
SAP Table T5D5D

Supplementary Benefits for Civil Service: Message Fields

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The table T5D5D (Supplementary Benefits for Civil Service: Message Fields) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package P01O.

Technical Information

Table T5D5D
Short Text Supplementary Benefits for Civil Service: Message Fields
Package P01O
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T5D5D

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
MEKEY Notification Key VMEKY NUMC 2
MELAR Type of Notification Table MELAR NUMC 2
TABFD Table Field Name TABFD CHAR 5
FEVON First Field Character FEVON NUMC 3
FEBIS Last Field Character FEBIS NUMC 3
MTEXT Description of Notification Field MFTXT CHAR 38
MEL01 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL02 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL03 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL04 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL05 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL06 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL07 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL08 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL09 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL10 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL11 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL12 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL13 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL14 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
MEL15 Reason for Notifications MELDG CHAR 3
BER01 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER02 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER03 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER04 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER05 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER06 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER07 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER08 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER09 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER10 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER11 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER12 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER13 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER14 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
BER15 Notification Reason for Corrections BERIG CHAR 3
STO01 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO02 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO03 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO04 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO05 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO06 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO07 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO08 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO09 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO10 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO11 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO12 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO13 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO14 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3
STO15 Notification Reason for Reversals STORNG CHAR 3