

HR-PT: Processing variants for vacation allowance

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The table T5PVA (HR-PT: Processing variants for vacation allowance) is a standard table in SAP ERP. It belongs to the package PC19.

Technical Information

Table T5PVA
Short Text HR-PT: Processing variants for vacation allowance
Package PC19
Table Type Transparent Table

Fields for Table T5PVA

Field Name Key Description Data Element Type Length Check Table
VAGRP Vacation allowance grouping PPT_VAGRP CHAR 2
ALLTY Type of vacation allowance PPT_ALLTY CHAR 1
WGTYP Vacation allowance payment wage type PPT_WGTYP CHAR 4 *
PAYTR Vacation allowance payment triggering method PPT_PAYTR CHAR 1
EARLD Earliest date for payment of vacation allowance PPT_EARLD NUMC 2
LATED Latest date for payment of vacation allowance PPT_LATED NUMC 2
MINLE Minimum no.of leave days for VA payment to be triggered PPT_MINLE NUMC 2
PWPSW "Pay-when-possible" switch for vacation allowance payments PPT_PWPSW CHAR 1
QUOTM Method to consider leave absences depending on quota valid PPT_QUOTM CHAR 1
FIXWT Wage type with fixed component of VA reference remuneration PPT_FIXWT CHAR 4 *
EFREF Method for building effective VA reference remuneration PPT_EFREF CHAR 1
AVGWT Wage type with variable component of VA reference remuner. PPT_AVGWT CHAR 4 *
RESP1 Transfer of VA payment responsibility with new contract PPT_RESP1 CHAR 1
RESP2 Transfer of VA payment responsibility with entity change PPT_RESP2 CHAR 1
AEVAL Flag for "as earned" principle in VA processing PPT_AEVAL CHAR 1
ESTME Method for annual estimation of vacation allowance PPT_ESTME CHAR 1
TERM1 Triggering of VA payment in case of contract termination PPT_TERM1 CHAR 1
TERM2 Triggering of VA payment in case of change of entity PPT_TERM2 CHAR 1
TERM3 Triggering of VA payment in case of pensioner status PPT_TERM3 CHAR 1
TERM4 Triggering of VA payment in case of inactive status PPT_TERM4 CHAR 1
ADJWT Wage type for adjustments of vacation allowance payments PPT_ADJWT CHAR 4 *
LADJD Latest date for adjustment of vacation allowance PPT_LADJD NUMC 2
ADCWT Wage type for VA regarding days calculated on current year PPT_ADCWT CHAR 4 *
CHCO1 Flag for affecting VA annual estimation due to part-time PPT_CHCO1 CHAR 1
ADJPY Flag for immediate adjustment of vacation allowance payment PPT_ADJPY CHAR 1
BDAYS No.of leave days for calculation PPT_BDAYS NUMC 2
ADJHY Leave allowance adjustment of hiring year PPT_ADJHY CHAR 1
ADJ2Y Maximum no.of leave days paid in second year PPT_ADJ2Y NUMC 2