
SAP Table S469

Erweiterte Bonusabrechnung

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The table S469 (Erweiterte Bonusabrechnung) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package RBT_ENH.

Technical Information

Table S469
Short Text Erweiterte Bonusabrechnung
Package RBT_ENH
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table S469

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SSOUR Statistic(s) origin SSOUR CHAR 4
VRSIO Version number in the information structure VRSIO CHAR 3 *
KNUMH Condition record number KNUMH CHAR 10
KOPOS Sequential number of the condition KOPOS NUMC 2
SPMON Period to analyze - month SPMON NUMC 6
SPTAG Period to analyze - current date SPTAG DATS 8
SPWOC Period to analyze - week SPWOC NUMC 6
SPBUP Period to analyze - posting period SPBUP NUMC 6
VAKEY Variable key 100 bytes VAKEY CHAR 100
PERIV Fiscal Year Variant PERIV CHAR 2 *
VWDAT Pointer to administrative data VWDAT NUMC 10
STWAE Statistics currency STWAE CUKY 5 TCURC
KMEIN Condition unit in the document KVMEI UNIT 3 *
AUWRT Rebate: Rebate payments in local currency MC_AUWRT CURR 19
RUWRT Rebate: Accrued value in local currency MC_RUWRT CURR 19
RRWRT Rebate: Accruals reversed on the basis of local currency MC_RRWRT CURR 19
KWERT_K Cumulative condition value (Cond.curr.) MC_KWERT_K CURR 19
KAWRT_K Cumulative condition base value (cond.curr.) MC_KAWRT_K CURR 19
KSTBS Cumulative scale base value MC_KSTBS CURR 19
KWAEH Condition currency (for cumulation fields) KWAEH CUKY 5 *
KZBZG Scale basis indicator KZBZG CHAR 1
KONMS Condition scale unit of measure KONMS UNIT 3 *
KONWS Scale currency KONWS CUKY 5 *
KRECH Calculation type for condition KRECH CHAR 1
AUWRT_K Rebate: Value of payments in condition currency MC_AUWRT_K CURR 19
RUWRT_K Rebate: Accruals value in condition currency MC_RUWRT_K CURR 19
RRWRT_K Rebate: Accruals reversed in condition currency MC_RRWRT_K CURR 19
BOSTA Status of the agreement BOSTA CHAR 1