

Additional Attributes for Function Modules

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The table ENLFDIR (Additional Attributes for Function Modules) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package SFUNC.

Technical Information

Short Text Additional Attributes for Function Modules
Package SFUNC
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table ENLFDIR

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
FUNCNAME Name of Function Module RS38L_FNAM CHAR 30 TFDIR
AREA Function group, to which the function module belongs RS38L_AREA CHAR 26 TLIBG
ACTIVE Function module active ACTIVEF CHAR 1
GENERATED Generated function module GENERATED CHAR 1
FREEDATE Release date of function module FREEDATE DATS 8
GLOBAL Global interface ID RS38L_GLOB CHAR 1
LOC_PRIV Function module of a temporary development class RS38L_TEMP CHAR 1
EXTEN1 Language Key SPRAS LANG 1 *
EXTEN2 Data conversion flag RS38L_KORR CHAR 1
EXTEN3 Exception class S_EXCCLASS CHAR 1
EXTEN4 Exception Indicator for Package Check PAKNOCHECK CHAR 1
EXTEN5 Obsolete CHAR 1