
SAP Table PA0114

HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishment Amount D)

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The table PA0114 (HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishment Amount D)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PB01.

Technical Information

Table PA0114
Short Text HR Master Record: Infotype 0114 (Garnishment Amount D)
Package PB01
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table PA0114

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
PERNR Personnel number PERSNO NUMC 8 PA0003
OBJPS Object Identification OBJPS CHAR 2
SPRPS Lock Indicator for HR Master Data Record SPRPS CHAR 1
SEQNR Number of Infotype Record with Same Key SEQNR NUMC 3
UNAME Name of Person Who Changed Object AENAM CHAR 12
HISTO Historical Record Flag HISTO CHAR 1
ITXEX Text Exists for Infotype ITXEX CHAR 1
REFEX Reference Fields Exist (Primary/Secondary Costs) PRFEX CHAR 1
ORDEX Confirmation Fields Exist ORDEX CHAR 1
ITBLD Infotype Screen Control ITBLD CHAR 2
PREAS Reason for Changing Master Data PREAS CHAR 2 T530E
FLAG1 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG2 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG3 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
FLAG4 Reserved Field/Unused Field NUSED CHAR 1
RESE1 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2 CHAR 2
RESE2 Reserved Field/Unused Field of Length 2 NUSED2 CHAR 2
GRPVL Grouping Value for Personnel Assignments PCCE_GPVAL CHAR 4
PFART Garnishment Type PFARD CHAR 1
PFNUM Garnishment Number PFNUM NUMC 3
UNBER Number of persons entitled to support UNBER NUMC 2
PFREI Unseizable Amount BFREI CURR 9
PFMER Unseizable Surplus PFMER DEC 4
PFNET Amount not liable to garnishment - part of net income PFNET DEC 4
PFBAR Fixed Seizable Amount PFBAR CURR 9
PFREF Type of Usage for Fixed Seizable Amount PFREF CHAR 1
P850C Normal Calculation of Normal Garnishment P850C CHAR 1
PHEBK One-Tenth Increase PHEBK CHAR 1
PSOND Garnishment by Special Cases PSOND CHAR 2 T5D6C
PSTSV Tax/SI share not liable to garnishment PSTSV CHAR 1
BVBEZ Indicator: Special payments BVBEZ CHAR 1
ZFBTR Share with full garnishment liability TFBTR CURR 9
ZGRND Non-garnishable base amount TGRND CHAR 1
ZMEHR Indicator: Non-garnishable extra amount CMEHR CHAR 1
ZGRBT Non-garnishable base amount TGRBT CURR 9
ZMEIN Other income TMEIN CURR 9
ZVERF Procedure for Adding Several Incomes VERFH CHAR 1
VART1 Reference in preferential area (garnishment type) VPART CHAR 1
VNUM1 Reference in preferential area (garnishment number) VPNUM NUMC 3
VART2 Reference in preferential area (garnishment type) VPART CHAR 1
VNUM2 Reference in preferential area (garnishment number) VPNUM NUMC 3
VART3 Reference in preferential area (garnishment type) VPART CHAR 1
VNUM3 Reference in preferential area (garnishment number) VPNUM NUMC 3
FELD1 Field for Special Case P_99U_PF_FELDS CURR 7
FELD2 Field for Special Case P_99U_PF_FELDS CURR 7
FELD3 Field for Special Case P_99U_PF_FELDS CURR 7
FELD4 Field for Special Case P_99U_PF_FELDS CURR 7
FELD5 Field for Special Case P_99U_PF_FELDS CURR 7
FELD6 Field for Special Case P_99U_PF_FELDS CURR 7
VOB01 Current number of capital formation contract VWLOB CHAR 4
VOB02 Current number of capital formation contract VWLOB CHAR 4
VOB03 Current number of capital formation contract VWLOB CHAR 4
VOB04 Current number of capital formation contract VWLOB CHAR 4
VOB05 Current number of capital formation contract VWLOB CHAR 4
VOB06 Current number of capital formation contract VWLOB CHAR 4
VOB07 Current number of capital formation contract VWLOB CHAR 4
VOB08 Current number of capital formation contract VWLOB CHAR 4
VOB09 Current number of capital formation contract VWLOB CHAR 4
VOB10 Current number of capital formation contract VWLOB CHAR 4
ABW_VBTRG Different Unseizable Employee Contribution Capital Formation PDE_PF_ABW_VBTRG CURR 9
VORRB Maintenance Garnishment Garnishes First from Priority Area PDE_PF_VORRB CHAR 1