

DB6: Results Table for DB6 CS Trace (Cumulative DBSL Trace)

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The table DB6CSTRACE (DB6: Results Table for DB6 CS Trace (Cumulative DBSL Trace)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package STU6.

Technical Information

Short Text DB6: Results Table for DB6 CS Trace (Cumulative DBSL Trace)
Package STU6
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table DB6CSTRACE

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PID Process ID INT4 10
DBNAME Database Name CHAR 16
APPSERV Application Server Name CHAR 64
STMTNUM DBSL_STMTID: Statement Number INT4 10
OPTLEVEL Database Optimization Level CHAR 1
TABLENAME Name of the First Table in the SQL Statement CHAR 16
PROG Name of ABAP Program CHAR 40
CONT Position in ABAP Program INT4 10
FIRST_TIME Time of First Execution CHAR 26
LAST_TIME Time of Last Execution CHAR 26
PREP_CNT Number of PREPARE Calls INT4 10
EXEC_CNT Number of EXECUTE Calls INT4 10
FET_CNT Number of FETCH Calls INT4 10
EFET_CNT Number of Extended FETCH Calls INT4 10
CLSE_CNT Number of CLOSE Calls INT4 10
PREP_TIME Total Duration of PREPARE Calls INT4 10
EXEC_TIME Total Duration of EXECUTE Calls INT4 10
FET_TIME Total Duration of FETCH Calls INT4 10
EFET_TIME Total Duration of Extended FETCH Calls INT4 10
CLSE_TIME Total Duration of CLOSE Calls INT4 10
PREP_5S Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration of 5s or More INT4 10
PREP_1S Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration of 1s or More INT4 10
PREP_500MS Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration of 500ms or More INT4 10
PREP_100MS Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration of 100ms or More INT4 10
PREP_50MS Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration of 50ms or More INT4 10
PREP_20MS Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration of 20ms or More INT4 10
PREP_10MS Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration of 10ms or More INT4 10
PREP_5MS Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration of 5ms or More INT4 10
PREP_2MS Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration of 2ms or More INT4 10
PREP_1MS Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration of 1ms or More INT4 10
PREP_LT1MS Number of PREPARE Calls with Duration Less than 100ms INT4 10
EXEC_5S Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration of 5s or More INT4 10
EXEC_1S Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration of 1s or More INT4 10
EXEC_500MS Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration of 500ms or More INT4 10
EXEC_100MS Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration of 100ms or More INT4 10
EXEC_50MS Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration of 50ms or More INT4 10
EXEC_20MS Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration of 20ms or More INT4 10
EXEC_10MS Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration of 10ms or More INT4 10
EXEC_5MS Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration of 5ms or More INT4 10
EXEC_2MS Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration of 2ms or More INT4 10
EXEC_1MS Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration of 1ms or More INT4 10
EXEC_LT1MS Number of EXECUTE Calls with Duration less than 1ms INT4 10
FET_5S Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 5s or More INT4 10
FET_1S Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 1s or More INT4 10
FET_500MS Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 500ms or More INT4 10
FET_100MS Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 100ms or More INT4 10
FET_50MS Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 50ms or More INT4 10
FET_20MS Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 20ms or More INT4 10
FET_10MS Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 10ms or More INT4 10
FET_5MS Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 5ms or More INT4 10
FET_2MS Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 2ms or More INT4 10
FET_1MS Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 1ms or More INT4 10
FET_LT1MS Number of FETCH Calls with Duration Less than 1ms INT4 10
EFET_5S Number of FETCH Calls with Duration of 5s or More INT4 10
EFET_1S No. of Extended FETCH Calls with Duration of 1s or More INT4 10
EFET_500MS No. of Extended FETCH Calls with Duration of 500ms or More INT4 10
EFET_100MS No. of Extended FETCH Calls with Duration of 100ms or More INT4 10
EFET_50MS No. of Extended FETCH Calls with Duration of 50ms or More INT4 10
EFET_20MS No. of Extended FETCH Calls with Duration of 20ms or More INT4 10
EFET_10MS No. of Extended FETCH Calls with Duration of 10ms or More INT4 10
EFET_5MS No. of Extended FETCH Calls with Duration of 5ms or More INT4 10
EFET_2MS No. of Extended FETCH Calls with Duration of 2ms or More INT4 10
EFET_1MS No. of Extended FETCH Calls with Duration of 1ms or More INT4 10
EFET_LT1MS No. of Extended FETCH Calls with Duration Less than 1ms INT4 10
CLSE_5S Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration of 5s or More INT4 10
CLSE_1S Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration of 1s or More INT4 10
CLSE_500MS Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration of 500ms or More INT4 10
CLSE_100MS Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration of 100ms or More INT4 10
CLSE_50MS Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration of 50ms or More INT4 10
CLSE_20MS Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration of 20ms or More INT4 10
CLSE_10MS Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration of 10ms or More INT4 10
CLSE_5MS Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration of 5ms or More INT4 10
CLSE_2MS Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration of 2ms or More INT4 10
CLSE_1MS Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration of 1ms or More INT4 10
CLSE_LT1MS Number of CLOSE Calls with Duration Less than 1ms INT4 10
STMT_SUBST First 200 Characters of the Statement Text CHAR 200
STMT_LEN Length of SQL Statement INT2 5
STMT_TEXT SQL Statement Text LCHR 30000