
SAP Table SKB1

G/L account master (company code)

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The table SKB1 (G/L account master (company code)) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package FBS.

Technical Information

Table SKB1
Short Text G/L account master (company code)
Package FBS
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table SKB1

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
BUKRS Company Code BUKRS CHAR 4 T001
SAKNR G/L Account Number SAKNR CHAR 10 SKA1
BEGRU Authorization Group BRGRU CHAR 4 *
BUSAB Accounting clerk BUSAB CHAR 2 T001S
DATLZ Date of the last interest calculation run DATLZ DATS 8
ERDAT Date on which the Record Was Created ERDAT_RF DATS 8
ERNAM Name of Person who Created the Object ERNAM_RF CHAR 12
FDGRV Planning group FDGRV CHAR 10 T035
FDLEV Planning level FDLEV CHAR 2 T036
FIPLS Financial Budget Item FIPLS NUMC 3
FSTAG Field status group FSTAG CHAR 4 T004F
HBKID Short Key for a House Bank HBKID CHAR 5 T012
HKTID ID for account details HKTID CHAR 5 T012K
KDFSL Key for Exchange Rate Differences in Foreign Currency Accts KDFSL CHAR 4 T030S
MITKZ Account is reconciliation account MITKZ CHAR 1
MWSKZ Tax Category in Account Master Record SMWSK CHAR 2
STEXT G/L account additional text STEXT_SKB1 CHAR 50
VZSKZ Interest calculation indicator VZSKZ CHAR 2 T056
WAERS Account currency WAERS_SKB1 CUKY 5 TCURC
WMETH Indicator: account managed in external system WMETH CHAR 2
XGKON Cash receipt account / cash disbursement account XGKON CHAR 1
XINTB Indicator: Is account only posted to automatically? XINTB CHAR 1
XKRES Indicator: Can Line Items Be Displayed by Account? XKRES CHAR 1
XLOEB Indicator: Account marked for deletion? XLOEV CHAR 1
XNKON Indicator: Supplement for automatic postings ? XNKON CHAR 1
XOPVW Indicator: Open item management? XOPVW CHAR 1
XSPEB Indicator: Is Account Blocked for Posting? XSPEB CHAR 1
ZINDT Key date of the last interest calculation DZINDT DATS 8
ZINRT Interest calculation frequency in months DZINRT NUMC 2
ZUAWA Key for sorting according to assignment numbers DZUAWA CHAR 3 TZUN
ALTKT Alternative account number in company code ALTKT_SKB1 CHAR 10 *
XMITK Indicator: Reconcil.acct ready for input at time of posting? XMITK CHAR 1
RECID Recovery Indicator JV_RECIND CHAR 2 T8JJ
FIPOS Commitment Item FIPOS CHAR 14 *
XMWNO Indicator: Tax code is not a required field XMWNO CHAR 1
XSALH Indicator: Only Manage Balances in Local Currency XSALH CHAR 1
BEWGP Valuation Group BEWGP CHAR 10
TOGRU Tolerance Group for G/L Accounts TOGRU_S CHAR 4 T043S
XLGCLR Clearing Specific to Ledger Groups XLGCLR CHAR 1