

Version Table: Registration of DS Objects

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The table SIGNOBJECTV (Version Table: Registration of DS Objects) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package DS.

Technical Information

Short Text Version Table: Registration of DS Objects
Package DS
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table SIGNOBJECTV

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SIGN_APPL Application of the Digital Signature SIGN_APPL CHAR 8 SIGNAPPL
SIGN_OBJECT Digital Signature Object SIGN_OBJECT CHAR 8 *
SIGN_VERSION Digital Signature Registration Version SIGN_VERSION NUMC 2
SIGN_META_NAME Table for Application-Dependent Metadata SIGN_META_NAME CHAR 30 DD09L
SIGN_PROT_NAME Structure or Table to be Displayed in Log SIGN_STRUC CHAR 30 DD02L
SIGN_SUBOBJECT Application Log: Subobject BALSUBOBJ CHAR 20 *
SIGN_COMM_DISP Allow Comment for Digital Signature SIGN_COMM_DISP CHAR 1
SIGN_REMARK_DISP Allow Remark for Digital Signature SIGN_REMARK_DISP CHAR 1
SIGN_REASON_DISP Display Object Description for Digital Signature SIGN_FLAG2 CHAR 1
SIGN_DOC_DISP Display Document to Be Signed SIGN_FLAG3 CHAR 1