Document for Inward and Outward Movements

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The table LSEG (Document for Inward and Outward Movements) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package LVS.

Technical Information

Table LSEG
Short Text Document for Inward and Outward Movements
Package LVS
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table LSEG

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
LGNUM Warehouse Number / Warehouse Complex LGNUM CHAR 3 *
LBELN Warehouse material document number LSEG_LBELN NUMC 10
LBPOS Warehouse material doc. item LSEG_LBPOS NUMC 4
MATNR Material Number MATNR CHAR 18 *
LGORT Storage Location LGORT_D CHAR 4 *
CHARG Batch Number CHARG_D CHAR 10 *
BESTQ Stock Category in the Warehouse Management System BESTQ CHAR 1
SOBKZ Special Stock Indicator SOBKZ CHAR 1 *
SONUM Special Stock Number LVS_SONUM CHAR 16
MENGE Doc. qty in stockkeeping unit LSEG_MENGE QUAN 13
MEINS Base Unit of Measure MEINS UNIT 3 *
LGTYP Storage Type LGTYP CHAR 3 *
LGPLA Storage Bin LGPLA CHAR 10 *
BWART Movement Type (Inventory Management) BWART CHAR 3 *
BDATU Creation date of whse document LSEG_BDATU DATS 8
BZEIT Creation time of whse document LSEG_BZEIT TIMS 6
LVBTP Category of original document LSEG_LVBTP CHAR 1
LVBNR Document number of original document LSEG_LVBNR CHAR 20
LVBPS Item number in source document LSEG_POSNR NUMC 6 *
LENUM Storage Unit Number LENUM CHAR 20 *
LETYP Storage Unit Type LVS_LETYP CHAR 3 *
XHUPF Handling unit requirement XHUPF CHAR 1
NOSTK Do not execute stock change in decentr. WM LSEG_NOSTK CHAR 1
ERNAM Name of Person who Created the Object ERNAM CHAR 12