

File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input

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The table MVKE_TMP (File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package MGAD.

Technical Information

Short Text File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input
Package MGAD
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table MVKE_TMP

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
ID Job ID (direct input) BIJOBID CHAR 32 *
TRANC Transaction counter for data transfer TRANSCOUNT NUMC 10
D_IND Which number within a transaction must be reset? M_DELIND NUMC 10
MATNR Material Number MATNR CHAR 18 *
VKORG Sales Organization VKORG CHAR 4 *
VTWEG Distribution Channel VTWEG CHAR 2 *
LVORM Ind.: Flag material for deletion at distribution chain level LVOVK CHAR 1
VERSG Material statistics group STGMA CHAR 1 TVSM
BONUS Volume rebate group BONUS CHAR 2 TVBO
PROVG Commission group PROVG CHAR 2 TVPR
SKTOF Cash discount indicator SKTOF CHAR 1
VMSTA Distribution-chain-specific material status VMSTA CHAR 2 TVMS
VMSTD Date from which distr.-chain-spec. material status is valid VMSTD DATS 8
AUMNG Minimum order quantity in base unit of measure MINAU QUAN 13
LFMNG Minimum delivery quantity in delivery note processing MINLF QUAN 13
EFMNG Minimum make-to-order quantity MINEF QUAN 13
SCMNG Delivery unit SCHRT QUAN 13
SCHME Unit of measure of delivery unit SCHME UNIT 3 T006
VRKME Sales unit VRKME UNIT 3 T006
MTPOS Item category group from material master MTPOS CHAR 4 TPTM
DWERK Delivering Plant (Own or External) DWERK_EXT CHAR 4 TVKWZ
PRODH Product hierarchy PRODH_D CHAR 18 T179
PMATN Pricing Reference Material PMATN CHAR 18 MARA
KONDM Material Pricing Group KONDM CHAR 2 T178
KTGRM Account assignment group for this material KTGRM CHAR 2 TVKM
MVGR1 Material group 1 MVGR1 CHAR 3 TVM1
MVGR2 Material group 2 MVGR2 CHAR 3 TVM2
MVGR3 Material group 3 MVGR3 CHAR 3 TVM3
MVGR4 Material group 4 MVGR4 CHAR 3 TVM4
MVGR5 Material group 5 MVGR5 CHAR 3 TVM5
SSTUF Assortment grade SSTUF CHAR 2 TWSS
PFLKS External assortment priority PFLKS CHAR 1 TWSP
LSTFL Listing procedure for store or other assortment categories LSTFL CHAR 2 TWLV
LSTVZ Listing procedure for distr. center assortment categories LSTVZ CHAR 2 TWLV
LSTAK Listing functions (assortments) are active LSTAK CHAR 1
LDVFL Date from which listed in the store LDVFL DATS 8
LDBFL Date to which listed in the store LDBFL DATS 8
LDVZL Date from which listed in the distribution center LDVZL DATS 8
LDBZL Date to which listed in the central warehouse/distr. center LDBZL DATS 8
VDVFL Date from which sold in the store VDVFL DATS 8
VDBFL Date to which sold in the store VDBFL DATS 8
VDVZL Date from which sold in the distribution center VDVZL DATS 8
VDBZL Date to which sold in the distribution center VDBZL DATS 8
PRAT1 ID for product attribute 1 PRAT1 CHAR 1
PRAT2 ID for product attribute 2 PRAT2 CHAR 1
PRAT3 ID for product attribute 3 PRAT3 CHAR 1
PRAT4 ID for product attribute 4 PRAT4 CHAR 1
PRAT5 ID for product attribute 5 PRAT5 CHAR 1
PRAT6 ID for product attribute 6 PRAT6 CHAR 1
PRAT7 ID for product attribute 7 PRAT7 CHAR 1
PRAT8 ID for product attribute 8 PRAT8 CHAR 1
PRAT9 ID for product attribute 9 PRAT9 CHAR 1
PRATA ID for product attribute 10 PRATA CHAR 1
RDPRF Rounding Profile RDPRF CHAR 4 RDPR
MEGRU Unit of Measure Group MEGRU CHAR 4 TWMEG
LFMAX Maximum delivery quantity in store order processing MAXLF QUAN 13
RJART Flag rackjobber material RJART CHAR 1
PBIND Indicator for price fixing PBIND CHAR 1
VAVME Variable Sales Unit Not Allowed VAVME CHAR 1
MATKC Competition characterization of a material MATKC CHAR 1
PVMSO Material sorting in product proposal PVMSO NUMC 8 *
/BEV1/EMDRCKSPL Print Column Empties Returns Block /BEV1/EMPRTCOL NUMC 1
/BEV1/RPBEZME Base Unit of Measure for Statistics Totals List/Planning /BEV1/RPBEZME UNIT 3 *
/BEV1/RPSNS No Allocation to Totals Field (Do not Total) /BEV1/RPSNS CHAR 1
/BEV1/RPSFA Assignment to Totals Field Category 1 /BEV1/RPSFA CHAR 1
/BEV1/RPSKI Assignment to Totals Field Category 2 /BEV1/RPSKI CHAR 1
/BEV1/RPSCO Assignment to Totals Field Category 3 /BEV1/RPSCO CHAR 1
/BEV1/RPSSO Assignment to Totals Field Category 4 /BEV1/RPSSO CHAR 1
NF_FLAG Indicator: Material Contains NF Metals /NFM/NFMAT CHAR 1