST_CUST_CONT | Date of Last Customer Contact | BP_LAST_CUST_CONTACT | DATS | 8 | ||
MAX_FILE_SIZE | Maximum Size for Ordering File | BP_BCA_DTE_CARD_MAX_FILE_SIZE | INT4 | 10 | ||
Append Structure: BPI001_GRP | ||||||
GROUP_FEATURE | Grouping Character | BP_GROUP_FEATURE | CHAR | 10 | TP24 |