SAP Table T437S

Repetitive Manufacturing Profile Table

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The table T437S (Repetitive Manufacturing Profile Table) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package MD04.

Technical Information

Table T437S
Short Text Repetitive Manufacturing Profile Table
Package MD04
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T437S

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
SFPRO Repetitive manufacturing profile SFEPR CHAR 4
AUART Production type SA_AUART CHAR 4
BACKF Post goods receipts and goods issues BACKF CHAR 1
KSART Cost collector order type KSAAR CHAR 4 T003O
LABOR Activity backflush to product cost collector SA_LABOR CHAR 1
BWAWA Movement type for goods issue SA_BWARTWA CHAR 3 *
BWAWE Movement type for goods receipt SA_BWARTWE CHAR 3 *
REDST Reducing production quantities in REM backflushing SA_REDST CHAR 1
REDHZ Period in which plnd ords. or RS quantities are reduced SA_REDHZ DEC 3
BAKOR Option for correcting backflushing errors SA_BAKOR CHAR 1
RRETR Indicator: Backlogs from backflushing SA_RRETR CHAR 1
REPPT Backflushing with reporting points SA_REPPT CHAR 1
AUTOWE Automatic GR in backflushing for last reporting point SA_AUTOWE CHAR 1
BWASC Movement type for scrap SA_BWARTSC CHAR 3 *
BWACO Movement type for by-product SA_BWARTCO CHAR 3 *
BWAWEM Movement type for GR for individual sales order SA_BWAWEM CHAR 3 *
XFAN1 Firming logic for repetitive manufacturing FXLOG CHAR 1
BWAWAM Movement type for GI - individual stock of sales order SA_BWAWAM CHAR 3 *
BWACR Mvmt type for GI from plant stock for sales order SA_BWACR CHAR 3 *
PLGEN Planned ord. - create for amount of reversal - GR - quantity SA_PLGEN CHAR 1
BWAWES Movement type for reversing goods receipt SA_BWRTWES CHAR 3 *
BWAWAS Movement type for reversing goods issue SA_BWRTWAS CHAR 3 *
BWASCS Movement type for reversing scrap SA_BWRTSCS CHAR 3 *
BWACOS Movement type for reversing by-product SA_BWRTCOS CHAR 3 *
BWAWEMS Movement type for reversing GR of individual sales order SA_BWAWEMS CHAR 3 *
BWAWAMS Mtype f. reversing GI of individual stock of sales order SA_BWAWAMS CHAR 3 *
BWACRS Movmt type for reversing GI from plnt stock for sales order SA_BWACRS CHAR 3 *
BCKFL Backflush with cost estimate/standard cost est. for material SA_BCKFL CHAR 1
AGREQ Aggregated dependent requirements AGRES CHAR 1
NODUM No requirements for phantom assembly NODUM CHAR 1
PRZST Control confirmation process CO_PRZST CHAR 4 TPRRU
CHSMM Search procedure for batch determination KALSMA_CH CHAR 6 T683
RULES Stock determination rule BF_RULES CHAR 4 T434R
BWULACT Batch Where-Used List in Repetitive Manufacturing BFBWUL CHAR 1
KZTTZ Backflush: BOM Explosion by Deadline Technical State Logic BF_TTZ CHAR 1
RP_KANBAN Reporting Point Confirmation with Kanban Cards SA_RPKANBAN CHAR 1