

Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$UNDOSTAT

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The table GVD_UNDOSTAT (Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$UNDOSTAT) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package STUN.

Technical Information

Short Text Oracle monitoring: copy of GV$UNDOSTAT
Package STUN
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table GVD_UNDOSTAT

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SNAPSHOT_ID Oracle monitor: snapshot ID ORA_SNAPSHOT_ID NUMC 10 *
INST_ID Oracle monitor: Instance ID ORA_INST_ID DEC 22
BEGIN_TIME_D Oracle monitoring: Begin of time interval (date field) ORA_BEGIN_TIME_D DATS 8
BEGIN_TIME_T Oracle monitoring: Begin of time interval (time field) ORA_BEGIN_TIME_T TIMS 6
END_TIME_D Oracle monitoring: End of time interval (date field) ORA_END_TIME_D DATS 8
END_TIME_T Oracle monitoring: End of time interval (time field) ORA_END_TIME_T TIMS 6
UNDOTSN Oracle monitoring: last active undo tablespace ORA_UNDOTSN DEC 22
UNDOBLKS Oracle monitoring: total number of undo blocks ORA_UNDOBLKS DEC 22
TXNCOUNT Oracle monitoring: total number of transactions ORA_TXNCOUNT DEC 22
MAXQUERYLEN Oracle monitoring: length of the longest query ORA_MAXQUERYLEN DEC 22
MAXCONCURRENCY Oracle monitoring: highest nr of TAs executed concurrently ORA_MAXCONCURRENCY DEC 22
UNXPSTEALCNT Oracle monitoring: attempts to obtain undo space ORA_UNXPSTEALCNT DEC 22
UNXPBLKRELCNT Oracle monitoring: unexpired undo blocks removed ORA_UNXPBLKRELCNT DEC 22
UNXPBLKREUCNT Oracle monitoring: unexpired undo blocks reused ORA_UNXPBLKREUCNT DEC 22
EXPSTEALCNT Oracle monitoring: attempts to steal expired undo blocks ORA_EXPSTEALCNT DEC 22
EXPBLKRELCNT Oracle monitoring: expired undo blocks stolen from segments ORA_EXPBLKRELCNT DEC 22
EXPBLKREUCNT Oracle monitoring: expired undo blocks reused ORA_EXPBLKREUCNT DEC 22
SSOLDERRCNT Oracle monitoring: number of times the error ORA-01555 occur ORA_SSOLDERRCNT DEC 22
NOSPACEERRCNT Oracle monitoring: number of times space was requested ORA_NOSPACEERRCNT DEC 22