

File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input

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The table MARD_TMP (File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package MGAD.

Technical Information

Short Text File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input
Package MGAD
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table MARD_TMP

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
ID Job ID (direct input) BIJOBID CHAR 32 *
TRANC Transaction counter for data transfer TRANSCOUNT NUMC 10
D_IND Which number within a transaction must be reset? M_DELIND NUMC 10
MATNR Material Number MATNR CHAR 18 *
LGORT Storage Location LGORT_D CHAR 4 *
PSTAT Maintenance status PSTAT_D CHAR 15
LVORM Flag Material for Deletion at Storage Location Level LVOLG CHAR 1
LFGJA Fiscal Year of Current Period LFGJA NUMC 4
LFMON Current period (posting period) LFMON NUMC 2
SPERR Physical Inventory Blocking Indicator SPERR CHAR 1
LABST Valuated Unrestricted-Use Stock LABST QUAN 13
UMLME Stock in transfer (from one storage location to another) UMLMD QUAN 13
INSME Stock in Quality Inspection INSME QUAN 13
EINME Total Stock of All Restricted Batches EINME QUAN 13
SPEME Blocked Stock SPEME QUAN 13
RETME Blocked Stock Returns RETME QUAN 13
VMLAB Valuated unrestricted-use stock in previous period VMLAB QUAN 13
VMUML Stock in Transfer in Previous Period VMUML QUAN 13
VMINS Stock in Quality Inspection in Previous Period VMINS QUAN 13
VMEIN Restricted-Use Stock in Previous Period VMEIN QUAN 13
VMSPE Blocked stock of previous period VMSPE QUAN 13
VMRET Blocked Stock Returns in Previous Period VMRET QUAN 13
KZILL Physical inventory indicator for whse stock in current year KZILL CHAR 3
KZILQ Phys. inventory ind. f. stock in qual. insp. in current year KZILQ CHAR 3
KZILE Physical inventory indicator for restricted-use stock KZILE CHAR 3
KZILS Physical inventory indicator for blocked stock KZILS CHAR 3
KZVLL Physical inventory indicator for stock in previous year KZVLL CHAR 3
KZVLQ Phys. inventory ind. f. stock in qual. insp. in prev. period KZVLQ CHAR 3
KZVLE Physical inventory ind. for restricted-use stock, prev.pd KZVLE CHAR 3
KZVLS Phys. inventory indicator for blocked stock in prev. period KZVLS CHAR 3
DISKZ Storage location MRP indicator DISKZ CHAR 1
LSOBS Special procurement type at storage location level LSOBS CHAR 2 T460A
LMINB Reorder point for storage location MRP LMINB QUAN 13
LBSTF Replenishment quantity for storage location MRP LBSTF QUAN 13
HERKL Country of origin of the material HERKL CHAR 3 T005
EXPPG Preference indicator (deactivated) EXPPG CHAR 1
EXVER Export indicator (deactivated) EXVER CHAR 2
KLABS Unrestricted-Use Consignment Stock KLABS QUAN 13
KINSM Consignment Stock in Quality Inspection KINSM QUAN 13
KEINM Restricted-Use Consignment Stock KEINM QUAN 13
KSPEM Blocked Consignment Stock KSPEM QUAN 13
DLINL Date of Last Posted Count for Unrestricted-Use Stock DLINL DATS 8
PRCTL Profit Center PRCTR CHAR 10 *
VKLAB Stock value of a value-only material at sales price VKLAB CURR 13
VKUML Sales value in stock transfer (SLOc to SLoc) VKUML CURR 13
LWMKB Picking area for lean WM MARD_KOBER CHAR 3 *
BSKRF Inventory correction factor BSKRF FLTP 16
MDRUE MARDH rec. already exists for per. before last of MARD per. MDRUE CHAR 1
MDJIN Fiscal year of current physical inventory indicator GJINV NUMC 4