

Infotype 0279 Fund and Employee Grouping Data

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The table T5CPM (Infotype 0279 Fund and Employee Grouping Data) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PK02.

Technical Information

Table T5CPM
Short Text Infotype 0279 Fund and Employee Grouping Data
Package PK02
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T5CPM

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
KASSE Pension fund P02K_KASSE CHAR 4 T5CP0
PKGRP HR-CH: PF: Employee grouping for field assignment It 0270 P02K_PKGRP NUMC 2 T5CP6
VTY01 PC Value Type P02_VALTY CHAR 4 T5CA2
VTY02 PC Value Type P02_VALTY CHAR 4 T5CA2
VTY03 PC Value Type P02_VALTY CHAR 4 T5CA2
VTY04 PC Value Type P02_VALTY CHAR 4 T5CA2
VTY05 PC Value Type P02_VALTY CHAR 4 T5CA2
AQACT PC Action for Ad Hoc Query P02K_AQACT CHAR 2 T5CAY