
SAP Table T042B

Details on the company codes that must pay

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The table T042B (Details on the company codes that must pay) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package BFIBL_CHECK_D.

Technical Information

Table T042B
Short Text Details on the company codes that must pay
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T042B

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
ZBUKR Paying company code DZBUKR CHAR 4 T001
MINDS Minimum Amount for Incoming Payment MINDS CURR 7
MINDH Minimum Amount for Outgoing Payment MINDH CURR 7
AFORN Name of the Form for the Payment Advice AFORN CHAR 16
PDFAF Name of the PDF-based Form for the Payment Advice Note AFORN_PDF CHAR 30
XKDFB Do not Post any Exchange Rate Differences XKDFB_042E CHAR 1
EFORN EDI Accompanying Sheet Name EFORN CHAR 16
PDFEF Name of the PDF-based Form for the EDI Accompanying Sheet EFORN_PDF CHAR 30
XWFAB Indicator: One Bill of Exchange per Invoice Item? XWFAB CHAR 1
XWFAF Indicator: One Bill of Exchange per Due Date? XWFAF CHAR 1
XWFAI Indicator: One Bill of Exchange per Due Date Interval? XWFAI CHAR 1
WAVON Minimum Life of the Bill of Exchange for Outgoing Payments WAVON NUMC 3
WABIS Maximum Life of the Bill of Exchange for Outgoing Payments WABIS NUMC 3
WEBIS Maximum Life of the Bill of Exchange WEBIS NUMC 3
WSICH Number of Days Until Which a Bill on Demand is Created WSICH NUMC 2
XKIDS Separate Payment for each Payment Reference XKIDS CHAR 1
X_DD_PRENOTIF Payment Runs for Direct Debit Pre-notifications X_DD_PRENOTIF_042B CHAR 1
XKDFB_PP No Exchange Rate Differences for Partial Payments XKDFB_PP CHAR 1
SEPA_REC_CRDID Creditor Identification Number SEPA_CRDID CHAR 35