
SAP Table S006BIW1

S006BIW1 * SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/

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SAP-Änderungs- und Transportmanagement: Architektur und Wartung der SAP-Systemlandschaft

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The table S006BIW1 (S006BIW1 * SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package MCS.

Technical Information

Table S006BIW1
Short Text S006BIW1 * SIS: Sales Rep/SalesOrg/DistCh/Division/Customer/
Package MCS
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table S006BIW1

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date SPTAG DATS 8
VRTNR Sales employee VRTNR NUMC 8
VKORG Sales Organization VKORG CHAR 4 TVKO
VTWEG Distribution Channel VTWEG CHAR 2 TVTW
KUNNR Sold-to party KUNAG CHAR 10 KNA1
MATNR Material Number MATNR CHAR 18 MARA
VRSIO Version number in the information structure VRSIO CHAR 3 *
SPMON Period to analyze - month SPMON NUMC 6
SPWOC Period to analyze - week SPWOC NUMC 6
SPBUP Period to analyze - posting period SPBUP NUMC 6
SSOUR Statistic(s) origin SSOUR CHAR 4
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant PERIV CHAR 2 T009
VWDAT Pointer to administrative data VWDAT NUMC 10
STWAE Statistics currency WAERS_V CUKY 5 TCURC
BASME Base Unit of Measure MEINS UNIT 3 T006
AENETWR Net value of incoming orders MC_AENETWR CURR 19
RENETWR Net value of incoming returns MC_RENETWR CURR 19
UMNETWR Net value of invoiced sales MC_UMNETWR CURR 19
GUNETWR Net value of credit memos MC_GUNETWR CURR 19
AEKZWI1 Incoming orders: gross MC_AEKZWI1 CURR 17
AEKZWI2 Incoming orders: net 1 MC_AEKZWI2 CURR 17
AEKZWI3 Incoming orders: net 2 MC_AEKZWI3 CURR 17
AEKZWI4 Incoming orders: freight MC_AEKZWI4 CURR 17
AEKZWI5 Incoming orders: pricing subtotal 5 MC_AEKZWI5 CURR 17
AEKZWI6 Incoming orders: pricing subtotal 6 MC_AEKZWI6 CURR 17
REKZWI1 Incoming returns: gross MC_REKZWI1 CURR 17
REKZWI2 Incoming returns: net 1 MC_REKZWI2 CURR 17
REKZWI3 Incoming returns: net 2 MC_REKZWI3 CURR 17
REKZWI4 Incoming returns: freight MC_REKZWI4 CURR 17
REKZWI5 Incoming returns: pricing subtotal 5 MC_REKZWI5 CURR 17
REKZWI6 Incoming returns: pricing subtotal 6 MC_REKZWI6 CURR 17
UMKZWI1 Invoiced sales: gross MC_UMKZWI1 CURR 17
UMKZWI2 Invoiced sales: net 1 MC_UMKZWI2 CURR 17
UMKZWI3 Invoiced sales: net 2 MC_UMKZWI3 CURR 17
UMKZWI4 Invoice freight charges MC_UMKZWI4 CURR 17
UMKZWI5 Billing document: pricing subtotal 5 MC_UMKZWI5 CURR 17
UMKZWI6 Billing document: pricing subtotal 6 MC_UMKZWI6 CURR 17
GUKZWI1 Credit memos: gross MC_GUKZWI1 CURR 17
GUKZWI2 Credit memos: net 1 MC_GUKZWI2 CURR 17
GUKZWI3 Credit memos: net 2 MC_GUKZWI3 CURR 17
GUKZWI4 Credit memos: freight MC_GUKZWI4 CURR 17
GUKZWI5 Credit memos: pricing subtotal 5 MC_GUKZWI5 CURR 17
GUKZWI6 Credit memos: pricing subtotal 6 MC_GUKZWI6 CURR 17
ANZAUPOS Number of order items MC_ANZAUPO DEC 9
ANZREPOS No.of returns items MC_ANZREPO DEC 9
AEMENGE Incoming orders quantity MC_AEMENGE QUAN 15
GUMENGE Credit memos quantity MC_GUMENGE QUAN 15
AEWAVWR Cost of incoming orders MC_AEWAVWR CURR 19
REWAVWR Incoming returns: cost MC_REWAVWR CURR 19
UMWAVWR Cost of invoiced sales MC_UMWAVWR CURR 19
GUWAVWR Credit memos: cost MC_GUWAVWR CURR 19