

Copy of DBA_SEGMENTS (currently not provided with snapshots)

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The table ORA_DBA_SEGMENTS (Copy of DBA_SEGMENTS (currently not provided with snapshots)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package STUN.

Technical Information

Short Text Copy of DBA_SEGMENTS (currently not provided with snapshots)
Package STUN
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table ORA_DBA_SEGMENTS

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SNAPSHOT_ID Oracle monitor: snapshot ID ORA_SNAPSHOT_ID NUMC 10 *
OWNER Oracle monitoring: Owner of the object ORA_OWNER_30 CHAR 30
SEGMENT_NAME Oracle monitoring: Segment name ORA_SEGMENT_NAME CHAR 81
PARTITION_NAME Oracle monitoring: Object Partition Name ORA_PARTITION_NAME CHAR 30
SEGMENT_TYPE Oracle monitoring: Segment type ORA_SEGMENT_TYPE CHAR 18
TABLESPACE_NAME Oracle monitoring: Tablespacename to which objects belong ORA_TABLESPACE_NAME CHAR 30
HEADER_FILE Oracle monitoring: ID of file containing the segment header ORA_HEADER_FILE DEC 22
HEADER_BLOCK Oracle monitoring:ID of block containing the segment header ORA_HEADER_BLOCK DEC 22
BYTES Oracle monitoring: Size of segment (Bytes) ORA_BYTES_SEG DEC 22
BLOCKS Oracle monitoring: Size of segment in Oracle blocks ORA_BLOCKS_SEG DEC 22
EXTENTS Oracle monitoring: Number of extents allocated to segment ORA_EXTENTS DEC 22
INITIAL_EXTENT Oracle monitoring: Size of the initial extent in bytes ORA_INITIAL_EXTENT DEC 22
NEXT_EXTENT Oracle monitor: Next extent ORA_NEXT_EXTENT DEC 22
MIN_EXTENTS Oracle monitor: Minimum extent ORA_MIN_EXTENTS DEC 22
MAX_EXTENTS Oracle monitor: Maximum extent ORA_MAX_EXTENTS DEC 22
PCT_INCREASE Oracle monitor. PCT increase ORA_PCT_INCREASE DEC 22
FREELISTS Oracle monitoring: Number of process freelists allocated ORA_FREELISTS DEC 22
FREELIST_GROUPS Oracle monitoring: Number of freelist groups allocated ORA_FREELIST_GROUPS DEC 22
RELATIVE_FNO Oracle monitoring: Relative file number of segment header ORA_RELATIVE_FNO DEC 22
BUFFER_POOL Oracle monitoring: The default buffer pool for the object ORA_BUFFER_POOL CHAR 7